1000 Days Without Trial – Ft. Leavenworth Rally

February 23 marks the 1000th day Bradley Manning has been held in captivity without trial, for exposing the truth about the crimes of the illegal wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Join us outside the gates of Ft. Leavenworth where Bradley has been serving time without trial, in solidarity with Free Bradley Manning rallies across the world.
Main Gates of Ft. Leavenworth at 7th & Metroplitan
Carpool from KC info: [email protected]
When: 02/23/2013, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Ft. Leavenworth Army Base
7th & Metropolitan
Ft. Leavenworth
United States
PFC Bradley Manning, Private First Class! Yes, he is that! A mere pawn that chose his conscience over loyality. Duty and honor he has kept even after being taken off the board.
Mr Manning is a hero ,he exposed the truth about our corrupt government, if we want our citizens to feel free to expose abuse and corruption we have to let him go.