Update 6/8/2013: Flashmob Dance for Bradley and how the world sees America?
Bradley Manning reported the unlawful deeds of the military!
When the military breaches the conduct of law according to human rights conventions, that were signed and agreed upon by countries, including the US, what would you do?! In this article Professor Marjorie Cohen who teaches at the Thomas Jefferson school of law says that in the Collateral Murder video there are at least three violations according to Geneva Convention, and that Manning had the legal duty to report these crimes. Cohen writes “The Uniform Code of Military Justice sets forth the duty of a service member to obey lawful orders. But that duty includes the concomitant duty to disobey unlawful orders. An order not to reveal classified information that contains evidence of war crimes would be an unlawful order. Manning had a legal duty to reveal the commission of war crimes.”
For more on this story, please click here
How the world will see America through the Bradley Manning Trial?
As millions of people watch with anticipation the development of this historic case, one must wonder how the US will be seen as through this trial?
P.J. Crowley, former Assistant Secretary of State, writes “Global perceptions of military justice are already challenged by the existence of the military prison at Guantanamo and military commissions that have yet to meet international standards of justice. Many question whether Manning will receive a fair trial. The answer is yes, but the international skepticism has meaning.”
For more on this story, please click here
Flashmob for Bradley!
Supporters from the San Francisco/Bay Area put together a flashmob dance at three different locations in San Francisco: Market Street, Dolores Park and the Embarcadero. The dance comes as part of the international week of action to support Bradley Manning, as his trial finally took place last Monday, June 3rd.
To watch this video, please click here
The American military will not be seen any different than in the 50′s or the 60′s or at any other time: flawed and corrupt!
Images from Sydney, photo-shoot for Bradley Manning: http://jaroslaw-gasiorek.photoshelter.com/gallery/Photo-shoot-for-Bradley-Manning-Sydney-01-06-13/G0000qA_Y4NEKH0Q/C00000jCLI.rdP8g