Happy Birthday Bradley! Write him a letter of support!
Let Bradley know you care! Write him a letter of support for his 25th birthday – his third behind bars.
By the Bradley Manning Support Network. December 6th, 2012.
Military whistle-blower Bradley Manning will turn 25 on December 17th. It will be his third birthday in prison, and by the time his court martial begins it will have been almost three years in prison: one year of which in the Quantico marine brig, where he was held in solitary confinement against the recommendations of mental health professionals. His trial is scheduled to start next March, and he needs our support. Please take a few minutes to mail Bradley a birthday message, and to send a gift to his Defense Fund.
Bradley can receive mail at the following address:
Commander, HHC USAG
Attn: PFC Bradley Manning
239 Sheridan Ave, Bldg 417
JBM-HH, VA 22211
Visit this link to read about mail restrictions.
Bradley’s lawyer David Coombs recent spoke publicly for the first time. He said that Bradley is one of the smartest, most caring young men he’s ever met, and he also talked about Bradley’s future dreams and goals:
“And [Bradley] told me that his dream would be to go to college, go into public service, and perhaps one day, run for public office. And I asked Brad, why would he want to do that? And he said, ‘I want to make a difference. I want to make a difference in this world.’”
Please take some time before December 17 to show Bradley that you are thinking of him, and appreciate his efforts to hold US government officials accountable by informing the American public. In addition to mailing him a birthday message and donating to his Defense Fund, you can also take a photo holding a “Happy birthday Bradley Manning!” sign and e-mail it to [email protected]. We will compile photos to share on our website, and send them to Bradley as well.
Happy Birthday Bradley! I am sorry you haven’t been able to spend it with your family. But you know, God is always with you. I just want to say I believe that they had no reason to take you and that our Government is very corrupt and more so everyday. If you haven’t heard almost 30 states want out of the union since this year election. Yes it is very sad and scary what is happening to America. Good to know that there are people like you, one who try to make a difference for the better! Sadly there are more people like you also locked up and hidden in fear they might leak something out about the Government. If you think about it, it’s kinda twisted how our Government has any secrets at all, because, shouldn’t we the people be the Government? Well I hope that your day was a good one as far as good can go for being locked up. God bless and Jesus loves you!
Like many bright people, Bradley Manning is an atheist, so out of respect for his beliefs, please don’t try to push religion on him. His correspondence with Zinnia Jones before his arrest makes this clear.
Jean, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Victoria didn’t seem to push anything; please do not try to ostracize a supporter simply because their warm wishes included something religious. It is not “disrespectful” to say “God bless and Jesus loves you,” nor is it pushing an agenda.
Hi Brad, I wish you a Happy Birthday even this year. Very sorry that you are in prison. I understand that you want to study and make a difference in the world. Good luck with that. I say that you are already making a big differnce in the world by your way of standing up to opression. If you did supply all this WL stuff, I thank you. May life be better to you in the future.
Regards, Art Ross, Sweden.
This makes me proud to know that people from other countries are showing their support for Bradley.
I have been contributing small amounts to your defense fund, small only because I am in my eighties and on a fixed income. I have been following your case and your sufferings since the beginning, and though your birthday can hardly be happy, I do want to say that you have my hopes and my best wishes and my admiration for what you have suffered. I applaud your actions in releasing information that the public has every right to know, and hope that before your 26th birthday, you will have won your case and be living the life you have said you want to live.
I applaud your actions and feel ashamed of the military for having punished you even before a trail, and hope you will be free very soon.
With love and support,
Davida Rosenblum
Beverly, Massachusetts.
I hope you know that many people support you and we need more honest, moral people like you. I am sorry that you cant be with your family during this time, but you are gaining a HUGE family throughout America and the world. Your truthfulness is putting a face to our corrupt government. God bless and be with you. Have faith, people like us will ensure your freedom.
happy birthday dear ..wish u all the best,,this is an Iraqi woman who lost a lot in this damn war,,and eventually had to leave my beloved country ..my friends,,my beloved job..just wana tell you we are so proud of u..do not feel ashamed at all no matter how others say to u…u didn’t betray your country,,,they should be proud of u,,because the war wasn’t suppose to be like this..u came for a purpose but other ignorant ruthless people had other intentions..I hope u will be out soon
my regards
Bradley Manning is an heroe and a great patriot citizen. Brdley sould be free of all charges.
Come home safe, all you did was to tell the truth please God look after Bradley Manning
happy birthday Bradley and God Bless you for ever.
happy birthday man, God bless. Stand tall through it all. i’ll pray for ya.
Happy Birthday, you brave young man. Thank you so much for doing the absolutely right thing! Those who persecute you are afraid of the truth. Stay strong for the people of the Earth! (( HUG ))
Very Happy Birthday to you. I wish there were more people like you in this world.
Bradley, wishing you a happy day for your Birthday. We know what is going on, we want you to be freed. I deeply appreciate your incredible sacrifice and what you have done to help Americans clean up their act so we can be proud of our whole country. We are very proud of you and your historical acts of bravery and integrity.
yooooOo! Happy birthdaaay brooo!!! xD
..Not the best way to spend your 25th but hey at least you ain’t gonna wake up cash strapped with a pounding migraine haha.
Believe me, we are all 100% behind you man not a soul on Earth can hear your story and not side with you whats truly righteous, we will win sooner than anyone could imagine!
Happy Birthday Bradley; I hope this nightmare will have a happy ending for you, thanks for being so brave, honest, willing to sacrifice for the truth and for making a better world for all of us. God bless you
Puerto Rico
Hey man, happy birthday from, well.. we don’t know each other. but still, i’ve been following some of the reports which hit the media front. Crazy stuff. I’m not really taking any sides, although I still don’t support any opposition against your right to freedom and innocence. I hadn’t realized you’re 6 years younger than me. I’ve been rather looking up to you, although seeing you as even younger, it makes me wonder really how this all came about. Ok, you’re not that young to forfeit a trial, but still, man it’s such an incredible injustice. You’re not alone sadly, but I’m also not alone in saying that I support your freedom. There’s a neat artist called Leon Golub, well, i mean from the images of his work which I came across, where fairly profound, that anyone could find themselves in confinement. I dunno, perhaps I’m writing drab, if so I apologize. But humanly speaking, from my position, man I hope you don’t lose faith and hope… people will continuously come back to your aid, even after any dark hours, people are supporting you. I’m not sure what kinds of access you have to media where ever you are, media’s such a mystery to me. From what I have just now, if you can check out the band happy birthday (on sub pop records) – track name: subliminal message. Good luck getting back to us! and have a great birthday if possible!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7xB-nhKCAQ
It is with a heavy heart that I comment here.I will write you a letter to show that your birthday means a celebration of your birth.I am very upset at what has happened to you, for you sacrifice and duty to our country and our Constitution.I was in Task Force Ranger Somalia, 2nd BN, A co.and I know what it is like to make contact with the people.
You are not left behind.-Darrel
You will always be a hero to us. Wishing you the best possible birthday despite your unjust incarceration.
Isaiah 42:7 [God]… will give sight to the blind, bring prisoners out of prisons, and bring those who live in darkness out of dungeons.
Isaiah 42:7 [God] will give sight to the blind, bring prisoners out of prisons, and those who live in darkness out of dungeons.
You are our hero Bradley Manning, have the happiest birthday possible in your situation.
Best wishes,
Kathy & Brielle
Happy Birthday, Bradley.
I hope you will celebrate your next birthday in freedom!
Your actions deserve the highest praise; your plight – the utmost sympathy.
The US government must realise that they have imprisoned a true American whose conscience goes beyond what he is instructed to do, and whose ideals exactly match those on which the American state was founded: Rights of individuals and preservation of life.
Hold on there! Time is dragging slow in prison, but you’ll be out, just hold on!
Happy Birthday Bradley! Just know that there are many many liberty minded people thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers. We are grateful that you have stood up for what you believe is right bringing light to a dark place and you should know you are an inspiration for many. Bet of wishes for your birthday and every other day, You are in our prayers.
Bradley Manning . . . We don’t know each other, but you have changed our lives forever through your courageous action of exposing our government’s corrupt actions. You are a military hero, and a citizen hero. You are the first in the ranks of a new army of citizen-soldiers, ones who fight for their people, not for the government that belongs to a few rich billionaires.
Happy Birthday I hope someday you can celebrate at home with family and friends.
Acknowledging your quarter century, Brad. It would be stupid to say “Happy Brithday.” I sincerely hope you will be spending your next birthday with your loved ones.
Happy Birthday, Bradley! I join your thousands of supporters in wishing you a good day and a better year. If only you could hear us all cheering for you. Stand tall–we are standing with you!
Happy Birthday Bradley, My grandfather was a professional soldier in the British cavalry regiment, the 18th Hussars.Now reformed as an armoured regiment the 13th Hussars. He attested at Aldershot a very young age and served in India. The fully operational regiment was one of the first to arrive in South Africa after the Boer War began. The British began to use the army to lock up Boer women and children whose husbands were either fighting, or in prison of war camps, or died fighting for their freedom. The 18th Hussars, every man jack, as a regiment refused to become involved in the rounding up of civilians, especially women and children to be imprisoned. They defended this stance, when hauled before Lord Roberts, that they were a fighting regiment and could not tarnish the colours of their flag by carrying out the unlawful order to conduct war upon civilians and that such order was outside the scope of their duty. They further argued that not one of the incumbents had signed up in the army to do such work. Furthermore that this was not what their forefathers had fought for and would bring disgrace to their flag. Roberts wisely let it slide to avoid a scandal in England and also to prevent dissension in the ranks of the lesser regiments who were carrying out these orders. 90,000 civilian women and children eventually died in these concentration camps. Bradley Manning iyou doing what the 18th Hussars did. You are standing up for the honourable and proud traditions of the American people and your parents and are exposing the military bullies.
Trevor Wells
South Africa.
Happy birthday Bradley, please take strength from knowing a large part of the world is behind you and sees you as a hero for what you did. You are only a young man and if you can get through this you will be a strong person with much to contribute to our world and have your whole life in front of you. I feel positive that Obama cannot maintain his silence and lack of action on this much longer – it goes against his nature and although he is being dictated to by vested interests in the military I have a feeling he is working behind the scenes to get you out of this situation. Or otherwise something is going to move very soon for you. I hope I am right. Our thoughts are with you.
Happy Birthday Bradley! There are CONSTANT POSTINGS and updates regarding your situation on FB. I, together with millions of people, am utterly outraged at the inhuman treatment you have had to endure at the hands of a country that is supposed to represent freedom! It is shameful and one hopes that the powers that be in your country can find the strength of humanity and character (that you have so clearly displayed) to do the HONOURABLE THING AND RELEASE YOU forthwith!!!!!!
Only you know the depths to which you have had to dig to find the strength to survive this ordeal. And, as isolated as you are, you are NOT ALONE.
best wishes
Helge Janssen = South Africa
Aloha Bradley,
people can take your body in jail, but not your heart, your soul and your love. the heart creates a timeless field. a lot people in this world feel with you and support your heartfield whereever you are. don`t give up, you are a good men and you are stronger like the most around of you. i hope this people get it soon, that you are a nobel prize winner without a medal. i wish you happy birthday bradley.
Happy Birthday brother, may the universe see your plight. Your maverick style is what the greedy governments of this world are afraid of. This is the only reason you are in prison, they are afraid of what you know and the only way they can protect the truth is to keep you locked up. We are with you in spirit and we wish for your release, if we are to have a humanitarian world we need to expose the corruption by ruthless governments.
Happy Birthday from South Wales! We loved the theatre play about you.
Con stima affetto e riconoscenza.
We all need your freedom.
Grandi abbracci Brad.
Dear Bradley,
I just want to send you a big birthday hug, you are an example for many of us around the world and may you just always be proud of yourself. I hope that things will eventually sort out. Thank you.
Felicidades Brad! I am writing you from Catalonia, Spain, wishing you a very happy birthday and hoping that you will soon be free to live life as you choose, and as you so deserve. In my eyes you are a hero, certainly not a criminal. Stay strong and positive and know that your fight for truth gains momentum every day! Thank you for your very brave heart.
Dear Bradley,
Your birthday comes at a time when many voices are crying out for your release! I can’t fathom where such a young man gets such courage,strength,morals and is living and acting out the courage of your convictions. You are a hero in your country,a testament to your parents and inspiration to us all.
As an Australian I thank you on behalf of Julian Assange. The Australian government has left him with only you standing between him and your governments desire to punish him for publishing ; and thank god it’s you. None of these morally bankrupt politians have an ounce of the gumption or ethics you have shown. I have stood with other Australians handing out information about your plight and trying to get pressure put on our government to put pressure on yours. We stand with you, you are not alone, you are not forgotten and people across the world are fighting for you. Enjoy this knowledge on your birthday .
Happy birthday, Bradley! I wish life brings you fairness as a gift (it’s not you who should be in prison) and you be free very soon. We all need more people like you. I wish you the best of lucks. Regards and hughs from Spain!
Happy Birthday Soldier Manning also in Italy you are an Hero, you are part of those started to change the world and if today maybe your birthday is sad, tomorrow your birthday will be a birthday of a Big Man.
Thank you
for all
Happy Birthday Bradley. Never give up hope or belief. You did the right thing and the world needs more people like you. Stay strong, there are millions of people behind you.
Bradley, to you and your family, i wish you all the best of everything.. a long life lived amongst your family and your friends.
I hope you get to realise your dreams, I hope that you know that you are appreciated every day by millions of people around the world, but most of all, I hope that your freedom is not far away. You are worthy of all that is good and true.
a supporter and believer
Happy Birthday, BRADLEY,
I wish you all the best!
We all love you and are
thinking on YOU and are
with you! NO PASARAN!!!
I´m in Berlin with many
friends! You´re GREAT !
You are a great patriot in the eyes of millions and that number is growing. Thank you for your sacrifice. In the end you will be recognized and rewarded. Hang in there Bradly.
Happy Birthday Bradley, you are in our thoughts. May you get to spend your next birthday with the ones you love and whom love you. Sending Love, peace and the deepest respects. Thank you for being a true leader and seeker of truth, the world is a better place because of you. From the Great South Land…Wootton, NSW, Australia.
Happy Birthday from Germany. Thanks a lot for your courage!!!
i just wanted to let you know that there are people all over the world who can feel your pain , i sometimes close my eyes and try to be in your shoes , its tough and you really are the difference we want to see in the world , thank you man , thank you soooo much for everything . the best for you , physical freedom hopefully soon so you can teach us more . with love and respect , Bassel A Saif , syria .
I hope the whole world will rally for you.We cry over what the world looks like.We need more people like you.May you be blessed.
Happy birthday Bradley, even though it’s a bitter-sweet occasion. I do say Happy birthday because it’s something to celebrate that a man like you is alive and celebrating his quarter-century living his truth. Wish you all the best in your ongoing struggle to let the truth be free, and may you look back on this time in the future with the absolute knowledge that it made you stronger. Your stand has influenced and inspired far more people than you can ever know.
Long and happy life to you, Bradley from Spain.
I use to retweet all news about you for people dont forgive yor case and your situation.
I hope you get freedom soon, and have the force to support yorself.
You are a reference for young people in this perverse democracy.
Thank you so much Bradley for all your courage. You’re living in the tradition of the Founding Fathers in standing up to tyranny and injustice.
“The existence of a large Standing Army is Inauspicious to the Republican Form of Government.”
George Washington.
Thank God for people like you who follow the ideals of America, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence!
Hi Bradley, all the best to you and Happy Birthday. You are an inspiration and hero to so many around the world. Without people like you, our world would be much worse! I hope you get your freedom soon. You are not alone; on the contrary, you have millions of supporters worldwide.
Thank You!
I won’t forget your efforts.
Dear Bradley,
Happy 25th Birthday young man! Hang in there! You have the support of millions worldwide. You’re a great American for exposing injustice in our foreign policy. And those who have maligned and hurt you shall one day regret it. This is our firm belief. And one more thing is don’t lose hope. Someday you’ll walk out of prison under a beautiful blue sky, to live the rest of your precious life a free man.
Happy birthday, Bradley. Hang in there, you are a hero, and an inspiration to countless people.
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Happy Birthday Bradley! More importantly, thank you. The world owes you a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. You are a true hero and will always be right up there with Nelson Mandela and all those who have taken a stand for freedom, honesty and integrity. Good wishes from Canada and please know that we will do everything we can to free you and honour you.
Happy 25th Birthday, Bradley-
You have given the world a gift beyond measure with your life and your commitment. We work each day for justice and your release!
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tunes without the words, and never stops at all. (Emily Dickinson)
May the gift of hope stay in your soul, knowing there are millions of us who support and deeply appreciate you……Stay strong!
In peace, towards justice–
Sherri Maurin (San Francisco)
Hi Bradley,
I can’t pretend to know what you’re going through but I sincerely wish you all the best.
Stay strong and may sanity prevail as soon as possible and release you.
Happy B day Brad;
some day others will come around to realize you are the hero and not the villain…it’s the nature of politics unfortunately. until then keep your light strong under the bushel.
your friend always,
Happy Birthday Bradley! You are an American hero, representing the United States in an admirable task.
I am so proud that you stood up to the corruption in the U.S. military and exposed its mistakes to public light.
Your bravery will be viewed by history as one of the most difficult, far-reaching efforts to create a lasting peace. Never doubt that we believe in you and that your actions have inspired and affected the future of millions globally.
Hi Bradley,
Stay Strong…Stay True Too Yourself!!!!
Know that GOOD people are supporting you!!
Happy 25th Birthday!!
Dear Bradley,
I put my name as John Hancock, only to remind you of how your name will be added to a long list of true patriots of an idea of freedom. Others are ready to stand up to this out of control government of lies. Stay strong in mind, body and soul brother!!! Truth will set you free!! Always! Thank You for having the courage to do the right thing. Respectfully and praying for your speedy release,
Vincent Munoz
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Brad! Don’t ever give up, and remember, doing the right thing is never the wrong thing to do.
Dear Bradley
It is hard to find words to express the gratitude that I and so many others feel for what you have done and so bravely continue to do. “Thank you” just doesn’t sound enough for the sacrifices you have made and continue to make.
You are a beacon of courage and honesty who has arisen from the corruption of the US military-industrial complex. If only there were more who had as much guts as you do.
But, although you are only one person, you have sent ripples of inspiration around the world. You have made a real difference to the world in which we live.
May God bless you in all that you do, and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.
Brad Golding
Vietnam Vet
Thank you, Mr. Manning, for reminding us how courage works. Happy 25th birthday.
John Buchanan
I attended the Court martial of Lance Cpl. Eric Larsen a Marine, he opposed the
First Gulf war together with Lance Cpl. Tahan Jones. They both stood firm, and
had the support of the Smedley Butler Brigade (Boston Veterans f