Join Veterans for Peace at NYC Pride

Vets for Peace at Philadelphia Pride Parade, 2011
Who: Veterans For Peace, Chapter 34.
What: Veterans For Peace and allies will be marching to support Bradley Manning at the Heritage of Pride Parade in New York City.
Where: Assemble at 12 Noon on East 37 St. between Fifth and Madison Avenues. We are scheduled to step off at 1PM, marching down Fifth Avenue to end at Greenwich St. Vets For Peace is in Unit 6 in Section 11.
More Info:
Spread the word about his case, in this year’s Heritage of Pride Parade. Pfc Manning is a 23 yr old gay man who was detained in Iraq over one year ago, held in solitary confinement until recently, and still awaits his first public court hearing. He has been charged with the capital offense of “aiding the enemy”.
It is incredible that an American soldier may be executed, or at best faces life in prison, for allegedly being the primary whistle-blower who leaked US State Dept. cables that contributed to revolt in dictatorships across the Middle East and North Africa. The world clearly understands the contribution of Pfc Manning toward freedom of information, and Freedom itself.
We have a 12 foot long banner honoring Bradley’s courage, and will distribute flyers about his case. Code Pink, FFALB, World Can’t Wait, and other groups will be marching with us. We should have a great turnout from VFP Chapter 34 members and friends.
All members and friends are encouraged to attend this parade, which is the largest annual event in NYC, with a total attendance of over one million. Folks can also meet our contingent along the parade route down Fifth Avenue, e.g. at 5th Ave and 10th St.
Assemble at 12 Noon on East 37 St. between Fifth and Madison Avenues. We are scheduled to step off at 1PM, marching down Fifth Avenue to end at Greenwich St. Vets For Peace is in Unit 6 in Section 11.