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What Can I Do?

I’m just one person, what can I do to help save Bradley Manning?

Our network is made up of people as well as organizations. Even if you are all on your own, there are many ways you can reach out in your community and beyond. Here are 10 ways people can get involved. Have other ideas? Leave them in the comments!

  1. Write a letter to your representatives. Send a letter to your representatives in Congress and the President expressing your support for Bradley Manning and calling for his release.
  2. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Explain that you and thousands of others believe that the Collateral Murder video belongs in the public domain and should never have been classified. If Bradley Manning did release that video, he was exposing war crimes and the charges against him should be dropped. You may be able to find your local newspapers’ contact information here.
  3. Reach out to activist, government transparency, media reform and peace organizations in your community. Many of these organizations are already concerned about Bradley Manning. Ask them to pass resolutions in support for Bradley Manning and calling for his immediate release, and to let us know by emailing press at bradleymanning dot org.
  4. Link to bradleymanning.org. Put links on websites, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, blogs or anywhere else. In your own words, explain what we’re trying to do and why you think it’s important for everyone to stand up for Bradley Manning.
  5. Organize a rally. The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling for individuals and activists internationally to organize rallies in defense of Bradley Manning on the weekend of September 18th. An effective rally needs just a few things: 1) A camera. Send the photos to press at bradleymanning dot org and we’ll get them on our website. 2) A few posters. Specifically state that you support Bradley Manning and call for his release. 3) Some people. Whether you are 3 people or 30,000, all that matters is that people know and care. If you rally on the weekend of September 18th, you’ll be joining thousands of other groups internationally showing their support for Bradley Manning. Let us know about your rally before it happens and we’ll promote it on our website. Email your announcement to press at bradleymanning dot org.
  6. Volunteer. Your skills can make a difference. We need people writing articles, soliciting organizations for support, making YouTube videos, creating posters and working on our campaign. Visit bradleymanning.org/stay-in-touch/ to learn more.
  7. Donate. The Bradley Manning defense fund, hosted by Courage to Resist, will be instrumental in this case. Every donation – even just $10 – can make a difference. Please visit www.couragetoresist.org/bradley or write a check to “Courage to Resist” and mail it to Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. Make sure to note “Bradley Manning Defense” on the memo line.
  8. Hold a whistleblower houseparty. Everyone likes to party, but why not use a gathering of friends as a way to spread awareness about Bradley Manning? Hand out whistles as party favors and collect donations for the Bradley Manning defense fund.
  9. Organize a public viewing of the Collateral Murder video. You can find local theaters, coffee shops, art spaces or even private homes that might let you screen the video. Announce it on the Internet and in community calendars.
  10. Talk to your friends and family. Many people still don’t know about Bradley Manning’s imprisonment. Others haven’t seen the Collateral Murder video. Show them the video, tell them about Bradley Manning and tell them why you believe in the campaign. Then ask them to join us.

Together, we can make a difference.



  • Topper said:

    Add a banner to your emails that links to bradleymanning.org.
    Instructions for adding a banner that generates automatically every time you create an email can be found at:

  • Tom Baxter said:

    This is a fine page if you already know what it’s all about. But the only place easily found that tells is under the ABOUT button.
    There should be a button that’s says: WHY BRADLEY SHOULD BE FREE!! So those in total/partial ignorance can easily find out why.

  • kyle wyenberg said:

    Thank You Bradley Manning;
    My family and I are forever in your debt for your contribution and leadership in protecting freedom by standing up to those that abuse it. I hope that your supporters find a way to free you.
    Kyle Wyenberg

  • matthew dill said:

    what did he do wrong

  • Diane said:

    I have a few questions.
    Isn’t there some law that was passed by your president Bush to have all the information on JFK released? Wouldn’t those laws apply to this case? What is his lawyer doing with the Freedom of Information Act? I’m a Canadian and I really don’t know much about politics but I do know that if your willing to do something you better be willing to stand up and say you did it. That’s just a moral human standard that all should live by. There seems to be no problem in pointing fingers and rallying the American citizens when another country’s citizen(s) kills an American(s). I believe it is referred to as a “terrorist attack”. That is usually big news and mentioned on all media. Well, what do you call what this video shows? Shouldn’t these soldiers be held to the same standard as the rest of the world? Why have you arrested the man telling the truth and set the American soldiers committing a terrorist attack free? Doesn’t your country pride itself on freedom of speech or is that just an illusion?
    We raise our children to have values, morals and courage; and your country condemns it’s son for standing up for what’s right and not hiding a hideous truth that your other sons committed. Your spanking the wrong child. What message do you think your sending? Shame on you for that.
    If you find he was in the wrong or went about obtaining justice the wrong way and broke some security law in the process by all means correct the young man. But you have not done your job. You forgot to prosecute the ones involved in the terrorist attack. If the tables were turned and the exact scenario was performed on a group of Americans this news would be front page for a long time. Not brushed under the rug because you are ashamed. Not taking it out on the messenger to cover it up. This is a black mark on the other 98% of soldiers who are dedicated to protecting and serving your country. Not to mention the faith in the leaders of your country for allowing this horrible situation to be brushed under the rug. They should be protecting from the racist ideals that caused the attack in the first place. The soldiers acting like judge, jury and firing squad should not have preconceived notions or emotions to base justifying the killing of innocent civilians of any country. Hard facts. These soldiers saw something in the hands of these men but had not confirmed what was in the hands of these men. Through assumption based on fear or racism these soldiers made a false diagnosis obtaining permission to open fire on civilians and they should be prosecuted on the evidence and facts.

  • Andrew said:

    Well done for having the courage to stand up and inform the world of the crimes of the US military.

  • chris said:

    The Army is at fault in not providing an explaination.
    Pvt. Manning was morally right in telling the world of this horrible event.
    The army must examine the action and determine if firing at the target was justified or even intentional. There is a question here ? as firing an automatic weapon from a whirrling, turning gunship is not pin point accurate. The experience of the gunners and the mission they were assigned are a question for the army to answer??

  • xc said:

    How can we win the war on terrorism if we are terrorists ourselves? Praise Manning for leaking this video. After watching “Collateral Murder”, I legitimately asked myself how proud I was to be an American. And I can honestly say not very.

  • stefan. said:

    HiI´m Stefan and I am from Bavaria;Germany.I just read Bradleys story in a newspaper and feel very sorry for him.I think it´s not a crime to expose war crimes and for me it`s a horrible thought that this brave young man will be in prison for the rest of his life.There are many poor people on this planet,but I can understand brad in a special way,why he felt so isolated,cos I´m gay like him and also often was very isolated,because Bavaria is very conservative,very catholic and so a lot of people dont like homosexual people.My big problem is,that all the supporters seem to be american,what can I do here in Germany,I really want to support him ,because I had ters in my eyes when I read his story.I want him to know that many people fight for him,also in foreign countries,he should never have the feeling he is alone.It`s a scandal when he goes in prison for fifty years and soldiers who committed this crimes are in freedom,it would show me again that the worlds very unfair and disgusting sometimes

  • John said:

    Can he use the internet in jail ?

    Dude what you did is something unbelievable.Surely you have many offers, I saw that they moved Wikileaks servers, but if they/you need some help, i´m from Argentina, we can help you guys.

    You started this in a very brave way and now you’re, unfortunately, paying for it, but the information can not be stopped, if you need help do not hesitate to contact us.

    I hope you get your freedom soon !

  • stefan. said:

    Hey dudes,here is again stefan from Germany.Can anyone tell me,how I can help him the most,because I feel so powerless.I do not want him to spent the rest of his life in prison.Although he is a hero for many people,it does not help him,when he is in prison til he is an old man,this thought breaks my heart,that sounds ridiculous but I really feel sympathy for him.It was really brave,he is a kind of hero,but heroes often have a cruel life.As you see Sophie and Hans Scholl were German heroes,who fought against nazi ideology,but they were executed by the state.Rosa luxemburg was also a brave woman who fought for better conditions in the society and for freedom in the fist world war,she was also tortured and sent to prison many times.She was then executed by a military person,very cruel.you see,it is not always good to be a hero,but I am really,really afraid of him and I have the feeling I canot do something as a poor student from Germany.Please answer me,what I can do and communicate with me about Bradley,I would like to have some communication here,so please write back to me,if you do not want it is also ok

  • Marc said:

    Dear Bradley,

    People like you, Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange are the bright lights in a dark, dark world. You dared to put your own freedom on the line for a chance to do right thing. It is a rare thing to see such courage and responsibility.
    As a concerned citizen of this world, I thank you for restoring a bit of hope for all of us.
    Keep up the good fight. We are with you.

  • Patrick said:

    Quote from Ron Paul, a republican Tea Party endorsed politician I usually disagree with. But on Wikileaks I do agree with him:

    “In a free society we’re supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, then we’re in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it.”

    Truth is a crime in an empire of lies…

    2 Stefan: I know 2 small things you can do:
    1-use your own email addresses and facebook (or hyves or twitter) account to spread the word; I am quite sure none of my friends here in the Netherlands had heard of Bradley a week ago but now I’m sure many of them know and thanks to Wikileaks there is much to refer to with hyperlinks these days:)
    2-throughout life (try to) maintain integrity when facing injustices and help those who are in need. Bradley showed the way, we all can follow his example on a smaller scale and speak out when our fellow human beings are confronted with injustices…

    “alle Menschen werden Bruder”

  • stefan. said:

    2Patrick,thank u for answering me,the idea is good,we must help our brother and built a strong community against this injustice.Without Manning,the world woud not have seen this warcrimes and for that he should go in jail,thats stupid.I read an chat of bradley when he talked to Lamo the…….who was the reason,why he is in jail.In this chat you could see he is an idealistic man

  • Nore said:

    Dear Manning, really wanna protect you!
    Just hold on, and the weight of the world will give you the strength to go!
    Hold on, you are our personal hero!

  • josh w said:

    Bradley Manning is a hero and so is Julian Assange. In my opinion the most we can do for these people is to never forget the sacrifices that these two are making in the name of true freedom of information and true freedom of speech. I only hope the day will come when I can also step up and make the kind of impact that these two have.

    Now we finally see the true power that one person can have against the entire world in the name of truth and justice. Long live the power of one!

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