Bradley Manning Support Network Condemns Unjust Detainment of ActivistLe réseau de soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning condamne la détention injuste d’un militantMreža potpore Bradeleyu Manningu osuđuje nepravedno pritvaranje aktivista

Washington, DC, November 10, 2010 – Last week, David House, a developer working with the Bradley Manning Support Network, was detained and had his computer seized by the FBI when returning from a vacation in Mexico. He committed no crime, nor was he ever alleged to have committed a crime.  He was questioned extensively about his support for alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who has been imprisoned at Quantico for over 160 days.

This invasive search is of great concern to all Americans who value the Constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free assembly.  The campaign to free Bradley Manning – which has garnered the support of tens of thousands of individuals from across the United States and the world – is rooted in a belief that government transparency is key to a healthy democracy.  Our network stands firm in support of alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning and has raised over $80,000 for his defense.  If he is a source for documents published by WikiLeaks illuminating the campaign of disinformation about US foreign wars, then Manning deserves the gratitude of the entire nation.

House sent an email to the Network describing his detainment, saying that, “My computer, video camera, and flash drive were confiscated, leaving me in a tough spot in terms of research obligations; the reason for the seizure, said the officials, was ‘border search.’”

The FBI denied House’s requests to have a copy of his research data.  This seems to be part of a disturbing trend of intimidation and property seizure being carried out against activists critical of US policies, including the detainment and laptop seizure of activist Jacob Applebaum in July and the September 24th FBI raids against antiwar and social justice activists.

House has not been charged with a crime.

“I try to be as even-handed as possible, but based on the subject of the search I can’t help but feel that this constitutes a form of intimidation,” wrote House in an email to the Network, “I feel as though the DHS has turned to harassing the friends and supporters of Bradley Manning in a potential attempt to disrupt our abilities to run a legal defense network.”

The Bradley Manning Support Network denounces this recent attempt by the FBI to intimidate its supporters.  Blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime, and neither is standing up for Bradley Manning.

Washington D.C., Le 10 novembre 2010.

La semaine dernière, David House, un développeur travaillant avec le réseau de soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning, a été détenu et son ordinateur a été saisi par le FBI alors qu’il rentrait de ses vacances aux Mexique. Il n’a commit aucun crime, ni n’a même été accusé d’avoir commis un crime. Il a été interrogé longuement à propos de ses activités de soutien en faveur de l’auteur présumé des fuites à Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, qui a été emprisonné à Quantico (ndlr : prison militaire américaine).

Ces investigations invasives devraient inquiéter tous les Américains qui se font une haute idée des libertés, protégées par la Constitution, de parole et de rassemblement. La campagne qui vise à faire libérer Bradley Manning – et qui s’est assurée le support de dizaines de milliers d’individus provenant des 4 coins des Etats Unis d’Amérique et du monde – prend ses racines dans la croyance que la transparence du gouvernement est la clé d’une démocratie en bonne santé. Notre réseau tient bon dans son action visant à soutenir l’auteur présumé des fuites en faveur de Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, et a déjà réuni plus de 80.000$ (ndlr : 61 000 €) pour sa défense. S’il est la source des documents publiés par Wikileaks et qui mettent en évidence la campagne de désinformation à propos des guerres extérieures des Etats-Unis, alors Manning mérite la gratitude d’une nation toute entière.

House a envoyé un email au Réseau en décrivant son arrestation, disant que : « Mon ordinateur, ma caméra vidéo et mon disque dur ont été confisqués, me laissant dans une situation complexe vis-à-vis de mes recherches ; la raison de la confiscation, d’après les officiels, était « des fouilles douanières. »

Le FBI rejeta la requête de House de récupérer une copie de ses recherches. Cela semble faire partie d’une inquiétante tentative d’intimidation et de confiscation de propriété mise en œuvre contre les activistes qui se permettent de critiquer les orientations de la politique américaine, qu’il faut lier à l’arrestation et la confiscation de l’ordinateur portable de l’activiste Jacob Applebaum en Juillet ainsi qu’au raid du FBI, le 24 Septembre, contre les activistes anti-guerre et pour la justice sociale.

House n’a été poursuivi pour aucun crime.

« J’essaye autant que possible de ne pas être partial, mais vu le sujet de mes recherches, je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que ceci constitue une forme d’intimidation », écrit House dans un de ses email au Réseau, « Je me sens comme si le DHS (ndlr : Departement of Homeland Security, le Ministère de l’Intérieur américain) s’était mis à harceler les amis et les supporteurs de Bradley Manning dans une tentative de porter préjudice à notre capacité de mettre en place un réseau de défense légal. »

Le Réseau de Défense de Bradley Manning dénonce cette tentative récente par le FBI d’intimider ses supporteurs. Mettre à jour des informations sur les crimes de guerre n’est pas un crime, et ce n’en est pas un non plus que de supporter Bradley Manning.

Washington DC, 11. studeni 2010. – Davida Housa, programera koji radi za Mrežu potpore Bradeleyu Manningu, FBI je prošli tjedan pritvorio i oduzeo mu računalo dok se vraćao sa praznika provedenih u Meksiku. House nije počinio krivično djelo, niti je ikada bio osumnjičen. Detaljno je ispitivan o potpori optuženom WikiLeaksovom zviždaču Bradleyu Manningu koji je već preko 160 dana zatvoten u Quanticu.

Ovako napadna pretraga zabrinjavajuća je za sve Amerikance koji cijene ustavom zajamčeno pravo na slobodno izražavanje i udruživanje. Kampanja za oslobađenje Bradeleya Manninga – koja je privukla podršku desetina tisuća pojedinaca širom Sjedinjenih država i svijeta – ukorijenjena je u vjerovanju da je transparentnost vlade ključna za našu demokraciju. Naša mreža čvrsto stoji uz okrivljenog zviždača WikiLeaksa Bradeleya Manninga za čiju smo obranu prikupili preko 80000 dolara. Ako je on izvor dokumenata koje je WikiLeaks objavio i koji bacaju svjetlo na kampanju dezinformiranja javnosti o američkim ratovima, Manning zaslužuje zahvalnost čitave nacije.

House je Mreži poslao email u kojem opisuje pritvaranje, napisavši: “Oduzeli su mi računalo, video kameru i flash disk, što me stavilo u težak položaj u pogledu istraživačkih obveza; rečeno mi je da je razlog za oduzimanje ’granična pretraga.’”  FBI je odbio Housov zahtjev za kopiranjem istraživačkih podataka. Čini se da je ovo dio zabrinjavajućeg trenda uznemiravanja i oduzimanja imovine koji se poduzimaju protiv aktivista kritičnih prema politici Sjedinjenih Država, uključujući zadržavanje i oduzimanje prijenosnog računala aktivista Jacoba Applebauma u lipnju i FBI-eve napade na antiratne aktivista 24. rujna.

House nije osumnjičen ni za kakav zločin.

“Pokušavam biti nepristran koliko je to moguće, ali na temelju predmeta pretrage ne mogu se ototeti dojmu da se radi o jednom obliku uznemiravanja”, napisao je House u emailu Mreži, “čini mi se da se DHS okrenuo maltretiranju prijatelja i simpatizera Bradeleya Manninga kako bi umanjio našu sposobnost vođenja mreže pravne zaštite.”

Mreža za podršku Bradeleyu Manningu osuđuje ove nedavne pokušaje FBI-a da uznemiri njegove simpatizere. Zviždanje protiv ratnih zločina nije zločin, pa tako ni pružanje podrške Bradeleyu Manningu.

29 thoughts on “Bradley Manning Support Network Condemns Unjust Detainment of ActivistLe réseau de soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning condamne la détention injuste d’un militantMreža potpore Bradeleyu Manningu osuđuje nepravedno pritvaranje aktivista

  1. This young man must be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. His shameful detention by this government must be stopped and restitution must be made to him and his family.

  2. Pingback: Mike Gogulski « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

  3. Bradly manning is truthful freedom hero who did expose the wars criminals who committed genocides and war crimes.

    Bradly manning represents the dignity, credibility, honesty the truthfulness and the honore of the mankind. Its the obligation of all people who are capable and are qualified to stand robustly, with invincible withstand, for Bradly manning and to stand, with invincible withstand, for his freedom at all cost.

    May Allah bless him, help his release and protect him.

  4. Pingback: President Obama: Prosecuting Whistleblowers, Intimidating Their Supporters | Pursuances

  5. This young man need to be protected, he obviously knew it was wrong and brought it to public attention

    The truth will set him free, now that we know what the Americans have been subjecting the Iraqis people to such inhumane treatment. What good will it do by detaining this young couragous man?

  6. You won’t like it but here goes,
    Democracy at work? freedom of speech? The constitution? or is this what we heard about Russia in the 60′s, 70′s and 80′s? Do it but hide it, imprison anyone who objects or tries to defend the imprisoned, anyone who tries to speak out! remember Solzhenitsyn! People stand up for what is right, they do it all the time and they get trampled on, lives ruined, careers ruined.

    Truth is quite simple, if you got to hide it, don’t do it!

    Now I know that seems very simplistic, but it is true, and I don’t know why Governments around the world find it so hard to be honest.

  7. Hej Bradely, hope you are ok. It`s sad that your government is locking you in. I believe you are innocent and if you leaked those documents i consider you as a hero and thank God you did it. I pray for you. Coward USA release him!.

  8. Whistleblowers are overwhelmingly the least appreciated people in society, yet they have to take risks – sometime very great ones – and experience very little support from the general public. Bradley Manning is clearly a person who followed his conscience and did the right thing, for which the USA wants to punish him beyond everything that is fair, just and even legal (considering the Constitution). I am sure that countless people agree with this, but – unfortunately – the overwhelming majority of people want a quiet life, which means they do not take up support of people against whom massive threats are raised. It is a kind of cowardice…
    So, all congratulations to this serious and unassuming young man. May he be protected from the witch-hunting politicians and double-talkers his leaking of such already widely-disseminated and badly secured information has shown them up for what they really are.

  9. In the movies when the truth comes out, the real heroes are vindicated and the bad guys go down…. Sadly, real life ain’t Hollywood! No amount of truth, it seems, will bring justice to this New World Order. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are just two of many who will give up their liberty for the freedom of information.

  10. I am very concerned that we have heard little about Bradley Manning in months. The last report I heard was brief and said that he is suffering from depression and is being medicated. That may be true, but I am not readily accepting that he needs medication.
    That is what they do to whistleblowers. They discredit them and medicate them. He is an American citizen. The public is getting no information as to his well being, and he has not been shown on television since his arrest. (Actually I don’t know that they showed his arrest.)
    Is he being subjected to torture? I would say that given our governments predilection to torture that he is, and I protest an American citizen being tortured. The government should show the people the condition that Bradley is in so that we have some assurance that he is being treated with dignity and care. He has had no trial, and there is no ruling that he has violated any laws. He is innocent until proven guilty. Who is his attorney? Why cannot the public be told who that is? Perhaps I missed that.
    Please, stand with me by insisting that Bradley Manning be shown to the public and that he be allowed to make a statement to the public that he is alright and that his needs are being met.
    Is this still America, or has everything changed but the name?

  11. This is no longer the America you knew and loved.

    Everything has not changed, but rather many things that existed all along have simply been revealed.

    There is no privacy, no civil rights, and no recourse.

  12. America, land of the free.

    The world thanks you for McCarthy, Kissinger, Nixon, Bush (x2), Rumsfeld,
    Haliburton, Blackwater and all of your other paragons of virtue, a shining beacon of Democracy in s cesspool of deceit.

    No wonder they are upset with Wikileaks, clearly their version of truth is far away from the American way.

    All power to Bradley Manning.

  13. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly!

    I respect our servicemen and women. To shoot or not to shoot… that is the question. The video only reveals how trigger happy some soldiers are… It did seem the major was trying to say no however just gave up when pressed and pressured and said go ahead.

    Its wrong that we don’t know the true reason we even went to Iraq. (It wasn’t 911/Al Quadi or weapons of mass destruction)

    So Bradley is in trouble for blowing the whistle. That is not good as far as the military is concerned. We all make mistakes… Bradley didn’t kill anyone…. He did rat out his fellow comrades… It’s too bad that they don’t have the same values Bradley did in attempting to right a wrong… Step up to the plate and accept the blame for what you did, If you don’t, You are no better than those we went to displace from Iraq in the first place….

  14. Not only does the rest of the world view the US goverment as liars, thieves and murderers but there is now solid proof that they are. The damage they have caused makes the US public look as if they condone such behavior while the US govt does all in its totalitarian power to shut up any negative publicity of or about the US military. They have damaged the integrity and honor of being a just and fair govt and have ruined any positive image that America once had to the free world. People used to love the image of what the USA represented to the world, now it is justly so feared as an agent of satan, an extension of Nazism and just plain damn dumb and mean.

  15. Is it any wonder why people in this part of the world hate Anericans. It’s the responsibly of the Commander and Chief to right these wrongs. The real question is, if these tapes are secert how many othere tapers are there that show the same thing?

  16. This man is a hero. We can’t let his bravery and sacrifice be for nothing. We have to do everything we possibly can with what he’s given us and finally, finally make some sort of change.

    My whole heart goes out to you Manning.

  17. @ Brian Hite,

    there has been solid proof since Hiroshima at the latest that US goverment is the most pathologically unhinged band of murderers in the world. That they were congenital liars and thieves was previously established during the carefree days of ‘Indian’-slaughtering. During all that time, the US public has, to probably a greater degree than the German public ever did Hitler, certainly condoned such behavior if not gleefully participated in it directly. The U$ military is, since Kennedy at latest, for all practical purposes the real government [Pentagovernment], with a succession of corrupt and weak puppet Presidents pushed forward to front a token civilian administration for the sake of keeping up appearance – however, an unhealthily significant proportion of the U$ population actually supports making the covert coup official, so enamored are they of the only branch which seems to work efficiently, if only at destroying other people’s countries. “They have damaged the integrity and honor of being a just and fair govt.” — this is black humor, right? Their vaunted ‘integrity and honor’ never existed, save in the minds of the terminally politically naive. “… the free world” — another fiction from the fevered dreams of Pentagonal agitprop-peddlers. “People used to love the image of what the USA represented to the world” — not the people of Korea, Vietnam or Nicaragua, i.e. those on the receiving end of reality, to give just a few examples from the many. “An extension of Nazism” — you got that right, U$A indeed inherited much from the Reich, and has improved on it since. But painful as these realisations are, living under induced delusions is much worse.

    The next question is what to do about it all. My answer: educate, organise and act for JUSTICE. Deflate the Empire – Vive la Résistance!!

  18. Having heard terrible things about Wikileaks, I decided to check it out for myself. Now I discover amazing evidence of American war crimes. Shame on the US government, shame on established news media for denouncing Wikileaks, and shame on the governments of the world for trying to shut it down. Bravo to Bradley Manning, who has shown more bravery than his commanders could ever know how to show.


    Subject Courage

    Bradley Manning 1 obama 0 ( you gave into bush senior to quick )

    Subject Integrity

    Bradley the Man Manning 1 America 0

    to be honest your constitution and bill of right mean jack shit any more
    your vote is worthless honestly it is

    when you vote them in the lobbyist bribe then with money and power

    both sides of the house are owned by ROTHCHILD`S ROCKEFELLER`S AND WARBURG`S



  20. Note: See Jeff Paterson’s answer to our email concerning Wikileaks failure to fund Pfc Manning’s Defence Fund.

    Envelope-to: alan.taylor[at]
    Delivery-date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 20:06:01 +0000
    Received: from ([])
    by with smtp (Exim 4.69)
    (envelope-from )
    id 1PQmkZ-0003eZ-Hx
    for alan.taylor[at]; Thu, 09 Dec 2010 20:06:01 +0000
    Received: (qmail 2740 invoked by uid 0); 9 Dec 2010 20:05:52 -0000

    We had no desire to make a statement regarding the Wikileaks pledged
    contribution, and it was unfortunate timing that it was released on the same
    day of Mr. Assange’s arrest. We were compelled to do so by recent statements
    by Wikileaks regarding this issue, by media interest in the issue, and the
    need for our Support Network to move forward in defense of Bradley Manning.

    We have no idea what funds were received by Wikileaks in response to their
    appeal on Bradley’s behalf. If I had to guess, I’d say a few grand–$10k

    I believe that we may yet receive a contribution from Wikileaks, and we’ll
    make that public when it happens. I got a message from the Wau Holland
    Foundation this morning asking for our non-profit paperwork and an
    accounting of funds used so far, which I provided to them. That is something
    we do regularly in applying for grants, or to receive unsolicited grants. I
    believe it is a positive development.


    —–Original Message—–
    From: alan taylor [mailto:alan.taylor[at]]
    Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:37 AM
    To: jeff[at]
    Subject: Wikileaks Contribution to Manning Defence Fund

    Hi Jeff,

    Well it’s official at last, this is something we have known for the last
    several weeks. The press release sounds as though you were dragged to the party to
    announce the Wikileaks default. Or is this a false impression?

    Have you determined just how much Wikileaks received on behalf of Pfc
    Manning? Our input suggests that they themselves do not, since the donor receipt
    infrastructure at the Wau Holland Foundation is a shambles. All donor funding ends up in the
    same pot irrespective of the intended recipient. For example Assange has his
    begging bowl out at present for his defence fund. etc.. etc..

    Any further information you can provide would be welcome.

    Alan Taylor
    PGPBOARD Administrator
    London, England

  21. World Police,as being called America,are now parading freedom of speech as paper dog.
    If Manning has done nothing to be proscuted by Osama-sorry by Obama,he should be released without any delay.Unless if democracy is no more in existence,then Manning should be remained in detention by Obama governmeht.

  22. The Democracts know the meaning of democracy not in America alone but Worldwide.
    Obama adviced Gbagbo to back down in Ivory Coast.Obama also should respect democracy and rule of law,and release Bradley Manning.

  23. Its about time our government started actiing like the Republic/democracy it was intended to be by the Country’s Founders, rather than the police state its becoming since 9/11 and the inception of such stupidities like the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security9 both of which has the distinct smell of someone saying “The Fatherland”)

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