San Diego Decries US War Crimes, Demands Manning’s Release

On September 19, 2010, over 5 dozen San Diegans rallied in solidarity with Pfc. Bradley Manning. They called on the US government to release Manning and decried war crimes perpetrated by US armed soldiers depicted in the logs and videos released by WikiLeaks.  Protesters affirmed that, if Bradley Manning is the source of the leaks, he deserves the gratitude of the entire world and should be heralded as a hero for his sacrifice.  The protesters included a wide range of groups including labor activists, queer rights activists, legal scholars, anti-war activists and veterans.  On the day after the rally, San Diego staged a public showing of the Collateral Murder video.

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Photos courtesy of Michael Tyler Photography.

5 thoughts on “San Diego Decries US War Crimes, Demands Manning’s Release

  1. Bless Wikileaks for exposing the truths about the world and it’s corruptness. Let freedom ring for transparency. Stop the lies. Save Bradley Manning.

  2. Bradley Manning is an truly honorable soldier – he follow his own conscience. When he had nobody to talk with he couldn’t let it be. All people who are concern with human right and justice must be grateful for his brave action. He reminded the world leaders that a war against innocent people is not an honorable thing to do. He highlight the issue that a fight which has no higher moral ground to fight for, is not worth fighting.

  3. Lorenz Williams I am so glad to find that there are some decent people like yourself exist in the USA….

    I totally agree with your views young Bradley Manning is most honorable and upright person; a great credit to his parents to bring up such a fine lad…..that reminds me its his birthday tomorrow!God Bless him!and hope his parents can give him the message that the good people of this world and themselves included are very proud of him and his prayers will be answered…:)

  4. Fucking EEUU free Bradley Manning how you can reserve the kill of innocent people and arrest who release it to the fucking world?

  5. Dear Patriots,
    I take no pleasure in telling you that America is moving towards an authoritarian government. All of our slogans like God bless the USA, land of the free, home of the brave and a belief in exceptionalism ring hollow. The majority of we the people will continue to remain indifferent or in a state of denial.
    Not only is the U.S. Federal Government against us but some day we may wake up to find that America has become subservient to Communist China. Our so called public servants are doing a fine job of destroying a great nation. It would be prudent to come up with another approach to implanting western style democracy, and winning the so called war on terror against Taliban and CIA created Al Quada network. I served during the Cold War in the USAF and it appears that now our bright and intelligent leaders want another nuclear arms race. Absolute power corrupts absolutely…

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