Update 6/25/12: Bradley back in court, pride parade contingents, and a NYC event

Bradley Manning supporters in San Francisco. Photo by Jeff Paterson.
Bradley Manning is back in court today, for a one-day motion hearing. To replace the private telephonic conferences between hearings wherein the prosecution attempted to relitigate substantive matters, Ft. Meade is holding an interim hearing for PFC Bradley Manning today and between all already-scheduled pretrial hearing sessions. Bradley’s lawyer David Coombs posted motions here and here filed in advance of today’s hearing.
The Guardian’s Ed Pilkington detailed some of those motions, as did Kevin Gosztola, focusing on the motion in which Coombs asks Judge Lind to suspend the proceedings until the government fully complies with its discovery obligations and explains its obfuscation thus far.
Bradley will be back in court at Ft. Meade July 16-20.
This weekend, Pride Parades nationwide declared support for Bradley Manning. As we previewed last week, major cities featured Pride Parades with contingents supporting PFC Bradley Manning, who is gay. Kevin Gosztola reported on Chicago’s Bradley Manning supporters. Here are photos from San Francisco’s parade, taken by the Support Network’s Jeff Paterson.

Bradley Manning contingent in San Francisco’s Pride Parade. Photo by Jeff Paterson.
Event tonight in New York City: Manning, Motions, and Media. Last week, we documented the Brecht Forum’s third Manning Monday event in Manhattan. Tonight, the series concludes with Manning, Motions, and Media, on how Bradley has been portrayed in the media and the prosecutions efforts thus far to send him to life in jail, featuring the Support Network’s Emma Cape, CCR lawyer Shayana Kadidal, and CMJ’s Betty Yu. Read more about the event here.