Update 7/9/12: Pride demonstrations for Bradley, June 25 defense motions

London: World Pride Day 2012

This weekend, on July 7, Bradley Manning supporters in London marched in solidarity with the accused whistle-blower. Thousands poured into the streets of London for the Bradley Manning contingent in the World Pride Day 2012 march. A report on the rally concludes:

The crescendo was the end of the march in Whitehall, passing Downing street and getting to call the war criminals exactly what they are on a loud hailer. The crowds seemed to me particularly receptive to us at that end.

All in all a lot was accomplished, a lot of publicity for Bradley Manning through representation at Pride which I’m sure he would love.

Read more from WISE Up for Bradley Manning.

This demonstration comes shortly after pride parades across the United States featured giant contingents of Bradley Manning supporters, from New York, to Chicago, to San Francisco. As one article summarizing the June 24 actions put it, “Supporters for Bradley Manning Take to the Streets Across America.”

David Coombs publishes motions from June 25 motion hearing. To counteract the ongoing extreme secrecy with which the military is prosecuting Bradley Manning, his lawyer David Coombs has been publishing defense motions on his blog as frequently as possible. This weekend, Coombs posted these motions, which he argued at Bradley’s last hearing, on June 25:

1)   Request for Reconsideration of Addendum #2 to Defense Motion to Compel Discovery #2: Request for Witnesses;
2)  Defense Request for Clarification of Court Ruling on Motion to Compel Discovery #2;
3)  Defense Response to Government Due Diligence Submission.

Bradley will return to Ft Meade for his next motion hearing from July 16-20.

“Mon nom est Nicolas Sauvain, je suis étudiant à Paris, France, J’apporte mon soutien à Bradley Manning car celui qui dénonce un crime ne peut pas être un criminel. Bradley est un héros, pas un traître, car comme le disait Einstein, le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui regarde sans rien faire.. Liberté pour Bradley !
My name is Nicolas Sauvain, I am a student from Paris, France, and I support Bradley Manning because those who reveal a crime cannot be a criminal. Bradley is a hero not a traitor, as Einstein said once : the world will not be destroyed by those that do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything. Freedom for Bradley !”

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