Having trouble with the White House petition?


The new White House petition site gives us a fantastic new way to reach Congress, but being new means it doesn’t come without a few technical issues! If you are having trouble signing the petition try some of the solutions below:

1. First, try clicking “sign out” (even if you’re not signed in) then go through the registration/sign-in process again.

2. After you register on the website initially, you’ll receive an e-mail with a “verification” link. After you click on the link, be sure to reset your password like the site asks you to.

3. If the petition site is still not working properly, try clearing your web browser’s cache. 




30 thoughts on “Having trouble with the White House petition?

  1. I signed several days ago – #149 – and had no trouble at all. I hope that you get 100K + signers before the date hits and will solicit via a blog post sometime this week.

    The big question is, will President Obama pay any attention to what the people want? At this point it doesn’t look favorable in this respect.

  2. We don’t have transparency in the most fundamental issues of our time. People like Bradley Manning allow us to get behind the spin.

  3. I feel strongly enough about Bradley Manning that I tried to sign up for an account with whitehouse.gov, despite the fact that I usually don’t participate in anything that requires a log-in. I don’t know if it is just a glitch, a Mac vs PC issue, or a deliberate sabotage of this action, but there is an open text box that comes up and hovers over the name box that will not accept any text. I was unable to create an account and therefore unable to sign the petition.

  4. Yes , Prehaps the Grey House will be willing to listen , The politicians seem to be looking the oposite way when theres anything they deem ofensive to there operational day by day carying ons , Like pokiting everything they can get there Greedy hands on regardless of how the rest of the country is strugeling to make ends meet . And someone as insignifant as a Private in there service that is acused by there generals and staff as comiting a criminal act in there eyes or being told of somthing might be embarising to there dailey greedy agenda is set aside for as long as it takes to go away ..Be it to a Federal Prison or stokade as long as they can wash there hands and it sadly does seem to fade away in time like all desasters and embarising situations …But Im listining and Hope that this one stilks around long enough for someone to listen , this political nightmare needs to change ..enough People shouting long enough loud enough and in the right direction Can Make a Deferance if they can do it long enough ….Good Luck to all trying to make a change …..Frank Blackstone ..Forever for a peacefull world , that never seems to come …Prehaps one day ….out

  5. It’s a shame that people from other countries can’t sign this petition Good luck I’m sure you’ll make the numbers

  6. I would love to sign the petition, but have been attempting many many times to create an account at the website – I keep getting CAPTCHA error messages – have given up, unfortunately – seems to be no way to resolve.

  7. The white house site will not accept my e-mail and I can’t find a way to reset my password.

    can you help me, please. your instructions say to sign out even if not signed in, but I can’t find a sign out button either.

  8. I’ve tried several times to sign and there is always another glitch: latest one is that they are doing maintenance on the white House site

    • They have been “doing maintenance” quite a lot. This could just be because it’s a relatively new, high-traffic site. Thanks for your support -I’d encourage you to keep trying!

  9. sorry, tried multiple times to obtain a Whitehouse account, return E-mail kept giving me an “access denied” website to create an account. I gave up, unable to sign your petition.

  10. I have tried many times and have not been able to sign the petition. I have experienced all the previous “glitches”. I really think something is fishy. It may be that they have special filter for issues that they don’t want to deal with. Goodness the Administration wouldn’t want to offend a newcon.

  11. Pingback: Bradley Manning Support Network » Update 10/6/11: Bradley wins The Guardian’s Nobel Peace Prize readers’ poll, we mark 500th day of confinement without trial

  12. I have tried to register, following all of the directions and it has been impossible to get through. I reset my password; they said they had accepted the change. Then when I tried to sign in they asked if I’d forgotten my password. This website is as implacable as the Obama administration.

  13. I’ve been trying to register for a couple hours now – got as far as the “you will soon be sent an email and must click on the link” notice, but that still hasn’t happened. Sorry I wasn’t able to sign.


  15. Per my comment above, I was in despair of ever getting through all the bells and hoops that kept me from signing. After many tries originally, I tried a couple of days later and then they “let ” me sign. I think there is despicable intrigue going on to keep people from signing for Bradley. So I’m writing to whitehouse.gov and confronting them on their trickery. Will you, too?

  16. So here’s what I wrote to WhiteHouse.gov/contact,
    “There is something rotten going on when this many people are writing about not being able to sign the petition to free Bradley Manning
    And then there are all the people who give up trying to sign the petition. What a disgusting and empty gesture to pretend to want to hear from people and then make it an exercise in frustration and despair. What a way to govern a country!! “We’ve paid our dues, now where’s our change?

  17. I have tried, with no exaggeration, well over an hundred times and nothing but bs. How can your name,e-mail address, or password be INVALID when we are the ones providing the information. These scumbags are doing nothing other than CHERRY PICKING what they want to be the public’s interest. The only reason I have tried so much is because I feel and applaud Bradley for his COURAGE; Which is something this ADMINISTRATION sorely lacks. Obama, do you really think that you will be getting our votes in 2012?
    Vote 3rd party and know that you have done your duty. I would not doubt that 100,000+ tried but gave up. I know tens of thousands anyway.j I am sick at heart at this BS cherry picking by small minded men.

  18. As a coda to my previously sent e-mail. I have been trying over the last week and a half. I could not convey how disgusted I am at the shenanigans.

  19. Signing Up ? Well thats usualy a waste of paper and time , I signd up for Pete Seeger to receive the Nobel Peace Prize but they gave it to a politician instead , So signing up doesnt realy work . But then Force doesnt work either in a peacefull maner , However the Military still thinks Peace through Might and bigger Bombs and opression into submision …Never mind the future geneartions that are not blind and looking at this sort of Forcefull domination ..Hate is a strong word and used far too often to describe the Amerikan Political Military actions lately ..Going sadley on deaf ears .Deaf Dumb and Blind was long ago a description for someone could not Hear See or speak…The Amerikan Political system has all but one , They do speak of War in every sentenance and breath they take ..Blind and deaf seem to be there problem …
    Frank Blackstone

  20. How do I *find* the petition in order to sign it? It seems to be gone. When I finally found a search button, I searched for manning, no find, and searched for bradley, found an unrelated petition.

    • Hi Linda,

      The main petition can be found by going to our home page and clicking on the “Sign the petition” button at the top right. Thank you for your interest!

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