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(English) How to Have a Rally for Bradley Manning

2011-03-13 3 comentarii


3 comentarii »

  • Tom

    Once again, you folks are being manipulated and steered to the sideshow while Coombs and the Army JAG bubbas are concocting some backroom deals. I know that it may be hard for you all to understand however, Quantico is merely housing Manning! The Army is the one who is placing the “Capital” as in “Death Penalty” eligible charges on Manning – Is any of this making sense to you folks? I’m sure that poor Bradley will find comfort in the fact that you were more concerned about his course blanket than the Capital Charges as he is marched toward the hangman’s noose!

    2011-03-13 21:31
  • Tom Baxter

    The article looks excellent and should not be date specific, because it can be used again.

    Other groups to be considered are the tradtional peace churches, Friends, Brethern, Mennonites, etc., Also, Unitarian, Pax Christi and United Churches and other churches ‘social concerns’ committees.

    The National Lawyers Guild has a good run down on your rights to petition your government for redress.[Protest] This one is for California, but it has much general applicability.

    While the Guild is well represented in California and major metropolitan areas, pickings are real slim other places.

    The ACLU, while is not as friendly to Bradley is very friendly to the Bill of Rights and are far more common than the NLG. They provide SOAW with legal help.
    Here’s a brochure from them:

    2011-03-13 23:57
  • Rainey (autor)

    @Tom Baxter — Thanks, we’ll reformat the page after the events next week and remove the “date specific” stuff. Thanks for the other great tips — I’ll work them in.

    2011-03-14 00:25

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