Call the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Sign the petition. Ask him to free Bradley Manning.

Every week from now until the court martial the Bradley Manning Support Network will be asking supporters to write or call a person influential to the trial.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is the highest ranking civilian leader of the military, aside from President Obama in his role as Commander-In-Chief. As a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he worked for civil rights issues, and there is hope he will listen to our concerns about Bradley. He is also relatively new to the trial, and in a position of influence to allow United Nations requests for a special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, to have access to confidentially meet with Pfc. Bradley Manning. It is unconscionable that anyone would block a UN observer to investigate serious allegations of prisoner abuse. It is particularly unusual that a President would allow one of his own soldiers to be treated so indecently.

A visit by a UN observer could be a first step towards a fair trial for Bradley Manning. However, the administration has so far persisted in staging a show trial — one where they’d already declared the defendant guilty before he’d been charged.

Call the Secretary of Defense. Let him know this court martial is a sham. Tell him to drop these ridiculous charges and pursue those who have abused Bradley Manning’s rights. If Secretary Panetta is unable or unwilling to hold military officials accountable for the criminal and improper behavior that has been exposed, then we will hold him responsible too.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
(703) 692-7100

If the number stops answering, you can also pressure his institute for public policy, which should certainly be educating people on the importance of whistle-blowers and fair justice.

The Panetta Institute for Public Policy
100 Campus Center, Building 86E
California State University, Monterey Bay
Seaside, California 93955
Phone 831-582-4200
Fax 831-582-4082
Email: [email protected]

Call the Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta. Share your concerns about Bradley’s brutal confinement and unjust prosecution.

  • Ask him to drop all the charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning.
  • Allow the defense to present its case! Including, all of its evidence and witnesses.
  • Prosecute war criminals not whistle-blowers.
  • Stop denying the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture access to visit Bradley Manning.
  • Recognize that Bradley is an honorable person & give him a medal. Free Bradley Manning!


Once you call, sign this petition sponsored by Occupy and anti-war protester, and Veteran, Scott Olsen. It asks Leon Panetta to allow UN Special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, access to visit with Bradley Manning so that he can properly investigate and report on the abuse. The petition already has 17,800 of the 25,000 needed signatures. Please add your voice.

Scott Olsen’s petition to Free Bradley Manning.

74 thoughts on “Call the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. Sign the petition. Ask him to free Bradley Manning.

  1. Save Bradley Manning

    I am a concerned citizen of the United States. Who believes that the case against Bradley Manning is weak and that he has been treated in a unfair and dreadful manner.

    President Obama said on CNN, I heard him myself, on LIVE TV. That Bradley Manning was guilty. President Obama is the head of the Armed Forces is he not? Shouldn’t the

    case be thrown out just for that reason? Is the reason you are keeping him prison is to scare others who might be thinking about whistle blowing? Please release him

    now. The world is watching the US. The world is watching how we handle this. Thank you for your time. I know you are busy, but this is a very important matter, a young

    man’s life is at stake. I am naturally a shy and retiring person who does not get involved normally in these issues but I feel I must do so, because of the gravity of

    this issue. My regards to you and your family. Have a nice day. God bless America. Again thank you for your time. Sincerely Shana L Wilcox, citizen of the United

    States of America

  2. Why not go after the people who classified the video depicting the most barbaric of war crimes, in an effort to cover it up. Shooting innocent civilians, one being a child, is against the law. It is against the law to shoot people offering medical help to the injured as well. Bradley Manning swore to uphold and protect the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.That is exactly what he did. Bradley first tried to bring attention of wrong doing to the proper military authorities, and he was told to mind his own business. What would you do, remain silent, or have the courage to make the information public? Nothing bad has happened to our country because of this. No ones life has been put at risk. At worst it has caused embarrassment to a few important people. To the contrary, Dick Cheney’s treasonous outing of Valerie Plame did put lives of CIA operatives at risk, and destroyed a very important operation in Iran. Dick Cheney’s motives were personal vengeance. Bradley Manning’s were truth, justice, and doing his job, to the best of his ability.

  3. Please put an end to Bradley Manning’s suffering – his only crime was to embarrass the administration – no US interests were harmed by his disclosure

  4. Please allow UN Special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, access to visit with Bradley Manning so that he can properly investigate and report on the abuse. Drop all the charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning. Prosecute war criminals not whistle-blowers.

  5. With this I am asking to allow UN Special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, access to visit with Bradley Manning so that he can properly investigate and report on the abuse.

  6. He should not be punished for spreading the truth. He’s not killing civilians (like some other high profile military cases recently), he’s not stealing, raping, hurting ANYONE. He’s shedding light on what our own money is buying, what our own people are doing, and don’t we have a right to know? Don’t we have a right to know what is being done in the name of America? The public is not a child, we have a right to all information, especially information as pertinent as this. Bradley Manning should be freed TODAY, immediately. All charges dropped, in fact, the investigation of and dismantling of our military is what should be happening!

  7. Please let Bradley Manning go. Drop the charges against him or at least let his defense present the case. In a democratic state he schould have the right to show his point of view in fron of a court with allof it’s evidence and witnesses. For me Bradley Manning did nothing wrong, so set him free. And stop the force against him in prison. STOP THE TORTURE!

    Greetings from Germany

  8. Main Washington number answered and then cut off. Called the institute. The clerk took my personal information and multiple complaints about the Manning debacle and said he’d get back to me through my email address.

  9. This is outrageous ! Daniel Elsburg served no tome for leaking The Pentagon Papers,. I realize The UCMJ is more strict, but just how much more strict than “nothing at all”equals Cruel and Unusual? These men both performed a Public Service.

    If we can give George Tenet The Presidential Medal of Freedom for his mis-handling of his office,then Bradley Manning a “Good Conduct Medal” for the public service which he performed.

  10. Drop all the charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning.
    Allow the defense to present its case! Including, all of its evidence and witnesses.
    Prosecute war criminals not whistle-blowers.
    Stop denying the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture access to visit Bradley Manning.

  11. I consider Bradley Manning to be a fine, patriotic American. It is only by these acts of conscience that corruption and abuse in government can be held at bay. History and the world will see these unconscionable acts against Pfc. Manning as further evidence of the oppression and suppression of democracy at this time. The leaders who fail to defend our country’s VALUES will be seen as the criminals–as many of us see them even now.

  12. Dear Sec. Penetta,

    I agree that Manning should not have exposed the files at least not all of the files.
    However you have all talked about the fact that what he did could put people in our gov’t in danger. Has anyone been as hurt as he has? We can measure what has happened to him. He’s been driven mad and is a shell of his former self. Haven’t we then been the ones to manifest our own fears? Haven’t we done to him what we are afraid he may have done to us?
    Enough is enough. Please show the mercy a country like ours can afford. Let him go please.

  13. Why is the whistleblower being punished for exposing the “evil empire’s” crimes and coverups? I love how this country wants to lecture the rest of the world on how to conduct human rights issues then violates them. Then again, any country that prospers off of slavery and genocide will never do the right thing unless it benefits them. Obama, way to flip flop on the exposing of heinous acts. He lauds Daniel Ellsberg then imprisons PFC. Manning for doing the same thing? I wonder why, is it cause he’s a puppet for the “powers that be” now instead of the intelligent free thinker he was? Stop the status quo, they’re the real criminals. Free Daniel Manning Now! Free all political prisoners now!

  14. Allow UN Special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, access to visit with Bradley Manning so that he can properly investigate and report on the abuse!



    T& D Raymond

  16. Please free this young man….dissent is essential to our freedom and the political process….clearly he had good reason the reveal the files to wikileaks…our government should be transparent….nothing BAD happened form what Bradley Manning did…

  17. Bradley Manning is an American Hero! He flaunted the law for the greater good & does not deserve to be mercilessly punished for his actions. The release of those carefully selected secret files was a thoughtful calculated act that did NOT betray the USA’s interests and prompted many positive things, including the Arab Spring movement. Sunlight on all of our government’s actions best serves our goals in the long term.

  18. [email protected] on said:

    Free Manning! Let justice reign.

  19. Here’s some more numbers in Secretary Panetta’s office XD

    Deputy Secretary of Defense — William J. Lynn. 703-692-7150

    Executive Secretary — Michael Bruhn. 703-692-7120

    General Counsel — Jeh Charles Johnson. 703-695-3341

    Principal Deputy — Robert S. Taylor. 703-697-7248

  20. Please let Juan Mendez visit with Bradley Manning to let us know that he is not being tortured. Please drop the charges and let him out! What are you afraid of? Truth! Honor! Exposing the corruption that your are a part of?

  21. I thought this country stopped lynching innocent people a long time ago… This is a travesty of justice, and the citezens of this country are watching. The days of abuses of power and secrecy are over. Bradley Manning is not a criminal, he is a hero. Drop the charges against him.

  22. I think it was right that the public got the opportunity to see the video about the atrocities done to innocent people. I rather have the people brought to jail who are running down our democracy, our economy and the civilian rights.

  23. I thought the days of lynching an innocent person was long gone. The days of abuses of power and secrecy in this country are over, and the citezens of the USA are watching, we are paying attention. Drop the charges against Bradley Manning, and prosecute those people who he blew the wistle on.

  24. It is no secret that the treatment of prisoners in solitary confinement amounts to abuse, at the very least. The accounts Bradley has given of his treatment, while in detention at Quantico, Virginia, offer a disturbing glimpse into the mistreatment that takes place in our imprisonment system. We urge you to allow Mr. Mendez to freely investigate the conditions of Bradley Manning’s detention.

  25. My son & daughter, who are aged 7 & 8 wanted to know why I talk to the TV everytime they show any news relating to this young man, a man I tell them is a hero.

    I have told them what he has gone through since being put in prison and about the suspected abuse he has suffered.

    They asked me what he did and whether it was really bad, whether he killed some babies or young children. I replied that all he was possibly guilty of was telling the truth. And the truth he told did probably show that other people had been doing very bad things. They asked if he was in prison in a country where we couldn’t save him from and our armies could rescue him. I said he is an American soldier in an American prison. He is in a room by himself that is very small. He isn’t allowed to even talk to his friends or his mummy & daddy nor can anybody go check on him to see if he is ok.

    My son wanted to know how old he was. I said I’d check then after checking I said he was 25. My son said he looked very young for 25 and said he looked like an older boy. I told my son that he may look like a boy but he is more a man that most ever could be, including me. He said why, I simply said I could not have gone through what he has and they might have broken me.

    My kids don’t ever want to go to the land of the free ie United States of America now as they don’t want to get put in jail & tortured for telling the truth.

    This generation may let this sort of thing happen but I am going to make sure that when my children are older they will try that bit harder to make the world a better place.

    Finally my daughter wanted to make him a card, I let her make the card. She wants to post it and says he might reply back and he might like it, she likes to think it might make him smile. I won’t ever tell her he probably won’t ever see it. There are some things you should protect your children from…

  26. CAlled once and got the run-around but did talk to pleasant woman the second time and gave her my views on why this is extreme and making the defense department look weak. How could a mope like Manning access such supposedly ‘sensitive’ material in the first place? He is a whistle-blower and of course, when the government is hiding things, they don’t like it, but we have a right to know as this did not endanger anyone.

  27. Release Bradley Manning and arrest the people helicopter pilot and his gunnermate that killed those innocent civilians. If you don’t you are just a useless politician like the rest. Power corrupts!

  28. Dear Mr. Leon Panetta,
    I feel very, very strongly about Bradley Manning. I know he broke the rules.
    But I feel that he is a necessary and important whistleblower. I know the US
    government has felt some embarassment as a result of his leaks. But as far
    as I know, no harm has come to anyone. I understand there are 150 CIA who
    are redacting information right now which will be leaked by Wikileaks, later.
    Most important: the information leaked by Mr. Manning may have very well
    inspired the Arab Spring, which overthrew dictators who our government had
    been supporting. I think, when the history books are written, that Mr. Manning’s
    part will be a positive one, a courageous one, a heroic one. I would consider,
    but I have heard nothing but good come from the international effects of Julian
    Asuanges Wikileaks. I am feeling more optimistic about the world than I have in a long time, since there is a bit more democracy trying to be established in Egypt, Tunesia, etc. Please consider leniency for Private Manning. Please.

  29. Dear Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta,

    Please allow United Nations requests for a special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, to have access to confidentially meet with Pfc. Bradley Manning. The manner in which Bradley Manning has been treated up-to-date makes me ashamed to be an American. The least you can do is allow the UN to visit Pfc. Manning. Otherwise, people around the world have every reason to suspect that Pfc. Manning has been denied the rights that America used to stand for.

  30. Our military is supposed to be our most honorable institution. Prosecuting Bradley Manning is not the honorable thing to do. Military leadership is insulting every good man who serves. Stand up! Find those families who suffered from the “mistakes” which “collateral murder” exposed and try to help them. Apologize for mistakes made in military action. We should be the first to expose our mistakes. If you really believe that it isn’t murder to shoot down unarmed people crawling away from a target or the people who try to bring the wounded to medical attention shoot yourself – you have no honor.

  31. I cab honestly say, I know first hand how it feels to be an accused. This gentleman deserves to have his civil rights protected. Manning should be declared a hero for exposing such corruption. He should not be made the sacrificial lamb. Our democracy depends on people like manning. That is why we have the whistle blowing law. Release this man in the name of justice!!!

  32. Come on everybody sign this petition he opened our eyes to the truth now it’s time to stand by him.Get this petition out to everybody you know.

  33. This ist what I’ve sent today to Mr. Panetta:

    “As a german citizen I ask you urgently to drop all the charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning and allow the defense to present its case including all of its evidence and witnesses.

    Please allow United Nations requests for a special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, to have access to confidentially meet with Pfc. Bradley Manning. The manner in which Bradley Manning has been
    treated up-to-date makes me ashamed to be a friend of America.

    The least you can do is allow the UN to visit Pfc. Manning. Otherwise, people around the world have every reason to suspect that Pfc. Manning has been denied the rights that America used to stand for.

    I’m deeply convinced it’s the war criminals to be punished – not whistle-blowers.

    To me as a German the treatment of Pfc. Manning reminds me to the darkest chapter in our special history although I’ve not experienced it myself. Please make sure we will not see America in
    such mental relationship.

    Just to show at least one opinion from Germany.
    Go on, Free Bradley Manning!

  34. Amerikan Politicians Cant seem to get there head out from insertion up there Rectums long enough to make any Decent decesion , There so busey trying to please the Military It just isnt any use trying to disuade any of them to do anything resembeling justice for this Little Private they have no clue what he is or is about and can care less , Unless that is he is mentiond in a Joke in there private Loo down the hall …Anyone thinking asking a Politician anything is just plain Not paying attention ..Panetta sounds like a loaf of Bread and a Loaf of Bread would be just as receptive to questions . Frank Blackstone

  35. @Frank

    You are right but that is not confined to just american politicians.
    I think nobody who writes or has written a message to one of the involved politicians is so naive to believe they will follow their plea. But shouldn’t we show them at least that there is more than just a few people that express their forceful protest?

  36. This is something I would expect from a fashist state or one trying to become so. This somethine I expect from the republican agenda to allow a handful of people to tdestroy the constitution. When the military needs to boost its leaders own lack of confidence,morallity and belief in the constitution they do what they do best kill. There are many examples: such as PvtSlovk=ik in world war II. This is why we have a bill of rights(spelled out prcisely). It is also why we have civilian oversight of the military. Look at what the military did to President Carter we that screwball multi force (because each branchs leader demanded to be there).They blew it.Those helicopters came from the factory with the sandscreens on them, you have to take them off to not have them. There is too much to comment here on. Free PFC Manning and the rest of us with him. Chuck

  37. American government is as accountable for their actions as they try to hold other countries in this world accountable and Shame if they persecute Bradley for exposing their dirty business.

  38. We need to drive home the message that women are not to be considered fresh meat by the men in the armed services. Whatever kind of ethical and moral training these men need should have been done yesterday. To prevent future problems, maybe your entire department needs a sensitivity class given to your commanders that emphasizes that rape and sexual harrassment is a crime of bullies. Any of your command that believes bullies belong in our armed services are soiling our flag.

    If you don’t know how to teach men to be gentlemen, I can come and put them in line for you but I’m sure there are some women that can explain in great detail the fine points of proper etiquette. You are not supposed to be training our children to be animals.

    • Hi Kraz. Our Support Network was formed nearly 2.5 years ago on the general assumption that Bradley was the heroic whistle-blower. And now, generally speaking, he has accepted responsibility. However, that in no way translates into being “guilty” of the charges he faces–most importantly the absurd “Aiding the Enemy” and Espionage Act-related charges. For example, if you shot and kill an intruder in your home, you are not guilty of murder–even if a liberal district attorney brings charges against you. Jeff

  39. Mr.penetta iam truly sorry to see you step doun ithink you werethe rhe
    The best secratary. And the country. Will tuly miss. You. I wish you
    You the best enjoy. Your renewed. Family life god bless you

  40. Dear Leon Panetta….you are so busy trying to please the homosexuals you won’t release this HERO.
    Why don’t you worry about the things that matter….instead of tearing down the military.

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