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(English) House, Mitnick discuss Manning’s confinement with Australian Broadcasting

2011-02-21 10 评论


10 评论 »

  • Shane D

    I have just finished watching the Four Corners episode here in Brisbane, Australia, and from my observations, it reflects the opposing forces at play within the US. The treatment of Bradley Manning is a mirror to the hypocrisy and sectional interests that infest the higher echelons of the country. On the other hand, seeing the articulate David House and hearing about Manning’s story demonstrates the country’s conscience that espouses justice and truth. With people such as these fighting the good fight, the US still has a chance to redeem its failings and be the principled nation that it ought to be.

    2011-02-21 05:41
  • katherina sommer

    Dear David, I was shocked when I saw the report on TV about the scandal about B. Manning. I wish that justice will be done for him and he gets free soon. I wish him the strength he needs to go through all this torture. It hurts. His doing was unique and I have the highest respect for him. Thank you for supporting him. Katherina

    2011-02-21 10:49
  • Rocki


    As you can see I am doing my bit for Bradley, I found this picture and was shocked, this should be flashed around the world. The deep lines in his forehead and the lower lid drooping are the results of anti-depressants which cause the muscles in the face to contort.

    Bradley’s only crime, he does not believe in cold blooded murder. I fear for him and pray we get him out of there and soon.

    2011-02-21 16:44
  • Mike Gogulski

    @Rocki, and others: The person pictured in the photo on the website you link to is NOT PFC Bradley E. Manning, but one Kenneth Bradley Manning, arrested last April in a completely unrelated case in Oregon.

    See http://www.oregonlive.com/clackamascounty/index.ssf/2010/04/police_arrest_woman_in_stabbin.html

    Please stop spreading this false association.

    2011-02-21 19:17
  • Abigail McIntyre

    If the treatment of Mannering is considered fair, he should be joined by everyone involved in disseminating the so called “intelligence” reports that were used to justify tax payer funded occupation of other nations and which induced nations like Australia to join in.

    2011-03-02 19:12
  • michele deranleau

    I have notified my congressperson that I am concerned about the conditions of Mr. Manning’s confinement. Please do the same.

    And pray for Bradley and send him strength — it worked for Gabby Giffords.

    2011-03-04 23:56
  • Sarah

    Hey Rocki, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the picture you referred to isn’t our Bradley Manning. It destroyed any interest on my part to read what you have to say.

    2011-03-05 12:10
  • Rocki

    The image was sent to me from an American blogger, it was a genuine mistake I apologize and have removed the image. I rely on information sent to me and had faith in the sender. I have deleted the blog and will not mention Bradley Manning again.

    2011-03-05 14:38
  • Pat G

    Please call your Congressman and Senators at (202) 224-3121 and demand that they join in public condemnation of the unAmerican, cruel, and sadistic treatment being inflicted on this young man.
    We need to dramatically increase the volume of condemnation against his captors.

    Spread the word on every blog!!!

    2011-03-06 09:12
  • alberto brussain

    sorry for my english,dont worry bradley,,los que se juegan la vida por sus ideales nunca estaran solos ,,muchos en el mundo estaran contigo en todos los momentos,desde todos los rincones del planeta,aferrate fuerte a esos mismos ideales ,nunca podran vencerte ,solo te dañaran fisicamente, es terrible saber de las injusticias y no denunciarlas como si haz hecho tu,,no estas solo,ellos si solo tienen el dinero.- un abrazo

    2011-03-10 17:40




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