Days of Action for Bradley Manning – Videos

On September 16-19, 2010, protesters in twenty-one locations rallied on behalf of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Supporters taking part in the International Days of Action held demonstrations in Canada, the United States and Australia demanding Manning’s release.

Legal scholars, peace activists and free information advocates decried the actions of US soldiers documented in Collateral Murder as contrary to the Geneva Conventions. In statements issued by organizations across the US, defenders of Manning referred to the alleged WikiLeaks source as a conscientious whistleblower defending the constitution and the country. Manning’s supporters called on the United States government to end the practice of classifying war crimes by US soldiers as secret.

Though events of the weekend received widespread media attention, the United States government has yet to issue a response to the outpouring of international support for the imprisoned intelligence analyst, held more than 100 days in isolation.

Below are just a few videos from these events. If you have video of your event online and it’s not here yet, please email support [at] bradleymanning [dot] org and we’ll include it.

Oakland, California, USA, 16 September 2010

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 17 September 2010

Via The UpTake:

Quantico, Virginia, USA, 19 September 2010

Medea Benjamin

Perry King

Mike Marceau

Geoffrey Millard

Nick P. of ANSWER

Pete Perry

Matt Southworth

Josh Steiber

Kevin Zeese

Pete Perry & Ann Wilcox (closing)

San Diego, California, USA, 19 September 2010

Via The World is Raw:

San Francisco, California, USA, 18 September 2010

Via IndyBay:

Via Wired:

Seattle, Washington, USA, 18 September 2010

Via KOMO News:

Via Veterans for Peace:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19 September 2010

4 thoughts on “Days of Action for Bradley Manning – Videos

  1. Bradley, you did the “wrong” thing for ALL the right reasons. You will prevail over the forces which would keep this info private and you will again be free. Gods blessings. Don’t let huckabee worry you.

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