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Bradley Manning is a US Army intelligence analyst currently imprisoned at Marine Base Quantico in Quantico, Virginia, awaiting court martial. If the allegations against him are true, he has risked his well-being by attempting to expose certain questionable actions of the U.S. Military, most famously in the form of releasing the collateral murder

"We SUPPORT BRADLEY MANNING & WikiLeaks for Leaking the Story of US War Crimes in Iraq" — National Peace Conference
"From what I’ve heard of (Pfc. Bradley) Manning, he is a new hero of mine." — Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistle-blower
Legal Defense Fund
Outreach Material
Facebook Groups
- Part Time Paid Internship w/ Peace.org: Web (CMS) / HTML / Social Media
- Global Bradley Manning Action Days in Support of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower
- How to Have a Rally for Bradley Manning
- Crowley resigns after calling harsh treatment of Manning “stupid,” Obama responds
- ‘Rebel with a Cause’ Ride, Solidarity Weekend Support Bradley Manning
- Manning’s Father to PBS’ Frontline:
- We are all Bradley Manning!
- Kucinich suggests Sec. of Defense Gates suborning human rights in treatment of Manning
- Join Amnesty’s Take Action Campaign for Bradley Manning
- The Truth Behind Quantico Brig’s Decision to Strip PFC Manning
- Congressman Dennis Kucinich Renews Demand to Visit with Pfc. Manning
- Manning stripped and left naked: LTC Coombs report
- Bradley Manning facing possible death penalty under new charges
- PayPal Backs Down, Reinstates Account for Supporters of Bradley Manning
- PayPal Cuts Service to Alleged WikiLeaks Whistle-blower Support Effort
- Bradley Manning Support Network Praises New Advocacy Organization
- House, Mitnick discuss Manning’s confinement with Australian Broadcasting
- Berkeley City Council to Weigh Resolution on Bradley Manning’s Deprivation of Human Rights
- Rally for Bradley! Quantico VA. Sunday, March 20
- Bradley Manning’s Spirits Soar At Mention of Democratic Youth Uprising Leading Reforms in Tunisia and Egypt
- National White House Call-in Day to Support Bradley Manning
- RELEASE: Military statements regarding Bradley Manning “patently false”
- RELEASE: Military steps up retaliation against accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower with arbitrary “suicide watch”, followed by detainment of approved visitor
- Nadim Kobeissi interviews Kevin Zeese on military’s latest outrage toward Manning
- Breaking news: Manning Supporters Detained by Quantico
- Manning removed from two-day suicide watch; attorney files complaint, calls action punitive
- Former Commander of Headquarters Company at Quantico Objects to Treatment of Bradley Manning
- Dr. King and Bradley Manning Show the Way to a Revolution of Values
- MLK Day protests at FBI headquarters and Marine Base Quantico
- Strong show of support for Bradley Manning at Noontime Demo
- How Is Bradley Manning Really Being Treated?
- WikiLeaks fulfills pledge to support accused whistle-blower Bradley Manning
- Kevin Zeese on The Alyona Show regarding Bradley Manning’s detention and surrounding issues
- Bradley Manning and the Rule of Law
- Protest for Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks in Santa Cruz, California
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility open letter to Robert Gates on Manning’s confinement
- Assange says Manning’s Quantico conditions designed to coerce testimony
- Bradley Manning: One Soldier Who Really Did “Defend Our Freedom”
- Assange: Manning “a political prisoner”
- Free Bradley Manning Actions in Minneapolis
- Bradley Manning in Quantico: A Call with Public Affairs Officer Villiard
- Bradley Manning’s holiday statement
- Speak Out Against the Inhumane Imprisonment of Bradley Manning!
- Amidst the Wikileaks Saga, One Other Thing…
- Bradley Manning Support Network accepts responsibility for all expenses to defend accused Wikileaks whistle-blower
- Transparency & Democracy: Why the U.S. Should Free Bradley Manning
- Ethan McCord and all Anti-war Veterans: Icons of the Great Turning
- Holiday Cards for Bradley Manning’s Freedom!
- Bradley Manning Support Network Condemns Unjust Detainment of Activist
- Sign the statement today! We Stand with Brad
- More than Twenty Cities Rally for Bradley Manning