Reports from protests at Obama campaign offices for Bradley nationwide
Obama must live up to campaign promises by freeing whistle-blower Bradley Manning, say protesters

Supporters march in San Francisco demanding Obama uphold his campaign promise to protect whistle-blowers.
By the Bradley Manning Support Network. September 7, 2012.
On the day of President Obama’s DNC nomination acceptance speech, protesters in 34 cities acoss the United States targeted local Obama campaign headquarters to demand the President free accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Bradley Manning. International supporters, in Australia and the U.K., also protested at U.S. embassies.
In each city, supporters delivered a letter to the campaign, outlining their demands. The letter called on President Obama to release Bradley Manning and account for the abusive treatment he endured in the Quantico Marine Brig.
Michael Thurman, of the Bradley Manning Support Network and Iraq Veterans Against the War said, “Bradley Manning showed great courage in risking his life to do what’s right, by exposing evidence of war crimes and corruption our own government had hidden from us. Now we’re waiting for Obama to show a little courage and make good on his promise to have ‘the most transparent government in history’ by freeing whistle-blower Bradley Manning.”
Campaign staffers in some cities, such as Sacramento, Washington D.C., and Tucson, were receptive to the efforts, forwarding the letter and discussing Manning’s case with demonstrators. In San Francisco, a DNC delegate offered to submit a resolution to the national DNC on the activists’ behalf.
Elsewhere, staff members refused to engage. In New York, building security wouldn’t let Manning supporters visit the office. In Concord, NH, staffers locked the campaign office doors and closed the blinds.
Though he’s spent 837 days in prison, Bradley’s trial won’t begin until at least February 4. On November 27, defense lawyers will argue a pretrial motion to dismiss charges, based on his unlawful treatment at Quantico.
In the meantime, Manning supporters encourage more actions at Obama campaign offices nationwide, calling on the president to live up to his 2008 promise to protect whistle-blowers.
Actions where organized in the following cities: Anchorage, AK, Birmingham, AL, Tucson, AZ, Culver City, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Menlo Park, CA, San Francisco, CA, Sacramento, CA, Washington, DC, Orlando, FL, Tallahassee, FL, Honolulu, HI, Des Moines, IA, Chicago, IL, Boston, MA, Minneapolis, MN, St. Louis, MO, Charlotte, NC, Concord, NH, Albuquerque, NM, Santa Fe, NM, New York, NY, Syracuse, NY, Toledo, OH, Medford, OR, Portland, OR, Philadelphia, PA, Austin, TX, Dallas, TX, Roanoke, VA, Olympia, WA, Seattle, WA, Madison, WI, Milwaukee WI, Huntsville AL, Portland ME,
See more photos from the actions here.
See the letter protesters mailed to Obama here,
Featured reports:
Report from NYC action.
Report from Washington, DC action.
Reports from Toledo, Tallahase, Seattle and Boston.
”Protesters tell Obama to free Bradley Manning”. San Francisco Bay Guardian.
“Free Bradley Manning protest in Menlo Park”.
“Protesters Occupy Obama Volunteer Center in Menlo Park”.
“Bradley Manning Demonstrations Planned for September 6″. The New American.
“DNC Dispatch: Occupy Movement Marches in Support of Bradley Manning“. The Dissenter.
“Free Whistleblower Bradley Manning Protest in New York City“.
Video from Sacramento protest. Facebook.
”Protesters tell Obama to free Bradley Manning”. San Francisco Bay Guardian.
Photos from Washington D.C. Democratic National Headquarters Bradley Manning Action Sept 6,2012.
Add to the list of cities: Portland, ME, where the lone campaign office staffer refused to accept our petition because “I’m not at that pay grade.” LOL we left it anyway
Peninsula Direct Action held a FREE BRADLEY protest in Menlo Park on the same day. Photos of our event can be found here:
I hope Obama can do this an not worry about votes….but if he has to do after he’s elected, that would be ok, too.
I had more sense than to vote for Obama the first go around after having immediately seen him for the narcissistic self-serving Adam Clayton Powell type jerk he was and is—-he said “change” but the only changes I’ve seen since he’s been in the Blight House are for the worst. I doubt that you could cite one promise he made in ’08 that he had any attention of ever living up to….but above all that, his sheer and rank hypocrisy in the Brad Manning case—publicly declaring Manning “guilty” without even examining the evidence, exculpatory or otherwise, and thusly prejudicing any excuse for a “trial” Bradley would get and this from the self-declared former prez of the Harvard Law Reiview is worse than pathetic and shows that the people in America don’t give a tinkerer’s damn what gets dredged out of an estuary and dumped on the plush carpeting of high office.
When they pull the blinds on demonstrators, don’t they realize that those demonstrators are also voters? When campaign headquarters are unkind to the voters, the voters can be unkind to the candidate come election day.
Please addd Huntsville, Alabama to the list of cities with actions.