Tell the Obama campaign it’s time to free Bradley Manning
There’s a War on Truth, and Bradley Manning needs YOU to share the facts at an Obama campaign office during Brad’s next hearing, June 6-8th.

Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Dan Ellsberg accepts Bradley Manning’s Peoples Choice Human Rights Award
*If you are interested in attending Bradley Manning’s next hearing at Fort Meade, MD, check out the details here. Keep reading for information on how to act locally to support his freedom.*
Alleged WikiLeaker PFC Bradley Manning has won the 2012 Global Exchange People’s Choice Human Rights Award, and been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the struggle for his freedom is far from over. The results of his pretrial hearings have major implications for the rights of soldiers as well as the public’s right to know important truths about our wars and other overseas engagements.
Shamefully, at the last hearing which took place April 24-26, the government declared that it does not believe that PFC Manning’s motives, or even whether or not the U.S. was actually damaged in any way by the releases, are relevant to its case for the “Aiding the Enemy” charge. The government contends that life in prison is warranted for soldiers who release information that hypothetically could be used by the enemy. The prosecution also considers irrelevant the issue of whether making the information public might benefit citizens of the U.S. or its allies.
Furthermore, the government is attempting to ban any discussion of whether harm was or was not caused to the U.S. from future court proceedings, saying it could neither help nor hurt either argument. This would prevent the defense from accessing government-commissioned assessments of the impacts of WikiLeaks’ releases. Neither the content nor the conclusions of these assessments have been made public, despite the public’s obvious interest in this information.
We must use support actions during Bradley’s June 6-8th hearing as opportunities to show the Obama Administration we demand greater government accountability, as well as Bradley Manning’s freedom.
Take Action
1. Choose a location and register your event. If there is an active Obama campaign office located near you (click on your state below to look), we consider in front of its doors to be the perfect stage for a Bradley Manning support action. Otherwise, a government building or popular public gathering area might be more appropriate. (International supporters can stage their action at a U.S. Embassy.) Campaign offices are likely to be most active on weekday evenings, 5-8pm. Once you have chosen a date, time, and location for your action, you should register it here.
2. Prepare to read the chat logs. One of the Bradley Manning Support Network’s goals is to raise public awareness about Bradley Manning’s whistle-blowing, thereby increasing public pressure on official decision-makers. Who more important to educate than volunteers for Commander-in-Chief President Obama? And what better way to do it than through sharing with them the words of Bradley Manning himself? With that in mind, you can go here to download a script version of the chat logs created especially for this action. Designate 1-3 people to read them out loud while the rest of the group adds visual support and helps flyer.
3. Promote your action! You can look up local chapters of some partner organizations that may want to be involved here. Registering your action in step 1 also ensures that we can help promote your action to existing Bradley Manning Support Network members.
4. Print flyers and petitions. We have created flyers to help explain to Obama volunteers and other members of the public the purpose and importance of our action. You can download the flyer here. You can also print out our petition, and if someone seems supportive ask them to sign it.
5. Be visually awesome! You can request t-shirts, signs, and other support materials through [email protected]. Take photos during your event, and send them to [email protected]!
Click on your state and scroll down to the bottom of the page to find Obama campaign offices near you (if we don’t have a link for your state but you happen to know the location of some Obama campaign offices, please leave them in the comments):
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Washington, DC
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
only the guilty or cowards would arrest a whistleblower
CinC me! Obama is the reneging, Guilty WAR CRIMINAL!
Obama needs to stop protecting Bush and Cheney, the real war criminals
Please free Bradly Manning.
I stand, in solidarity, w/ my (INNOCENT) American *brother*, PFC Bradley Manning.
This case shines a light on our justice system, showing the world how little our American values matter to those who are currently in positions of authority. This case magnifies the hypocrisy of our country, telling them that all of our talk about justice, freedom and solid moral values is meaningless, serving as selling points for a gravely defective product.
Our moral values have fallen so low that now people who stand up for the Constitution are sent to jail in a maximum security prison, while war criminals get to roam free. I want my Constitution back!
Bradley is one of the MOST courageous and of highest moral character than any other service-member out there! Yes, the military contracts we sign when we are recruited with pages and pages of small lettering of this and that that NO ONE has time to read because the recruiters just want your signature to reach their quota. Bradley had the true guts of a Marine to show how wrong we, the USA’s war establishment, is. I believe him as a hero and his name is now in Infamous history.
America, stand up for people with courage and conscience! People like me are watching to see if you can save your great republic. Never, ever let them silence you – demand fairness and justice! Make the US great again!
I believe that Bradley is a true hero, and should be decorated, instead of being treated in this shameful way. He should be never have been locked up at all.
Yes, this poor young man should be released.
Please let the people know that many web based e-mails send the confirmation requests straight into the JUNK mail folders, so please check your Junk mail folders for thys important message!!!!! Thank you….
Like all Great Democracies, of which USA is one, & like all great politicians of which Obama is one, he knows the strategy is in vote banks, so now comes the prelude”Whistle blowers must be protected! Offcourse we will see to it that they never whistle by taking away the whistle itself.” Hats off !
With the unchallenged powers vested in the President of USA, Bradley can be freed in a single moment , but who will take on the Hawks, even if they are old and riding a high horse.
Times they are not a changing even if people want them , but only if politics allows.
There will always be people across the globe who are against Wars4profit and keeping silent about the way human rights are being ignored and forgotten by the Americans.
Obama Organizing for America- Oakland Headquarters 1714 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94612
Hillary and Barack are talking loudly about freedom of speech missing in other countries.When will they remove the block in their own eye.They are simply ridiculous.Killers of many.
His was an action of conscious. He is a good man.
Bradley Manning is the Daniel Ellsberg of today–there is NO DIFFERENCE!
FREE Bradley Manning immediately and imprisson all ex-govmt leaders that (like the five presidents from Trueman to Nixon that got us into the treacherous/ illegal Viet Nam war) got us into Irak / Afghanistan / Pakistan by lying to us!
Blowing the whistle on war crimes is nnot not a crime. Bush and Cheney are war criminals, and you are becoming one following in their footsteps. Please free people like Bradley Manning, who are trying to bring our country back to the honest and compassionate country we were before 911 and Bush and Cheney. There is no excuse for torture and unending war. Please, before it is too late, free Bradley Manning and stop the war profiteering and torture.
Set him free!
What ever happened to all those slogans the american government and people keep spouting, its up to YOU, the american people to ensure Bradley Mannings release and his exoneration. The man is truly a true American, show him your support.
Excellent proposal here, thanks. I have a big question which I will get to at the end of my post! My instinct is that what is needed is a face-saving angle for Obama to convert the focus for his support. He already stuck his foot in his mouth BIG TIME by proclaiming Manning’s guilty before a trial. He did make an about face on the issue of equal marriage rights. He needs to do one on “whistleblower protection” and also prove his NDAA will not be used to lock up Americans without a trial. Clearly with Bradley Manning, this is already a sham promise of his. But he is the more likely hope to reconcile this failing of democracy than the extreme right. So, what are the banners Obama can fly if he “evolves” into seeing the merits of Bradley Manning?
Please we must work to FREE Bradley Manning, if not for his sake, for ours, because unless we act now things will only continue to GET WORSE.
You know when the government is lying when they make an about face about the supposedly crime or crimes committed by Pvt Manning. The three levels of confidential information are: Confidential, secret and top secret and the level that they cause damage to the integrity to the U.S., it’s what determines if it merist just a letter of reprimand, or other serious punishments but they have to fit the crime. Pvt Manning committed no crime, what he actually did was to uphold the U.S. Constitution. His oath of office wasn’t to Obama, but to the Constitution and it’s well known to the whole world that he didn put anybody, nor any site to any harm, he was just doing his duty to report crimes, wrong doings by our corrupt, war criminal government. Daniel Ellsberg tried for the same offenses and by the government using the same shenanigans as Obama now, Judge Byrne dismissed all the charges Due to the gross governmental misconduct and illegal evidence gathering” Ditto for Pvt Manning. The government is just try to change the law to fit its agenda, but I hope our judicial system is not going to be prostituted that much, for if they do, God help this frail democracy of ours. R.I.P. America the beautiful!