Graham Nash: Intimate performace for Bradley Manning

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9 thoughts on “Graham Nash: Intimate performace for Bradley Manning

  1. beautiful, I will see ya’ll there.
    2am can’t sleep.
    Anyone know where Bradley Manning will be—I mean physically–December 24th?
    I am coming east from CA. Would anyone like to go wherever Brad is…and just sit that night and sing…

    or ..whatever?

    I think I have the vacation time.
    I just don’t want to do it all alone

    “long lay the world, in sin and error pining…”

    • Bradley Manning, based on the current Fort Meade proceeding schedule, should be at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on December 24th.

    • We have been given permission to record some highlights of the performance to share later, but there will be not be a audio or video recording.

  2. I’ll be there to help support Bradley Manning. What a hero he is! He revealed that American soldiers shot down about 12 innocent Iraqi’s walking unharmed in their own country, a threat to no one, and he ends up in prison, in isolation for about 18 months. To my knowledge, the machine gunners who did the killing are free and living their life. What is wrong with this picture? Let’s support Bradley and get him out of prison ASAP. Many thanks to Graham Nash, to Courage To Resist and to all of you who are helping.
    Frank Dorrel

  3. Graham,

    Thank you for supporting Bradley Manning. There’s a lot more at stake here than just Bradley.

    The system is profoundly corrupt. Bringing attention to the demonizing of whistle blowers like Manning is exposing one of the manifestations of this corruption.

    If you do a benefit concert in San Francisco or Sacramento I’ll be there.

    Carry on


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