Update 8/17/13: Photos from Bradley Manning’s childhood released

A number of photos from Bradley Manning’s childhood were released by members of his family. View the entire set on Flickr (including many more photos).

10 thoughts on “Update 8/17/13: Photos from Bradley Manning’s childhood released

  1. we support Bradley…………I have 3 sons and would be glad to have Bradley as a son. he only did wrong to those who should not have been doing wrong. Bradley you are a hero and deserve the Noble Peace prize. you are the greatest of men. may God bless you

  2. Prison ‘mirrors’ are not the same as the mirror you look into to brush your teeth, wash your face. It’s difficult for an inmate to see themselves…so when I see fotos of Manning on the internet I print them, alas in b&w and mail them to him. I can’t tell if his mail is censored or not meaning, if the govt has, is or in the future, omit pages they don’t want him to see. I think others, should print and mail Manning these images too.

  3. I admire you Manning. I know you are gay and I know that you are not less greater than Gandhi, Jesus or Buddha. I wish you could know how much people respect you in many countries.

  4. If anybody knows how to read people they could easily see that this kid/ young man is a good guy. I sense there is not one evil or bad thing about him. I can bet he is a very gentle caring person, kind, considerate, and respectful. We really need to get this young kid out of there. We can not give up on him as a Nation. He is a part of our History taking place. The media has twisted this story all provoked and guided towards main stream media, those who are dumbed down have latched onto the negative thought our lovely government has instilled with in their dumb brains. This kid is a fall guy taking the wrap to the very true facts/stunts the Feds pull upon our very Nation.

  5. What has happened to Bradley is ridiculous!! For exposing the truth, he’s now paying up for it with his life! Cause that’s what they are doing!! There’s a fear for whistleblowers, but beautiful people like Bradley Manning are fearless: they speak up for the world, they are the voice of almost 6 billion people, cause the majority of the 6 billion people have his back. Now it’s the american government, but it can happen here in The Netherlands also! Or in Germany, France, anywhere. It’s a government with its power that seems infinitive. Where’s the right or what gives a politician to punish people like Bradley and take away his life ?! A politician is more the criminal, than Bradley Manning will ever be! And now the hunting season is begun on people like Edward Snowden. The world should stand up more and more and more to fight the injustice constructed by politicians around the world. Bradley is a natural born hero! He’ll be remembered!! He’ll go down in history as one of the brave that faced the difficulties of today and tomorrow and did something about it !! Politicians, not worth a penny !

  6. Pfc. Manning is the bravest person I have known since Daniel Ellsberg and the “Pentagon Papers”. I weep for my country when I bear witness to the tradegy of this horrendous sentence imposed upon a whistleblower and the threat of similar treatment for that other courageous soul, Edward Snowden. That “patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels” rings loudly and clearly when one watches and listens to what those who persecute these young heroes say about them. I believe they are the opposite of traitors – they are my heroes.

  7. What a beautiful kid and a beautiful person. What an astonishingly brave commitment to Truth. What a quietly extraordinary human being.

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