Help us kick off our new Campaign!

Thousands of people around the world will be signing an interactive photo petition to bring awareness to Bradley Manning.

While we get ready to launch the new site,  you can help us by submitting your photo early!

It is as easy as…

1.  Make a simple sign that says “I am Bradley Manning.”  Include a few extra words if you wish.

2.  Take a photo like this one:

3.  Send us the photo with short (50 words or less) paragraph about yourself, and why you care about Bradley.  Include descriptive #hashtags about yourself.  An example is below:

This is a sample caption:

I live and work in Oakland, CA.  I believe that the rights of all whistle-blowers around the wold need to be protected to ensure a future that is livable for all generations.  I believe that Bradley Manning is the greatest whistle-blower of my generation. Holding a sign is the least I can do!”

#Hashtags that tell us about who you are:

#union member #laborer #California #anti-war #environmentalist

Fill out the form at iam.bradleymanning.org/submit. We will send you an update once your photo signature is processed so that you can share it with your friends and networks.


One thought on “I AM BRADLEY MANNING

  1. I live and work in london uk. I am an environmentalist and animals rights fighter. i also believe in the rights of people around the wold who do whatever is necessary to ensure a future that is livable for all generations. I believe that Bradley Manning is the greatest whistle-blower of my generation. Holding a sign is the least I can do!”

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