Free Bradley Manning (song)
James Cerveny contacted us early on, as we were getting the Bradley Manning campaign up and running. A man of many talents, he consulted with us on some legal issues as well as contributing articles here and getting letters to the editor published. Now he displays another one of those many talents, in song:
“Free Bradley Manning” by James Cerveny
Love this! Great song James, and I know Bradley Manning is going to love it too! Shawn.
Great effort. More power to you. Love. Smith
Copyright it, shorten it, have it interpreted by a known guy (Bob Dylan
, broadcast it and have the money for the defense of bradley and the other ones out there in his situation…
turn it into a ringtone.
A great song, if unclear to newcomers, the opportunistic snitch talked about is Adrian Lamo of SF, known as “Lame-O” to war opposers..
for thus who prefer a more open form of access.
Sincerely Mike
This girl in Toronto loves it too! Great job James!! Re Bob Dylan, I think the Bradley Manning Support Network already has our own
) I’d buy your version James!
Am sharing it up here.
Hugs, Charlotte
Thanks for all of your words of support. If I could get access to Dylan, Prine or Earle I’d be honored to hear them sing it. Regarding Lame-O, I didn’t want to give him any satisfaction he may derive by immortalizing his name in song, however obscure.
Download MP3:…
September 18, 2010 – “Free Bradley Manning (Song)”…
August 5, 2010 – Colin M. Jones “Respect For Law and Order Breaking Down” –…
August 7, 2010 – James Cerveny “Did WikiLeaks Endanger Lives?” –…
August 17, 2010 – James Cerveny “A Misplaced Outrage Over WikiLeaks” –…
September 20, 2010 – Jesselyn Radack “Collateral Murder: The Sequel (And Gang Assault of the Whistleblower) –…
The “Days of Action to Support Bradley Manning” kicked off with a packed hall in Oakland on Thursday September 16, 2010. “Afghanistan: Occupation, Wikileaks, and Accused Whistleblower Army PFC. Bradley Manning” with Daniel Ellsberg, (Ret.) Col. Ann Wright, and Ray McGovern speaking. Watch the event here:
Donate to the Bradley Manning Defense Fund –…
Sign the petition! Justice for Bradley Manning –…
Write to Congress!
Write to Bradley! Letters and Postcards to:
Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610
Letters will be opened, “contraband” discarded and then mailed weekly to Bradley via someone on his approved correspondence list.
Original Uploader slipoka –
WikiLeaks Playlist:…
The freedom drums are crying out,
Their message loud; their message marked;
That freedom’s dreams are being lost,
For All Mankind; For all Mankind.
The freedom drums are crying out,
From deserts dark; from deserts fired;
That freedom’s dreams are being sold,
While we Forget; While we Forget;
The Freedom Drums are Freedom’s Dreams,
For all Mankind; For all Mankind;
The Freedom Drums are Freedoms’s Dreams,
For all Mankind; For all Mankind.
Their sound is deep -
Deep and clear;
Their beat is seen -
Seen and heard;
Their love is you -
You and yours;
Their time is now -
Now not when.
The Freedom Drums for Freedom’s Dreams,
Are for Mankind; Are for Mankind;
The Freedom Drums for Freedom’s Dreams,
Are for Mankind; Are for Mankind.
The Freedom drums are crying out,
Those sorry songs; those sorry wrongs;
That Freedom’s Dreams are being sad,
As they’re Leaving; As they’re Leaving;
The Freedom Drums are crying out,
That Freedom’s Dreams fare well;
Those Fredom Drums will echo long -
For all Mankind; For all Mankind.
The freedom drums of freedom’s songs,
Those freedom drums; Those freedom drums;
For all Mankind; For all Mankind;
Those Freedom Drums of Freedom’s dreams,
Those Freedom Songs of Freedom’s Drums,
Of Freedom’s Drums,
Of Freedom’s Drums,
Of Freedom’s Drums….
I waas absolutely angered by YOU TUBES taking down the song on Bradley Manning! America is headed down a very slippery slope and we all best awake to what we are ALLOWED to see, what we are ALLOWED to view and what we are ALLOQWED to KNOW…….Be afraid, very very afraid!
Hm, I don’t know what that’s about. It says removed by the user, so I’m asking James what’s up.
Got a different version online.
Appreciate the immediate response. With the way the media and others are about anything related to Wiki Leaks, I would hope this is not due to censorship coming from You Tube. Would not be the first time from what I have experienced.
Sorry about the spelling misques. It always seems to crop up when I am slightly PQ’d!
I did write my Texas representatives and signed the petition. And will send a check along with my card to Private Manning. It was Bradley of Brad’s Blog on the Mike Malloy Show tonight who raised my consciousness about needing to risk supporting him publicly. Given that our country can define terrorist activity to mean protesting anything the power elite decides to do, I needed someone to give me the courage to demand his torture be ended. Brad, on the Mike Malloy Show, and Rowling, the former FBI agent he interviewed on her way home to MN, gave me the courage to speak up for Private Manning. So far, all I know about Manning is that he has been accused of leaking classified documents to Wikileaks. I know that he has not been formally charged with anything. I do hope that US justice, though dead, can be resurrected in Bradley Manning’s case.
Great job James. I am a veteran and a retired judge. The USA needs more people like Bradley Manning. Our government is committing crimes including mass murder. We are morally obligated to do exactly what this brave young man has allegedly done. We must find the courage to protect the innocent (Manning) from the guilty (Bush/Obama and their minions).
Wikileaks Anthem – Official Music Video by Isaac Sloan
Its an anthem for the defenders of truth and a soundtrack for freedom of speech! Its a wake up call to the masters of war and a bane in the side of corruption. The truth will always prevail. Creative Commons license so use it however you wish. Let freedom ring through this anthem! Please tell everyone about this wikileaks song!
Its a protest song about wikileaks and the corrupt people trying to bring it down to hide their own criminal acts from the public eye. A song about what it means for freedom of speech, the press and the internet. A nation can’t consider its self democratic when all important issues are labeled as “Top Secret” and never released to the public. Brave men and women risk their lives to keep our country safe and are rewarded by being sent to die in childish squabbles over seas. Is this right?
Bradley Manning released a video of apache helicopters gunning down civilians and laughing about it. It came to be know on the internet as “Collateral Murder”. What he did was was illegal and he’s paying the consequences for it. We should be asking ourselves why this video was marked top secret in the first place though. It didn’t contain information crucial for the security of our nation but rather just evidence of war crimes. Should information like that be hidden from the public? How can we be expected to vote if we don’t actually know what our government is doing? So lastly this is a song for Bradley Manning who lost the most for the truth!
Isaac Sloan – Guitar, Piano, Organ, Lyrics and Vocals
Edgar Campos – Bass and Lead Guitar
Josh Kastleman – Drums
There was a man who wrote the truth
about governments and war
But the truth exposed the liers
for the criminals they were
We should hunt him down and murder him
Some like sarah palin swore
Then the credit cards and paypal
and webhosts joined the fight
But they only cared for money
Not free speech or peoples rights
So they choose to please the powerful
Instead of freedom, truth or light
So come on anonymous
bring down the walls
When knowledge is free
Humanity can stand tall
Well they say that your a traitor
But you are a hero to me
You risked your life and liberty
So the truth could be free
I wish you luck bradley manning
You were braver than me
Brave men died for their country
but the leaders didn’t care
In their twisted lies and war games
these deaths were more than fair
now there’s a site call wikileaks
That puts these secrets out to air
With Julian Assange in jail
some think the fight is lost
But we won’t give up easily
We want the truth at any cost
Some scandals don’t just go away
Dirty laundry can’t be tossed
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