Kevin Zeese on The Alyona Show regarding Bradley Manning’s detention and surrounding issues

Kevin Zeese, a member of the Bradley Manning Support Network Steering Committee and Executive Director of Voters for Peace appeared today on RT’s The Alyona Show discussing the case (segment begins at 20m30s):

7 thoughts on “Kevin Zeese on The Alyona Show regarding Bradley Manning’s detention and surrounding issues

  1. I am pleased to see that Bradley is now getting media coverage like this, a big well done to Kevin Zeese. All publicity of Bradley’s plight is good. Over here in the UK I am doing what I can via facebook and my own blog to try and raise awareness even occassionally mentioning it to media groups in the hope that they will look at the support sites and mention his case but so far no joy, but then, in the UK our media seems very well controlled. In the interests of all who are against war and atrocities against civilians we MUST stand with Bradley or we may as well just line ourselves up and wait to be shot ourselves as in time it will come to that if left unchallenged, all who oppose them will be seen as ‘the enemy’. I wish I could do more I really do. But I will continue to do what I can.

  2. As a Peace Activist through and through I want to see Justice, Reason and Fairness as a Global issue especially to be exercised by the world’s so-called ‘democratic’ state that of United States of America! It is high time the voice of the people was heard for a change and invasions, unjust imprisonment, torture techniques were ended. If respect is expected then respect to International Law should be followed by bully states like US and its allies.

  3. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., America is approaching spiritual death. Manning’s treatment is evidence of this.

  4. Human rights recognized by “international law” are a poor substitute for those enumerated in the USA Constitution. The USA needs only to follow its own Constitution and laws that comply with that Supreme Law of the Land.

  5. In terms of human rights, and regards the US Constitution (Paul Chaney). It is all very well saying that the US’s bill of rights will provide all the protection Bradley needs but let us be clear. It is the government, formed supposedly through this same constitution that has Bradley under lock and key. I think that the fact of the matter is that the US administration (more particularly its back room bureaucrats CIA, Homeland et al) is no longer interested in the rights of your citizens but rather is all about money and power. These people, unelected, are influencing/steering the course of your nation and anyone who looks to be wanting things to be different, better for the people becomes a liability and thus needs to be either removed or totally discredited in order to allow them to continue their work unopposed.

    I have long held the belief that the US people are being heavily manipulated into ‘believing’ that they are free, and that they live in a democracy when the reality is that you are LESS FREE than many across the world. I admit, as you probably guessed already, that I hold no love for your government. What I do have is respect for your people and the ideals that once made your nation great. It is most unfortunate that your government lost sight of itself along the way, not just for Americans but for all the world as your nation had the potential to lead us forward into the future. Now though I would not trust them to lead a dog to the park!

    If citizens like Bradley can be so badly treated how much worse will the rest of us in the world be treated at their hands? It does nothing to inspire confidence in them that is for certain. I genuinely believe that unless they are taken to task by the International community, and all their deepest and darkest secrets exposed to the light of the day then the future is a very bleak one indeed.

    Let us hope that our fight to free Bradley is a successful one and that the results of the Wikileaks continued publication of truths forces a change for the good, before we are all sucked into the dark world that is behind the closed doors of the US administration. Perhaps in time, with enough pressure being applied your nation will once again be the shining light to lead us onward.

  6. What Simon Lowe was saying. Very good. He was talking about freedom in the US. There is no freedom. People there cannot speak out.

    Nazi Germany had Joseph Goebbels. He was propaganda minister. He was very good at it. Germany was loosing the war. Everybody could see that.

    Joseph Goebbels made a speech. And he had the whole audience shout for more war. He made them believe, that Germany would win.

    Joseph Goebbels also had a saying. He has said: “Tell a lie seven times and it becomes the truth”. Very wise words of the man.

    At the end of the Second World War he committed suicide. With his wife and kids. Pity. The US would love to have him.

    In the US right now. They have a lot of Joseph Goebbels type of men. Manipulating the people of the US. Celebrating the military.

    How can the people of the US celebrate the military? The US military hasn’t won a war since 1945. What are they doing? It is only a waste.

    Oh yes. The Joseph Goebbels types of the US are saying the US military is protecting the freedom of the US and the world. Now that is good.

    So the American military goes in. They loose the war. And then the freedom of the US and the world is saved. Anybody knows how that is possible?

    We have Bradley Manning. He is treated very bad. Obama. Your president. What is he doing? Let me tell you. Nothing. He is doing nothing.

    Why is he doing nothing? All because of the military. They run the country. Not Obama. Obama is only a puppet. He is to shut up.

    I don’t live in the US. I’m not an American citizen. Thank God.

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