Weihnachtsgrüße für Bradley ManningHoliday Cards for Bradley Manning’s Freedom!Des cartes de voeux pour la libération de Bradley Manning!Blagdanske čestitke za slobodu Bradleyja Maninga!

Weihnachtsgrüße für Bradley Manning

Auch in diesem Winter schicken wir unseren Lieben Karten mit herzlichen Grüßen und guten Wünschen für das kommende Jahr. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit sich für Bradley Manning einzusetzen der seit mittlerweile fast einem Jahr wegen der Aufdeckung von Kriegsverbrechen der US-Streitkräfte inhaftiert ist. Also fügen wir ihn zu unserer Liste hinzu und lassen wir auch unsere Gäste Karten für ihn ausfüllen! Ist Weihnachten nicht genau der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür?

Schicken Sie also Glückwunschkarten an:

1) die Verantwortlichen Politiker

Schreiben Sie an das Auswärtige Amt (http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de) und bitten Sie darum, dass sich die deutschen Vertreter für Manning einsetzen.

2) Bradley Manning! Er sitzt seit Monaten im Gefängnis und wird sich über Festagsgrüße freuen. Die Adresse:

Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610

Tipps: Bradley wird nur den Umschlag des Briefes sehen, also empfehlen wir den Versand einer Postkarte mit einem hübschen Motiv. Sie werden mehrere Briefe schreiben müssen, ehe einer von diesen zu Manning durchkommt. Machen Sie also Ihre Briefe/Postkarten in dreifacher Ausführung und senden Sie sie im Wochenrhythmus. Mit etwas Glück kommt der dritte Brief durch! Seien Sie nicht enttäuscht, wenn Ihre Post zu Ihnen zurückkommt. Manning hat es verdient, dass man es ihm zuliebe wenigstens versucht hat.

This winter, millions of people will be sending cards to friends and loved ones filled with holiday cheer and warm wishes for the coming year. This is the perfect opportunity to stand up for Bradley Manning, imprisoned for almost a year for allegedly blowing the whistle on war crimes committed by US forces overseas. So add a few people to the list of holiday card recipients this winter. And if you’re planning a holiday party, get some colored paper and let your guests make cards, too! What better way to celebrate the season?

Send holiday cards to:

1) Your elected officials! Visit http://www.congress.org/ and enter your zip code in the “Get involved” box in the right hand corner. You’ll get the information for:

  • President of the United States
  • Your elected Senators and Representatives

You can also find the contact information for your Congressional representatives by visiting bradleymanning.org and entering your address information into the box in the right-hand column.

Send all your elected representatives cards to let them know that you and millions of others want Bradley Manning freed and the charges against him dropped

2) Bradley Manning! He’s been stuck in prison for months – let’s send him some holiday cheer!

Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610

Tips for sending cards to Bradley: Remember, Bradley will only get to see the outside of the envelope the first time you send him a letter. We recommend you consider sending a postcard so he gets to see the picture. You may have to send several letters before one gets through. To facilitate this, consider making three copies of your first letter- then send it 3 times, one time per week for 3 weeks. With luck, the third letter will get through! Above all, don’t get discouraged if the letters are returned to you. Bradley Manning needs your unwavering support.

Want to do more?

If you want to do more for Bradley Manning, then please consider making a donation to our defense fund, hosted by Courage to Resist: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=38591 Even small donations can help!

And as always, there are other ways you can work for Bradley Manning’s freedom. Click here for 10 things you can do today!

Cet hiver, des millions de gens vont envoyer des cartes à leurs amis et à leurs proches leur souhaitant de bonnes vacances et de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année. C’est une occasion parfaite pour soutenir Bradley Manning, emprisonné depuis presque un an, soupçonné d’être l’auteur des fuites concernant les crimes de guerre commis par les forces américaines à l’étranger. Alors pourquoi ne pas ajouter quelques personnes à votre liste de destinataires cet hiver ? Et si vous prévoyez une petite fête, préparez du papier de couleur et demandez à vos invités de faire quelques cartes, également ! Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer les fêtes de fin d’année ?

Envoyez des cartes de vœux à Bradley Manning ! Il est en prison depuis des mois – envoyons lui nos vœux pour lui remonter le moral !Bradley Manning la conscience était son guide


c/o Courage to resist

484 Lake Park Ave #41



Quelques conseils pour l’envoi de cartes à Bradley: Rappellez-vous, Bradley ne pourra voir que l’enveloppe la première fois que vous lui envoyez une lettre… Nous vous recommendons d’envoyer une carte postale de façon à ce qu’il ait au moins une image. Vous devrez peut-être envoyer plusieurs lettres avant qu’une seule puisse enfin lui parvenir. De ce fait, pensez à faire 3 copies de votre première lettre – ensuite envoyez les en trois fois, une fois par semaine pendant 3 semaines. Avec un peu de chance, la troisième lettre passera ! Surtout, ne soyez pas découragés si la première lettre vous revient. Bradley a besoin de notre soutien inconditionnel.

Vous voulez faire plus ?

Si vous voulez faire plus pour Bradley Manning, alors peut-être pouvez-vous faire un don pour notre fonds de défense, hébergé par « Courage to Resist »: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=38591 , même les petits dons sont utiles !

Et bien sûr, il y a toujours d’autres choses que vous pouvez faire pour la libération de Bradley Manning. Cliquez ici pour connaitre les 5 choses que vous pouvez faire!

Ove zime milijuni ljudi slat će čestitke prijateljima i najmilijima pune blagdanskog veselja i iskrenih želja za dolazeću godinu. Ovo je savršena prilika da se zauzmete za Bradleyja Manninga, koji je u zatvoru već gotovo godinu dana zbog navodnog puhanja u zviždaljku i otkrivanja ratnih zločina koje su snage Sjedinjenih Američkih Država počinile u prekooceanskim zemljama. Dakle, dodajte još nekoliko osoba popisu primatelja blagdanskih čestitki ove zime. A ako planirate blagdansku zabavu, nabavite malo papira u boji i dajte da i Vaši gosti sami izrade čestitke! Ima li boljeg načina za slavlje tijekom ovih blagdana?

Pošaljite te čestitke:

1) Dužnosnicima koje ste sami izabrali! Posjetite http://www.congress.org/ pa u polje “Angažirajte se” u gornjem desnom uglu upišite svoj poštanski broj. Dobit ćete podatke o:

  • Predsjedniku Sjedinjenih Američkih Država
  • Senatorima i zastupnicima koje ste sami izabrali

Kontakt podatke svojih zastupnika u Kongresu možete naći i ako posjetite stranicu bradleymanning.org/hr pa unesete podatke o svojoj adresi u polje u stupcu s desne strane.

Pošaljite čestitke svim zastupnicima koje ste izabrali kako biste im stavili do znanja da Vi i milijuni drugih želite da se Bradley Manning oslobodi i da se odbace sve optužbe protiv njega

2) Bradley Manning! On je već mjesecima sam u zatvoru – hajde da mu pošaljemo malo blagdanskog veselja!

Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610

Savjeti za slanje čestitki Bradleyju: Imajte na umu da će Bradley moći vidjeti samo vanjštinu kuverte kada mu prvi put pošaljete pismo. Zato Vam preporučujemo da mu radije pošaljete razglednicu kako bi mogao vidjeti sliku. Moguće je da ćete morati poslati nekoliko pisama prije nego što se makar jedno od njih probije do njega. Kako bismo to olakšali, probajte načiniti tri kopije svojeg prvog pisma- a onda ga pošaljite 3 puta, jedanput tjedno tijekom 3 tjedna. Uz malo sreće treće će pismo naći svoj put! Nadasve, ne dajte se obeshrabriti ako Vam se ta pisma vrate. Bradleyju Manningu potrebna je Vaša neopoziva potpora.

Želite učiniti i više od toga?

Ako želite učiniti još više za Bradleyja Manninga, razmislite o doniranju u naš fond za obranu, koji je zasnovala organizacija Courage to Resist: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=38591 Čak i male donacije mogu biti od pomoći!

A, kao i uvijek, postoje i drugi načini na koje možete raditi na slobodi Bradleyja Manninga. Kliknite ovdje za 10 stvari koje možete učiniti još danas!

72 thoughts on “Weihnachtsgrüße für Bradley ManningHoliday Cards for Bradley Manning’s Freedom!Des cartes de voeux pour la libération de Bradley Manning!Blagdanske čestitke za slobodu Bradleyja Maninga!

  1. bradley is proving that don’t aask don’t telll don’t mean a thang to a person with real courage and conviction he’s a stonewaller for sure.
    to stand for something and take whatever punitive action that will certainly occur will be an example of why a persons orientation has nuthin to do with courage and loyalty.hooah pfc you go!

  2. I would also like to help in any way I can from Australia. Criminals are criminals no matter how much power or money they have acquired. We all need to stand together and say enough is enough!! This is not the world I want to live in and I and many others want the truth and to have a voice and a choice!!!!!

  3. Can someone please explain this to me:

    “Remember, Bradley will only get to see the outside of the envelope the first time you send him a letter.”

    • His mail is controlled. When someone sends him a piece of mail any they are not on his approved senders list, he has the opportunity to inspect the envelope and decide whether or not to add that sender to his allowed list.

  4. Okay, so I have a holiday postcard. On the back I have written (in black ink) the address listed for him in Oakland, as well as my return address, and the message “Bradley, Thank you for being courageous. Happy Holidays. Sincerely [my name]” Does this sound okay? Is there anything else I need to put? I made 2 copies to send out over the next couple weeks.

  5. Bradley Manning, AL FIN CONOZCO AL HEROE QUE LUCHA POR LA VERDAD EN ESTE MUNDO… Lo que pueda hacer por ti viejo, Te debo este favor…

  6. I want to donate, but i have no credit card and no echeck.
    Is there also a paypal account for Bradley Manning’s defense fund?

  7. “It is a time that now is done a little bit. That, however, which dares to do something must be aware that he will probably come as a betrayer into the German history. If he omits, nevertheless, from the action, he would be a betrayer before his own conscience”

    Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg

    Stauffenberg was executet as betrayer in 1944. Today he is a hero.

    The Time will show

  8. To Bradly…. Hero’s aren’t the one’s who fire weapons. A hero can be someone who stands up for what is right in away way shape or form. As far as i am concerned YOU are one of the most fearless of all HEROS and most worthy of praise and the FREEDOM that most of us take for granted.
    CANADA stands behind you….. I wish more of your people did too.

  9. It is absolutely horrible how the American government is treating this patriot but we have seen this before. Imprisoning patriots for exposing the horrors of the American Government has been present since our inception as a country. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were trying to stop the bastards in Washington by exposing the horrors of the nuclear bomb to the former Soviet Union. Aldrich Ames did his best to equalize the Soviets and the Americans with his patriotic actions as well. Bradly like Alger Hiss was only trying to stop the oppressive and corrupt and arrogant imperialist government. In fact I believe that Bradley Manning is a hero unequaled in bravery and should be allowed the same historic reverence as Benedict Arnold.

  10. this is an absolute shame, this guy’s a hero.

    i’m gonna send him a greetings card, hope it gets through

    Wish i could do something else!

    i’m a lawyer but unfortunately not in the US, i would defend him for free i swear

  11. Bradley Manning, you are a true hero. You stand for truth, you stand for right, and at the cost of your freedom. Your sacrifice makes a difference.

  12. Bradley Manning: You are a true hero in my mind and you have my full support. I watched the video at work with my fellow coworkers and we were all horrified by what we saw. I’m glad there are people like you to reveal the true story – and I’m sure it will be difficult to find any person in Denmark who disagrees. Stay strong!

  13. Hey people,do not be angry with me,but i think,when we say Brad is a hero it is not what he needs.,because it is better being not a hero and living in freedom.I have tears in my eyes,when i think,that he will be in prison,perhaps for the rest of his life,I feel so powerless,I do not know what to do.Damn,he must be free,but he will not.He is a good man,someone that knows right from wrong,but has to pay such a high price,i am really shocked,we have to do something,damn.I know i can not sleep tonight.And Bradley,although it sound stupid:Stay Strong,I love you Man for your brave character and my thoughts are by you.And people:Do what you can to help Brad,hr must get out of prison and I wish we can communicate with each other about BRAD;i Would like you to write mto me what i CAN DO THAT bRAD KNOWS THAT THERE IS SOMEONE IN GERMANY THAT THINKS OF HIM AND LOVE HIM

  14. I always wished this day would come, when people started standing against the lies we´ve been told, all the crimes committed and the way the truth as we know it is being payed for. I know you´ll receive support from all around the world.

  15. It’s about time the American people saw the US Government and State Dept for what they really are and stood up to them to stop this carnage. For soo many years now they have stomped all over the world creating chaos and destruction, it is no wonder that nations like Afghanistan and Iraq have stood their ground. The real terrosists in all of this are the US Forces (Government not soldiers) and more people like Bradley will eventualy bring them down. Our thoughts are with you and your family, you have sacrificed so much to do what you believe, in your heart of hearts is right. We hope that you will return home soon. GBU.

  16. Considero que juzgar a Bradley Manning es desviar la atención de los verdaderos responsables que deben ser juzgados.

    Wikipedia: “Un crimen de guerra es una violación de las protecciones establecidas por las leyes y las costumbres de la guerra, integradas por las infracciones graves del Derecho Internacional Humanitario cometidas en un conflicto armado y por las violaciones al Derecho Internacional. El término se define en gran medida en el Derecho internacional, incluyendo la convención de Ginebra. Los malos tratos a prisioneros de guerra y civiles y los genocidios son considerados crímenes de guerra.”

  17. I know the American soldiers have been fighting a ruthless enemy that shows no mercy and uses every tactic at their disposal including human shields and innocent hostages, but what I saw in the videos on Collateral Murder was shocking and completely unnecessary. Had the American helicopter been under fire I could understand their actions better, but they were not. It was outright murder. Bravo to Bradley Manning for standing up for what is just. It is people like him that give hope to humanity.

  18. Pelo que eu entendi, o site nos recomenda enviar 3 postcards (cartão-postal, aqueles com foto)para Bradley. Recomenda tirar 3 cópias do cartão e enviar 1 a cada semana, por 3 semanas.
    Eu vou fazer isso, é o mínimo. Ele é 10 anos mais novo do que eu.Quanta coragem!
    Também vamos doar, gente, 20, 30 dólares que seja, melhor que nada.

  19. Hola noi em sap greu que estiguis en aquest tràngol per dir i desenmascara a gent que es creu que aquest planeta es el seu ranxo, he Politics corruptos de la veritat, sols et puc dir que a Catalunya tens gent que creu en tu que et conservis lo millor posible, una abraçada, Gabriel

  20. All you friends from around the world: you can still write him in the USA: imagine the impact of hundreds of letters and cards pouring in from Australia, Argentina, Germany, the UK, Canada, Netherlands….go for it! And of course, send $$ if you can.

  21. Words cannot describe the way I am feeling after watching Collateral Murder. In Australia we have a saying Keep the B*****ds Honest. That is what you have done at a very high price. The world needs people like you. What really austonded me not only the fact they shoot on unarmed people, I thought rules of engagement where that they were to be fired upon, could not see that anywhere. Also the way the congratulated each other on a good shoot. Saying that they were at fault for bringing children into a battle. the helicopter crew caused the battle. The people in the combi where the children were, was just being humane and helping a fellow human. Not like the murders in the helicopter. Thank you Mr Manning you are a man that will go down in history for your heroic efforts. Will be sending postcards from Australia today….

  22. Soy del PERÚ queremos ayudar con la campaña en español, el soldado bradley es un HEROE no solo para Estados Unidos, sino para todo el mundo

    Libertad para el gran soldado que cumplio con su deber con el Mundo

    • Saludos, Daniel. Pues, por favor, puedes traducir algunos de los articulos al espanol aqui y publicar las traducciones? Puedes dar ayuda y inspiracion al mundo que quiere entender esta situacion en su idioma nativa.

  23. They say the truth will set you free; Bradley you have set us on the road to freedom.

    Thank you Bradley, you have my support coming in from Canada.

  24. Hello and greetings!

    I am hoping the address c/o your organization is the address that we are supposed to send correspondence for Bradley to. I have tried to look him up in the federal BOP site, but have never been able to locate a number for him. Thank you for the work you do. May he be free very soon. We have needed the truth for far too long, now if we can just get the people to pay attention to what the implications of our foriegn policy is maybe we can have some good positive change. Keep up the fight. Sending love your way always.

    Sarah J.

  25. if bradley were a Privite F*****g Citizen like Mr.Aussie Player/Lady Slayer instead of a private first class in the us army he would atleast have some chance of seeing the outside of a prison wall before he is an elderly man, but now he won’t even be able to experiance D.A.D.T.even if it is passed: do to the fact that in us military prisons no interpersonal relationships are allowed to occur between prisoners,VERY UNFAIR.

  26. I am from Puerto Rico I support Bradley Manning for his courage revealing the U.S. Military wrongdoings and crimes, God bless bradley manning!

  27. before all these revelations comming to light about america, most americans kept thier opinions about the true lathal nature of americas not so low profile warrior culture to themselves as we can see the majority of americans are just aching for a war instead of just regional conflicts. it seems just by thier persona that regaining martial supremacy is always close to the surface….

  28. I am going to send Bradley a postcard for support, but I don’t understand how it is going to get to him. The address for him is “care of” courage to resist…OK so I guess courage to resist will forward the mail to him…So if that is the case, why send 3 copies of your mail over 3 weeks?. Why wouldn’t you just send 3 copies to courage to resist address all at once??

  29. It is December 17 where I am, thirteen hours ahead of when it will be so in the USA. I want to thank Bradley Manning for standing up for the truth and to wish him a happy birthday.

  30. we must all except the fact that pfc.manning has only the rest of decembre left before the new federal senate and congress convine, and as we have seen how those amerikaans are when they think someone in thier military has betrayed them they want the military to execute them. neither the republicans or democrats can prevent this,nor do these newly elected representatives seem any different from these militant amerikaans who’ve taken power away from the progressive federal government of the unita ustadada di norte amarika. but we must assist migel moore, prevent the angry new amerikaans from forcing assange to be arrested and brought to america to be inprisioned.
    the amerikaans are saying that any country who is not its friend or speaks bad about america they will stop all foriegn aide next year so we know that the eu will not help manley or assange if the new americans in power stop all money…..


    -R. KIPLING-

    I had written a very long message, but my pc shut doen when I clicked Submit Comment…strange?

    A MOTHER from Argentina.
    PD: I will try to send some cards to Manning!

  32. Plase everyone, get a copy of a paperback entiled “Who Stole The American Dream” by Burke Hedges ISBN 0-9632667=0=5 written about 20 ears back. If everyone does their bit and have at least parts of this book sent all over the world, these two Crusaders for thruth will be vindicted.PS the first +- 20 pages must no put you off. This book appears to have escaped the Gestapo?John

  33. Thank you Bradley. I’m sorry that there wasn’t more uproar from the American public. I am ashamed of this country and it’s people. Stand for the truth!

  34. In the solitaryness of your position Bradley, countless may well owe you their lives..Out in the big wide world that news is speading and being shared as fas as the cables..We know what you suffer for us . Those that do it will not escape ‘real’justice .. Each & every one of them..Kia Kaha( Stay Strong)… those that matter care love and applaud you

  35. When I saw the postcard on Michael Moore’s website, I grabbed it and posted it with every email of mine, telling friends “Here is Manning’s address. Please send him a postcard. The address is the prison… and it’s most important that he get these”. It is:

    Bradley Manning
    3247 Elrod Avenue
    Quantico, VA 22134

    The prison should/must be flooded with postcards supporting this young man. He is MY HERO!


  37. As one of the Conscientious Objectors to the VietNam War I enthusiastically support your defiance of the U.S. war psychosis. We said we must throw our bodies into the machinery to prevent the madness. I feel ashamed that you and others need to do the same thing nearly 40 years later. Remember that we are still here, still appalled at our government’s behavior and need only examples like you to rekindle ourselves from a defeated and shameful sloth. In 1970 I often heard “I wish I could do what you’re doing”. I always said you can, go ahead and do it. Now I hear you saying “Go ahead and do it; you can.
    Thank You.

  38. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS BRADLEY MANNING,U.S.ARMY. is an inspiration to future generations on how a progessive progamme is to be implemented along with others around the world an example that a new generation of americans are here,so do not fear the agenda is clear………..

  39. …God Bless you richly, with all true justice in your release from prison, Bradley…@ this Christmastime, may the powerful angel’s of God come to rescue you from the victimization in injustice, that you are experiencing right now…the unseen angel’s of God & the ‘earth-angel’s of legal justice, may they convene in your release…it’s 6:45/Pacific Standard Time & now,may the grace of a wonderful God, sustain you in this holy instant & effect a miraculous release for you in the immediate future/New Year…please remember always, that the greatest in need of prayer are the socio-political agencies of the U.S., that are, by their aggression, displaying an ill conscience, that they are deeply aware that historically America has failed in achieving it’s founding Puritan ideals, thus the most in need at this time are for these agencies & individuals who are spear-heading this aggression against you & Julian Assange: WikiLeaks…that the purgation of an ill conscience must happen for this sad Nation/U.S.A., as it learns it must be brought into account for it’s terrible abuse of other Nations, individuals & also members of it’s own National Community…may the U.S. seek global forgiveness & work toward achieving restitution for it’s crimes against humanity…again, God Bless you, Bradley…may the Peace of God sustain you…may His joy fill you…& infinite Grace sustain you until your near release…

  40. Hello,

    Here a note from Holland (Europe)

    Since we red about the Bradley Manning case we support him on Twitter.
    Every day we request the Dutch people to have more attention for this case.

    A televisionreport (named Zembla, from Dutch broadcastingcompany Vara) about Wikileaks had just one sentence about our Bradley Manning.

    Its really a shame that Bradley is in an isolation cel in the US without trial. Without a blanket and a pillow.

    A lot of people in Holland and of course Europe think that Mr. Obama is a progressive president.

    We dont think so. We want to talk with him about human rights in the USA!

    Although we are just a photosite we can at least twitter for Bradley Manning! Every day as possible.

    All the best, Bradley.

    The photographers

  41. pfc.manning to all that care is suffering far more than straight soldiers because straight soldiers are prepared for being denied interpersonal relationships, while incarcerated,compared to civil detention facilities which would be more humane to gay males;the amerikaan military detention is the most spartan and strict of any nations.
    even the most progressive amerikaan leader is more stern than the worlds most cruelist national leader………..
    send more opinions about this cruel treatment to the amerikaans and u.n.
    oh bradley this is so badley………

  42. While my friends and I usually give unused Xmas cards to charities, this year I will send one a week to Bradley, until they are done, then I will buy him a birthday card and send that every week, and one week I will be right, and it will be his birthday, stay strong Bradley, we toasted you at 12 midnight, news years eve.

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