Početna stranica » Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning

Koncem svibnja 2010. uhićen je razvodnik Bradley Manning, analitičar obavještajnih podataka u Oružanim snagama Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Bagdadu, osumnjičen da je WikiLeaksu dao video zapis “Collateral Murder” (Kolateralno ubojstvo).

6. lipnja 2010. optužen je za povredu Jedinstvenog zakona vojnog sudovanja, uključujući i osam kaznenih djela i četiri nekaznene povrede propisa Oružanih snaga. Potpuna optužnica dostupna je na bradleymanning.org/hr/3163/charge-sheet-html.

Njegovo je uhićenje samo pospješilo navodno priznanje u online razgovoru s dobro znanim hakerom i novinarem Adrianom Lamom.

Manning se trenutačno nalazi u zatvoru u bazi mornaričkog pješaštva SAD-a Quantico u Quanticu, država Virginia, gdje čeka suđenje. Ako ga osude, Manning se suočava s do 52 godine zatvora, nečasnim otpustom, zapljenom svih plaća i doprinosa i nespecificiranim globama. Od svog uhićenja Bradley Manning nije dao nikakvu službenu izjavu za javnost. Daniel Ellsberg, glasoviti zviždač koji stoji iza tajnog dokumenta Pentagon Papers, navijestio je razvodnika Bradleyja Manninga kao heroja.

Video zapis “Collateral Murder” (Kolateralno ubojstvo)
Američki vojnici pucaju na civile, novinare i djecu

Dana 4. travnja 2010. zviždačka internetska stranica WikiLeaks objavila je tajni video zapis u kojemu se prikazuje kako 2007. godine helikopter Apache Sjedinjenih Američkih Država puca na civile u Novom Bagdadu. Taj video zapis, dostupan na www.collateralmurder.com, prikazuje kako Amerikanci pucaju na i ubijaju 11 pojedinaca koji ne uzvraćaju paljbu. Dvojica ubijenih bili su Reutersovi zaposlenici, i to 22-godišnji Reutersov foto-novinar Namir Noor-Eldeen i njegov vozač, 40-godišnji Saeed Chmagh.

Taj video zapis obuhvaća i zvučni zapis internih komentara američkih vojnika prije, tijekom i poslije ubojstava. Vojnici opetovano traže i dobijaju dopuštenje da otvore vatru, ohrabruju jedni druge i šale se na račun mrtvih i umirućih civila. (Pun transkript dostupan je ovdje)

Ubijeno je ukupno 11 odraslih osoba. Dva djeteta, putnici u kamionu koji je stigao na poprište nakon prestanka prvog naleta puščane paljbe, teško su ranjena kada je helikopter Apache 0tvorio vatru na njihov kamion.

Još 2007. Reuters je pozivao na istragu tog napada. Kao odgovor na to, glasnogovornik multinacionalnih snaga u Bagdadu kazao je: “Uopće nije dvojbeno jesu li koalicijske snage sudjelovale u borbenim operacijama protiv neprijateljskih snaga.”

Pročitajte izvješće Oružanih snaga o smrti dvaju Reutersovih zaposlenika i ranjavan ju dvoje djece.

Nije pokrenuta nikakva istraga o preostalih devet smrti.

Nisu podnesene nikakve optužnice protiv američkih vojnika u helikopteru Apache, koji su pucali na i ubili civile u tom video zapisu.

Pročitajte Wikipedijin članak o Bradleyju Manningu.


20 komentara »

  • Joseph A. Mungai

    WIKILEAKS IS A NEWS ORGANIZATION: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNz9tlC0-2o

    Bradley Manning is a HERO!!!

    2010-09-27 11:00
  • MHAF


    2010-10-17 01:13
  • Karina

    He’s the quintessence of a Hero. Free Bradley!

    2010-10-24 18:36
  • Lisbeth

    Bradley Manning is a hero! We need more people like him who’s not afraid to tell the truth.The American people need to know what’s actually going on in Iraq and protest.That some American soldiers seem to be over there just for “the fun” of killing civilians…
    And what is the real reason American soldiers are there anyway?

    2010-10-31 13:41
  • C J

    FREE Bradley Manning. Who is the real criminal here? I think we all know.

    2010-11-14 23:05
  • Eric

    The military talks about strength, honor, and courage. Yet when someone exercises all those aspects to the fullest, he is dubbed a criminal against the country. Bradley is a true representation of what an American should be. FREE BRADLEY

    2010-11-23 10:31
  • NDHduz

    HE is a Hero (as noted by most everyone here) and Wikileaks is scaring the hell out of the govt!It IS a real News outlet (if Fox can call itself one!) He is to be thanked this holiday! His Bravery in this situation is AMAZING!

    2010-11-25 16:57
  • K.Moses

    You have seen the documentation “Fahrenheit 9/11″ from Michael Moore? A must have! There you can recognize the truly criminals of the american “citizens”: Mission accomplished…

    2010-11-30 16:35
  • Hussein

    Great work Bradly. the president of the united states and his army general’s are the criminals and not soldiers like brad

    2010-12-01 01:46
  • Lustnau Germany

    Absolute Mister Bradley Manning is a real HERO!

    Oh i like to donate with paypal please and dont find your paypal account.
    Greets and thanks

    2010-12-02 08:36
  • Unknown

    This man is a true hero. You should not be punished for telling the truth, the people that murdered all those civilians and reporters and injured the children should be where Bradly is right now not the other way around….God Bless America…Land of the not so free

    2010-12-06 21:44
  • John Collier

    Bradley I read with horror & tears the way you are being treated. Please remember you have friends across the world who will fight with you emotionally & practicallly all the way. John(Liverpool UK)

    2010-12-08 16:27
  • eddie

    The details about and circumstances around this online chat are unconfirmed and somewhat dubious.

    Glenn Greenwald at Salon has been digging into this and it seems the case is entirely fabricated. See the link below and related articles;


    2011-01-06 18:59
  • Eli


    You did a great thing. You are on the right side of history. You have millions of people thinking about you, appreciating and supporting you from around the world. Hang in there my friend. The stressfull times will pass. Have you tried yoga? – Eli

    2011-02-03 16:51
  • Kucinich Requests to See Bradley Manning, Soldier in Solitary Confinement for Alleged Leaks The 2012 Scenario | The 2012 Scenario

    [...] May, the military arrested Private First Class Bradley Manning, a military intelligence officer who had served overseas in [...]

    2011-02-05 22:47
  • Ramón Villanueva

    We Support Bradley From México !!!!!!!!, Free Bradley ! Free Bradley ! Free Bradley ! Free Bradley !, He’s a hero.

    2011-02-06 18:39
  • sergey

    The deepest thank to the parents of Bradly for their son,and all our love to them in this hard time.It is a shame for all peaple,who not protesting against this brutal war against all of us-the war against humanity,the right of peaple to know,that somebody is gilty on the death of innocent people.In God we trust?wich God trusting men,who claiming against Bradly?The God of Stalin?the God of Hitler?What shows the US Goverment with this act?In 40-ies in Germany Bradly would go to a conzentration camp,in all time of existence of USSR he would go to GULAG.Such a young Men,and such a Great Heart.He knew,what was his risk.Let us push from all directions!
    Sergey,Medical assistant,born in the USSR,from Berlin with Love to Manning Family-you are always welcome at our hous!
    If would be the possibility to transfer with pay-pal,please,let us know-not everybody from us have credit cards

    2011-02-09 19:07
  • sergey

    I just read the Helicopter pilots comments to the “job“ they done…
    So weak professionals,and the same way weak hearts…
    So long as a man does`t accept such a “job“ as a tragical mistake becourse of his low professional qualification,nobody is allowed to speak about the `´collateral damages`´,but-ABOUT A WAR CRIME ONLY

    2011-02-09 19:20
  • Michael

    this man is true hero.
    his heart is in the right place and i bow my head for his courage.
    it takes real courage, to take a step like he did.
    war crimes are crimes, nothing less and would the internet have been arround at times of all the other wars, there would have been leaks after leaks to show waht was really going on.
    german tv news magazin released a new video a few days ago:
    here they found a new eye witness, a ground soldier who was ordered to the scene.
    the video is mainly in german, but has parts of the interview in english.
    have a look.
    and keep the protest running high!!!!

    2011-02-16 07:14
  • Jack Axelrod

    Obama is an empty suit of armor, yet we must continue to pressure him and the leadership in Congress odf the Democratic Party to end the torture of Bradley and all political prisoners. Persuade Rachel Maddow to weigh in.

    2011-02-18 18:31

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