Update 12/7/12: Vote Bradley as “Person of the Year”, media got it wrong ignoring Manning trial, panel discusses whistleblowers

One day left to nominate Bradley Manning for the Guardian’s 2012 “Person of the Year” reader’s poll. (Vote here.)

Alexa O’brien is interviewd on RT, and she discusses the lack of media coverage in the Bradley Manning trial thus far, arguing that mainstream media have wrongly believed the public wasn’t interested.

How does America treat it’s whistleblowers? As this news report states, “it took more than 900 days after his arrest for the world to hear from Bradley Manning”. It is the longest pretrial incarceration since Vietnam. Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project sits on a panel along with Chase Madar, author of “The Passion of Bradley Manning”, and Larry Korb a former US assistant secretary of defense. (Watch video…)

3 thoughts on “Update 12/7/12: Vote Bradley as “Person of the Year”, media got it wrong ignoring Manning trial, panel discusses whistleblowers

  1. It is not that the main stream media think that the public is not interested, it is because the main stream media is a branch of the military industrial complex and they do not want the truth to get out there.

    Corporate vested interests, the ones who control the US government, want this matter to have as little air time as possible, because they benefit from the wars as does the illegal state that occupies most of Palestine.

    Brad Golding
    Vietnam Vet

  2. Bradley Manning need to be thanked rather than punished.
    But most of all, he needs a fair hearing. SInce he has been unjustly treated, he should be freed.

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