Sign the statement today! We Stand with BradSignez la pétition aujourd’hui! Nous soutenons Brad.Potpišite izjavu još danas! Mi smo uz Brada

The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused  WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.

Tell the US Army that you stand with Bradley Manning!

To sign, click:

A 22-year-old Army intelligence analyst, Pfc. Bradley Manning, faces decades in prison for allegedly leaking a video of Rally for Brad!a US helicopter attack that killed at least eleven Iraqi civilians to the website Wikileaks. Two employees of the Reuters news agency were among the dead, and two children were also severely wounded in the attack.

In addition to this “Collateral Murder” video, Pfc. Manning is suspected of leaking the “Afghan War Diaries”, tens of thousands of battlefield reports that explicitly describe civilian deaths and cover-ups, corrupt officials, collusion with native warlords and foreign powers as well as a failing US/NATO war effort.

“We only know these crimes took place because insiders blew the whistle at great personal risk … Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy and must be protected from reprisal,” noted Barack Obama while campaigning in 2008. While the President was referring to the Bush administration’s exploitation of telecommunications operators to illegally spy on Americans, Pfc. Manning’s alleged actions are just as noteworthy. If the military charges against him are accurate, he had a reasonable belief that war crimes were being covered up and took action based on a crisis of conscience.

After nearly a decade of war and occupation waged in our name, it is odd that it apparently fell on a young Army private to answer the question, “What have we purchased with well over a trillion tax dollars and the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan?” However, history abounds with unlikely heroes.

If Bradley Manning is indeed the source of these materials, the world owes him its gratitude. We ask Secretary of the Army, the Honorable John M. McHugh, and Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General George W. Casey, Jr., to release Pfc. Manning and drop the charges against him.


To sign, click:

The Bradley Manning Support Network extends its heartfelt thanks to our partner, Courage to Resist, whose staff and volunteers have dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to the campaign to ensure Brad’s freedom.

Le Réseau de Soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning  lance un appel aux militants afin qu’ils signent une déclaration publique en faveur de Bradley Manning, l’auteur présumé des fuites de Wikileaks. Les auteurs de fuites qui s’élèvent contre les injustices et la tyrannie font des sacrifices personnels incroyables. Signez cette pétition et notre partenaire, Courage to Resist, enverra votre déclaration de soutien au Secrétaire en charge de l’Armée, John McHugh, et le chef du Personnel de l’Armée George Casey.

Dites à l’armée américaine que vous soutenez Bradley Manning !

Pour signer, cliquez :

Un analyste de l’armée de 22 ans, Bradley Manning, risque de passer plusieurs dizaines d’années en prison parce qu’il est présumé avoir transmis au site Wikileaks  une vidéo de l’attaque d’un hélicoptère américain qui a tué 11 civils Irakiens. Deux employés de l’agence de presse Reuters se trouvent parmi les victimes, et deux enfants ont également été grièvement blessés dans l’attaque.

En plus de cette vidéo appelée  « Meurtre Collatéral », Manning est suspecté d’avoir transmis le « Journal de Guerre Afghan », des dizaines de milliers de rapports de batailles qui décrivent explicitement les morts de civils et les mensonges pour se couvrir, les corruptions d’officiels, la collusion avec les chefs de guerre locaux et l’influence de pays étrangers tout autant que l’échec de la mission Américaine et de l’OTAN.

« Nous ne connaissons ces crimes de guerre que parce que des personnes de l’intérieur ont laissé passer des informations en prenant un grand risque personnel… Les auteurs de fuites gouvernementales sont un élément d’une démocratie saine et doivent être protégés de représailles », disait Barack Obama alors qu’il faisait campagne en 2008. Bien que le Président se référait à l’exploitation faite par l’administration Bush des opérateurs de téléphonie afin d’espionner illégalement les Américains, les actions attribuées à Manning sont tout aussi dignes d’intérêt. Si les charges retenues contre lui s’avèrent réelles, il pourra raisonnablement penser que les crimes militaires commis ont été couverts, et qu’il a agit en faveur à une crise de conscience.

Après une dizaine d’année de guerre et d’occupation faites en notre nom, il est curieux que ce soit à un jeune soldat de l’Armée de répondre à cette question : « Quel but avons-nous poursuivi avec bien plus d’un trillion de dollars de taxes et la mort de centaines de milliers de gens en Irak et en Afghanistan ? » . L’Histoire, cependant, regorge de héros malchanceux.

Si Bradley Manning est en effet la source de ces informations, le monde lui doit sa gratitude. Nous appelons le Secrétaire des Armées, l’honorable John McHugh, et le chef du personnel de l’Armée, le Général George W. Casey Jr, à libérer Manning et à abandonner les charges pesant contre lui.


Pour signez, cliquez ici :

Le Réseau de Soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning tient également à remercier  du fonds du cœur son partenaire, Courage to Resist, dont le personnel et les bénévoles se sont consacrés de tout leur cœur à la campagne en faveur de la libération de Brad.

Mreža potpore Bradleyju Manningu poziva pristaše da potpišu javnu izjavu o potpori optuženom WikiLeaks zviždaču Bradleyju Manningu. Zviždači koji dignu svoj glas protiv nepravde i tiranije čine nevjerojatne osobne žrtve. Potpišite peticiju, a naš će partner, Courage to Resist, poslati Vašu izjavu o potpori ministru Oružanih snaga, Johnu McHughu, i načelniku glavnog stožera Oružanih snaga, generalu Georgeu Caseyju.

Recite Oružanim snagama Sjedinjenih Američkih Država da ste uz Bradleyja Manninga!

Za potpisivanje kliknite na:

22-godišnji analitičar obavještajnih podataka Oružanih snaga SAD-a, razvodnik Bradley Manning, suočen je s desetljećima u zatvoru zbog navodne odgovornosti za curenje internetskoj stranici WikiLeaks video zapisa Rally for Brad!

o napadu helikoptera SAD-a, u kojemu je ubijeno najmanje jedanaest iračkih civila. Među mrtvima bila su i dvojica zaposlenika novinske agencije Reuters, a i dva djeteta teško su ranjena u tom napadu.

Osim tog video zapisa “Collateral Murder” (Kolateralno uboujstvo), razvodnika Manninga sumnjiči se i za curenje u javnost dnevnika o ratu u Afganistanu “Afghan War Diaries”, desetaka tisuća izvješća s ratnog poprišta, u kojima se izrijekom opisuju ubojstva civila i njihovo zataškavanje, korumpirani dužnosnici, dosluh s domaćim ratnim zapovjednicima i stranim silama, kao i neuspjela ratna nastojanja Sjedinjenih Američkih Država/NATO-a.

“Znamo da su ti zločini počinjeni samo zato što su insajderi puhnuli u zviždaljku, i to uz veliku opasnost po sebe … Zviždači iz redova Vlade dio su zdrave demokracije i mora ih se zaštititi od odmazde,” izjavio je Barack Obama tijekom predizborne kampanje 2008. I dok je Predsjednik pritom implicirao način na koji Bushova vlada izrabljuje pružatelje telekomunikacijskih usluga kako bi nezakonito špijunirali Amerikance, navodne radnje razvodnika Manninga podjednako su dostojne pozornosti. Ako su istinite vojne optužbe protiv njega, on je imao opravdanu sumnju da se zataškavaju ratni zločini te je i djelovao na temelju krize savjesti.

Nakon gotovo desetljeća rata i okupacije, koji se provode u naše ime, čudno je da je baš mladog razvodnika Oružanih snaga SAD-a dopalo da odgovori na pitanje: “Što smo to kupili s preko trilijuna poreznih američkih dolara i smrću stotina tisuća u Iraku i Afganistanu?” Međutim, povijest je puna nevjerojatnih heroja.

Ako je Bradley Manning uistinu izvor tih materijala, svijet mu duguje zahvalnost. Tražimo od američkog ministra Oružanih snaga, uvaženog Johna M. McHugha, i načelnika glavnog stožera Oružanih snaga SAD-a, generala Georgea W. Caseyja Mlađeg, da puste razvodnika Manninga na slobodu i da odbace sve optužbe protiv njega.

S poštovanjem,

Za potpisivanje kliknite na:

Mreža potpore Bradleyju Manningu iskreno zahvaljuje svojem partneru, Courage to Resist (Hrabrost za otpor), čije su se osoblje i volonteri čitavom dušom posvetili ovoj kampanji kako bi se ostvarila Bradova sloboda.

49 thoughts on “Sign the statement today! We Stand with BradSignez la pétition aujourd’hui! Nous soutenons Brad.Potpišite izjavu još danas! Mi smo uz Brada

  1. A clear, leading progressive voice, Glenn Greenwald at, is doing a great job shedding light on the unconstitutionality of the government’s treatment of Bradley Manning and his supporters, and the consequences fir all US citizens. Greenwald describes Manning [if he did what he's accused of] as “the most heroic political figure of the last decade at least.”

    I urge visitors to this site to follow Greenwald’s blog [linked]. He plans to meet with and interview Manning at Quantico soon.

    F R E E B R A D L E Y M A N N I N G !!!

  2. I suggest those who support this courageous soldier should read the final summation Justice Robert Jackson made at the Nuremberg Trials after World War 2 ended. That trial was supposed to end the war crimes committed during that war by the Nazis and Japan militarists. Several Nazi leaders were hanged. it should also be remembered the trial was criticized at the tme by the leading GOP contender for the presidency, Senator Robert Taft. He feared the results of the trial would set a precedent that would be used by OUR leaders in the future. Needless to say, no American leader has ever stood in the dock to be held accountable for numerous war crimes our nation has committed since that ar ended. The last time our leaders abided by the U.S. Constitution to declare war was after the attack on Pearl Harbor and we have been at war somewhere on this planet ever since. Let us hope Pfc Manning and Mr. Assuange get the Nobel Peace for their efforts in exposing the war crimes some of our soldiers had done and are still doing ever day. Steve World War 2

  3. So, the emperor has no clothes! And, we were correct about General Betrayus and his lies! Obama lives in his Chicago bubble and doesn’t like people sticking pins in his facade. Hillary should have been jailed for threatening the life of Ralph Nader and every Dem that lost in the 2010 was a Blue Dog except for one progressive. Read Dr. Ravi Batra (World renoun economist) people. It’s going to get awhole lot worse until we clean up the corruption in the halls of power in this Country. The corporations and blue bloods own both parties and they are sucking the blood right out of this Country!

    We need to support heroes like Bradley Manning. We need more of them. Obama has gone after whistle blowers with a vengeance unmatched even by the likes of “W.” The entire Democratic and Republican leadership and most of their cronies are complicit.

  4. Why aren’t people storming the white house with guns? standing with signs and screaming won’t do any good people. The people who put Manning behind bars don’t care if you screem for a week or a year. Buy guns and lets take our country back from these corrupt criminals.

  5. That was the most disturbing piece of footage I have ever seen. The attitudes of the people in the helicopter and the attack on the people below was very upsetting then to top it all off they put good people in jail.

    I hate that. Please let him free.

    Long live

  6. It is absolutely horrible how the American government is treating this patriot but we have seen this before. Imprisoning patriots for exposing the horrors of the American Government has been her since our inception as a country. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were trying to stop the bastards in Washington by exposing the horrors of the Nuclear bomb to the former Soviet Union. Aldrich Ames did his best to equalize the Soviets and the Americans with his patriotic actions as well. Bradly like Alger Hiss was only trying to stop the oppressive and corrupt and arrogant imperialist government. In fact I believe that Bradley Manning is a hero unequaled in bravery and should be allowed the same historic reverence as Benedict Arnold.

  7. People always seem to wake up when it’s late or too late. We will never learn, or will we? That is the question.
    This is so unfair to do to a citizen of the usa and everyone of us should be out ragged by this blaten, disrespect for someone who has fort for this country and he just happens to be the innocent. The truth should set you free not jail you. He clearly seen wrong doing and it was covered up, as usual. He is a hero and don’t think for one minute that those kids that survived will not grow to hate USA, These could be potential killers for revenge for the wrong doing that was done to there families and it was not a mistake because you know what you witnessed just like me. These soldiers seemed eager to kill which is sad because two victoms were journalist and two were innocent children. We shouldn’t be that eager to kill with out investigating if they are terrorist or the innocent. USA have enough enemies we don’t need to collect any more and this is exactly what the government got our teens and young adults doing and they can’t even speak about the wrong doing without being jailed shame on you. You know who you are. When will it stop were shooting innocent people and at the same time were giving there country boat loads of money while our own ciitzens (of all nationalities) suffer on the streets with no food and shelter. They are just giving our tax payers money to any country they would like with out asking the people. We will get tired and uprise, one day all people against corruption. I just hope it’s in my life time.

  8. die wahrheit kommt immer ans licht.danke an wikileaks für das zeigen
    dieser abscheulichen dinge die vor unseren augen passieren
    nun wird sich die welt verändern ,zum guten. gott sei dank

  9. The worst part about the video is the way that these soldiers can joke while taking lives. The people on the ground were clearly not engaging. This video makes me disgusted to call myself an American. I hope Bradley Manning receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for this.

  10. I just wonder, dont those guys in the helicopter have binoculars? Are they just relying on their eye sight from that far away? In the first part of the video, it did appear that a couple guys were carring M-16′s and a RPG. If the helicopter was fired upon, then they have the right to fire back. Heck, just seeing the RPG is good enough reason to fire. With that said, what happened after was over the top and just wrong. The cover up is just wrong. What Bradley went through from his own superiors is just wrong.

  11. Where have all the good people gone? they are so few and far between! The masses have been dumbed down by hollywood trash, prescription meds, or public schools which terrorize independent thinkers.

    God bless and protect Julian Assange and all of you who give a damn about the truth. If you discuss history you often hear the phrase ‘how could the masses support Hitler?’ What’s going on now???? We have Cheney Bush and Rottenfeld getting away with murder. God will have his day soon enough and their investments will prove to prove to be beyond worthless.

    In the meantime, God speed ahead to the courageous heroes who expose the vermin infesting and rotting the world like a rotten apple.

  12. Wow, this is really sad. Need to support this young and brave man; not all people are the same.

    Thank you Brad; thank you!

  13. I am discusted to see some pampered politician is calling for his execuition, can you believe these people! proberbaly some republican who’s idea of a hard days work is bullying his staff before another exspense account lunch, has the nerve to call for the execuition of a guy who has been actively serving his country. it beggers beleif.

  14. I simply brought up the fact that I felt that Bradley Manning was a hero and my corworker got really upset. He seems to have a convincing point that the information that wikileaks puts out does more harm than good feeding radicals political ammunition. I explained is not suppose to hurt us even more, it is suppose to set us free. In this time and age information and perspective are only as good as the interpretation and the big picture being perceived as well. I want to know how many people out there feel the opposite about Bradley Manning being a hero. Those people seem passionate and just as convinced as we are that this is wrong but for the opposite reasons.
    He said that he feels like BM should be charged with Treason and put away for the rest of his life…. WHAT ?!!!? I think this is the works of another influence or misinterpretation on his part but really think he may have been brain washed by a fellow idiot who would rather this world keep going in the direction it is currently without any thought into the repercussions of a nanny state and or world government.

    America stands divided and so long as we all are stubborn in our views and over react to defend our perspective we are not going to calm down and listen to each other and the real problems. This coworker of mine got so upset he had to stop talking to me. Tell me when is the last time you got upset when someone disagreed with you on a point? If you cannot logically and calmly defend and debate your stance maybe the ground on which you stand is not stable enough for enduring the truth.

  15. The big thing being revealed with all this is the sad and criminal nature of the behaviour of those who lead the West. I am a proud Australian and I truly appreciate the friendship my country has with the U.S.; but that appreciation is born of the fact the ordinary folk in my country and the ordinary folk in the U.S. hold very dear the concepts of truth, decency, fairness, compassion and accountability. It seems that our leaders use these essentials as rhetorical self supports.

    Julian Assange got the ball rolling; his moto being “courage is contagious”. Bradley Manning has grabbed the baton. Young Mr. Manning is clearly one of those heroic people whose disregard for ‘self’ is as likely to get him killed as it is to get things changed, but that won’t stop him. I’m not made of the same stuff as Brad, but I will poke my boney head up in support of this ‘hero of decency’. Keep your head up Mr. Manning. Your persecuters WILL eventually lose their’s.

  16. He has given me hope — if anyone deserves freedom it is him. Do not forget what he has done and allow him to rot in an American prison for an indeterminate amount of time. “While there is a lower class I am in it; while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free”. Eugene Debs. There is a lot of work to be done — where do we begin? Manning’s case deserves more attention than it has been given.

  17. When a person gives up his right to self preservation in the pursuit of humanity, a Matyr is born.I salute you Bradley Manning and may your GOD protect you and keep you safe.

  18. The following material is a piece extracted from a copyright paper I wrote early this year bringing to the attention to the international community of the genocide that was committed on the Germanic minority of the old Soviet Union (Volga and Black Sea Germanic population). “The Hague Convention recognizes moral and ethical treatment between belligerents and non-belligerents. The Martens Clause reads as follows:

    Until a more complete code of the laws of war is issued, the High Contracting Parties think it right to declare that in cases not included in the Regulations adopted by them, populations and belligerents remain under the protection and empire of the principles of international law, as they result from the usages established between civilized nations, from the laws of humanity and the requirements of the public conscience.

    Convention with respect to the laws of war on land (Hague II), 29 July 1899.

    The Conventions and Protocols establish the necessary provisions to sanction violations of the humanitarian rules. In the event of grave breaches, Governments are required by the Conventions to enact effective penal legislation against individuals who order or commit these breaches. If criminal actions occur it is the responsibility of military commanders to “prevent breaches, suppress them, and if necessary report them” to the governing authorities.”

    These charges are clearly a violation of international Laws against this young man. Everyone of those individuals responsible for this criminal breach and their commanding officers seeking a court marshal and execution are trying to shake off the real perpetrating criminalities of which they are guilty. This young man should be instantly released and every politician and soldier committing war crimes and cover up should find themselves taking his place now. I hope all of you reading this will contact a Senator or House Representative and file a complaint on behalf of Brad Manning founded on the Laws of humanity as well as the protocols of the Hague Convention.

  19. George W. Bush, and every senator and congressman who voted for the attack and invasion of Iraq shouild be charged with treason. Then, they should be tried for the war crimes that have been perpetrated by the United States in Iraq and in the military detention centers (concentration camps) from the 1st day of the U.S. attack and invasion.

    In addition George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be prosecuted for the murder of every U.S. military service man that has died in Iraq.

    Let’s not wait for future generations of world citizens to inevitably condemn the United States and its leaders for the carnage that they have allowed. They need to be held accountable now.

  20. I just watched that video and it made me almost throw up. There joking and laughing about killing unarmed men! I cant believe there getting away with this. Free Bradley Manning now! He is the only reason these family’s will ever know what really happened to there family members…

  21. Free Bradley Manning! He is a hero, and the more you keep him, the bigger hero he will become. He will become a focal point for more actions and resistance to the current situation. We have a right to information and transparency in information.
    Shauna Gunderson

  22. Hello everybody,Iam Stefan from Germany.I read an article about Bradley Manningna few days ago.What he did is not a crime,he exposed warcrimes.He is a brave ,young man,someone with a peronality and someone who has a own opinion and figts for ideals.I read a lot about him in the internet and when I saw his words it showed what a strong character he has.What I think is really sad is,that some media tell about him as if he did it only to get attention or because he was frustrated as a homosexual in the army.When you look at his word,you clearly see it is not true,he is an idealist.It brings tears to my eyes when I thinh that he could get in jail for 52 years,that is very,very sad,it would ruin his life.He will never have a boyfriend then,not gbe able to go to college and be isolated nearly his whole life.This should NEVER NEVER;NEVER;NEVER happen.I hope the do mnot beat him or torture him psychological in jail.I do not know what I can do to get him out,just writing comments will not help there must be a big protest all over the world going on.I read that he has to take antidepressiva,because he could commit suicide.Please can someon write me bach what I can do to support Bradley,what has a great effect and is tthere one way I can contact him personally just to show him there is someone in germany who loves him and supports or is it notpossible? please write me back,cause i think the manning supporters should communicate with each other to help eayh other.
    Ps:Sorry,my English is bad,I am from Bavaria

  23. Manning committed no CRIME. He would have been wiser to recognize the illegality of this UNdeclared WAR of Aggression and NOT participate at all. But speaking out. Leaking info that exposes WAR CRIMES is not, never will be a CRIME to honest people. The Real criminals are those in Government and Huckabee who condone WAR Crimes.

    As a Viet Nam Veteran who suffered and lost 5 cousins, it is time
    to bring ALL our troops home from foreign soil, and defend America against Drug Smugglers from Mexico, and maybe some real terrorist who sneak thru with them. BRING THE TROOPS home, while we still have a home Nation in USA. and FIRE and Jail all TSA employees for violating
    Constitutional Rights.

  24. Hello,do you think it does make any sense writing aan email to the newspaper here in germany and tell them they should fight for his freedom.The echoe in the media for him was very few,they used his information but does not seem to care if he stays in prison ,they should do something.Shall i contact the media?

  25. Not the young man who revealed the truth, but those who tried to hide it from the public and the families of the victims should be charged.

  26. As an Australian, I am very proud of Julian Assange, and am disgusted by the Australian Government’s response to his revelations. I also feel proud of John Pilger, Geffrey Robertson and others who offered to pay Julian’s bail – if I had money I’d contribute myself.
    I support Bradley’s courage and am pleased to add my support to the many before me. It is a sad indictment on the so-called protestations by both our government so-called leaders, of upholding democracy while a courageous young whistleblower is jailed, and those responsible for mass murder are strutting the world stage – free and able to plot even more deaths.
    How do we raise our children and grand children to be truthful and respect free speech and freedom from armed invasions, when our governments engage in such horrific behaviours.
    I hope that Julian’s legal people will have him out of jail soon! A very sad situation!
    I hope Bradley’s family are supporting him, and offer them my support also!

  27. Brad Manning is a real american,the fed govt is the devil!! only problem the federal govt will yes will turn against America,as you can see what their doing to BRAD MANNING!!!!(the feds are creating, the United Rich Amreika!!!!( URA )not the USA WE NEED TO UNITE LIKE NEVER BEFORE) Please GOD bless America please. only hope is pray,pray, pray!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. de belgique,je suis de tout coeur avec brad,je suis degoutee de voir ce que devient ce monde .je suis commercante et si vous avez une adresse en belgique qui procure des feuilles de petition ,n’hesiter pas a m’envoyer un mail pour que je puisse les faire signer et sensibiliser mes clients.bon courage et bravo pour les actions therese

  29. wow, those brave American soldiers in the helicopter sure must be proud of how they made the world a safer place that day. What a bunch of trigger-happy thugs! It is absolutely gut-wrenching to see them enjoy their killing spree so much. And then to kill the good samaritans who stopped to rescue the wounded! I hope these sick bastards and the brass that protect them get a taste of their own medicine someday soon. Thank you wikileaks for exposing these despicable crimes against humanity which should be severly punished, and which need to end if we are to survive as a nation.

  30. I am ashamed of america and our corrupt government. I support Brad 100%. Please do the right thing and let him go. Have a heart!!!

  31. Sorry for my bad english. I would be happy to get more informations about Brad in german language.
    I`d like to foght for his freedom.
    Gaby from Germany

  32. My name is Darín O Bhuelduín, or Darren Thomas Weldon, I am from, Dublin Ireland and am also the Co. Founder of the Irish Ads Firm, Dublin, Éire.

    I hereby call for the immediate release of Private Bradley Manning who corageously brought the inexplicable war crimes committed by the United States of America’s Army.

    After having studied this case at great lenght, I find that Private Manning should not only be released but should also be presented with Medals of Honour and not only for the courage he demonstrated by considering and presenting thes horrendous war crimes to the general public at both national and international levels but for having set an example of humanity of the highest honour no less than his almighty Jesus Christ demonstrated when he too chose to suffer for human kind.

    Bradley manning is no fool, he thought very hard before taking action and quite obviously understood that he would be metaphorically nailed to the cross for his humane actions.

    The horrendous, cruel and very cold blooded war crimes that have been presented in the video released should be used as evidence in an international court of law and in the order of bringing all responsible, those being the Commander in Chief of the American Army and all those ranking below him to Stand Trial as defendants of those who ought to be accused for having allowed their military assets to freely carry out multiple first degree murder.

    Bradly Manning, You are a hero, the hero of the 21st Century, your name shall never be forgotten, you stand among the greatest legendary figures and I hold you in par with persons such as Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ and Hercules.

    Irish Ads supports you,

  33. Just simply another example for people stupid and lazy enough to be lied to. America will never become a better place if people don’t start thinking and acting the right way. Even if you fire the Government’s politicians now, they’d be replaced by the same kind. Just look at the way the French Revolution took place. The USA is one of the countries that pass on the least information to public = their voters. Please, Americans!!! Act now! Teach your children and friends the truth! Think of sustainability. Short-term actions won’t do anything. I believe Wikileaks is one opportunity of changing the “world’s leader”, as long as it still is. Stand up for Bradley Manning!






  35. Yes ! What have we done so wrong to make us this fearful of transparency ? It’s obvious we do have something to be ashamed of in trying to nail someone who has exposed some of it. We are acting worse than 3rd world countries and we are supposed to be better educated ? Come on. Has Bradley Manning received any court order yet ? Then why is he being punish as if he were already sentenced ? It couldn’t be any worse. I find it hard to be an American citizen with this abhorrent behavior toward a fellow human being waiting to be tried in court. If we want to be “leaders and educators” of the world, we’d better take a good look at ourselves in the mirror and hope we can change what we see. God help us . Sincerely,

  36. I dread to think how Barrack Obama’s going to feel when he re-discovers his conscience – it will not be comfortable, I also dread to think how his own family will see him when they discover, as they will, what their father was capable of. God Bless Bradley Manning.

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