Free Bradley Manning
We want to raise awareness of Bradley Manning and of the persecution he is suffering in payment for the great service he has done for all humanity. He should have been thanked and honoured for his courageous acts of bravery and integrity. Instead he has been held behind bars for 1000 days and counting…
In a fair and healthy society, people who make mistakes will own up, apologise and try to make amends for the damage/harm they have caused. This is what the US government should do for the mistakes it has made and the horrors it has caused.
Lynching the messengers and further limiting all personal liberties for the rest of us will only exacerbate the downward spiral that is unraveling our societies.
When: 02/23/2013, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Karl Johans gate 22
Our goal for the day is to get as many photos as possible with supporters holding the “I am Bradley Manning” signs.
We will also be spreading information about what Bradley did and how he is being treated for his brave attempt to make our world a better place.
“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?”
We got photos of 14 people with the “I/we am/are Bradley Manning” signs, including the six of us who had known about the event in advance.
So not bad considering I only planned this 12 hours in advance.
In June we’ll aim for 50!
PS – I’ll upload the photos shortly.