
Bradley Manning Support Network in solidarity with Occupy Movement

October 12, 2011. The Bradley Manning Support Network stands in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement that has spread to hundreds of cities and town squares across America. We share a common commitment to exposing the corruption of corporate power upon our democratic system.

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In: Activism, Commentary, Featured, Press Releases

Peace prize nominee Bradley Manning now 500 days in confinement

October 7, 2011. Bradley Manning Support Network. This year’s nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize are bound together by a common drive to nonviolently reassert democracy in the face of authoritarian abuses of power.

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In: Activism, Commentary, Featured, News

Obama rhetoric on whistle-blowers doesn’t match reality

September 21, 2011. Bradley Manning Support Network. President Obama claimed in remarks yesterday that the U.S. is working to “expand protections for whistle-blowers”, as part of an “Open Government Initiative.” Meanwhile his Administration continues an unprecedented crackdown on government whistle-blowers, pursuing five cases since taking office, including Bradley Manning.

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In: Commentary, Featured, News

Retired diplomat and Army colonel Ann Wright: Don’t punish Bradley, honor him

September 14, 2011. Bradley Manning Support Network. Today, in a featured guest column for the independent U.S. military journal “Stars and Stripes”, retired Army colonel and former U.S. diplomat Ann Wright writes, “instead of punishing and silencing alleged whistle-blowers like Manning for revealing uncomfortable truths, we should honor their courage to stand up for what’s right.”

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In: Commentary, Featured, News

Statement on WikiLeaks release of US diplomatic cables

September 2, 2011. Bradley Manning Support Network. Yesterday evening WikiLeaks made their complete archive of US diplomatic cables available to the public. This publication appears to have been precipitated by an unintentional leak of a file containing the same material, involving one of their media partners.

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In: Commentary, Featured, News, Press Releases

Addressing confusion about PFC Bradley Manning’s case

September 1, 2011. Bradley Manning Support Network. This article is a reference both for those who have just begun learning about PFC Bradley Manning’s case, and those who have been following it for awhile. It addresses several common misconceptions about the case. As an advocate for Bradley Manning, you can use the information in the article to educate others, whether speaking to them in-person or sharing relevant excerpts online.

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In: Commentary, Featured

Op Ed: Fear and Rhetoric – The Wired Chat Logs

Did you learn something new about Bradley Manning today? I did. Commentary by Michelle Tackabery, Bradley Manning Support Network Bradley Manning is different. In stature he is small, so much smaller than others of his age, making his features delicate. I had a dear friend about Bradley’s size once, who is gone now; he, too,…

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In: Commentary

Army SPC Ethan McCord on media coverage of Bradley Manning

July 10, 2011. Former Army SPC Ethan McCord. If PFC Bradley Manning did what he is accused of doing, then it is clear—from chat logs that have been attributed to him—that his decision was motivated by conscience and political agency. These chat logs allegedly describe how PFC Manning hopes these revelations will result in “worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms.”

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In: Commentary, Featured, News

One year after Bradley’s detainment, we need your support more than ever.

One year ago today, on May 26, 2010, the U.S. government quietly arrested a humble young American intelligence analyst in Iraq and imprisoned him in a military camp in Kuwait. Over the coming weeks, the facts of the arrest and charges against this shy soldier would come to light. And across the world, people like you and I would step forward to help defend him. To commemorate Bradley’s one year anniversary in prison, will you join me in making a donation to help support Bradley’s defense?

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In: Commentary, Featured

Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Revolution Truth

April 6, 2011, by Micaela Ward, Revolution Truth. When I saw the Collateral Murder video, taken from an Apache helicopter manned by US troops in Iraq, in which innocent journalists and Iraqi civilians were killed, clearly without cause, I was appalled but hardly surprised. In light of what we saw from Abu Ghraib, it was further proof that some members of our armed forces have no business wearing the uniform…

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In: Activism, Commentary
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