European Parliamentarians call on President Obama to free Bradley Manning
Open Letter from Members of the European Parliament
to President Barack Obama and US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
As Members of the European Parliament, who were elected to represent our constituents throughout Europe, we are writing to express our concerns about the ongoing persecution of Bradley Manning, the young U.S. soldier who released classified information revealing evidence of human rights abuses and apparent war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The U.S. Army has charged Private First Class Manning with 21 different crimes, including ‘Aiding the Enemy’; a capital charge. To convict a person who leaked information to the media of “Aiding the Enemy” would set a terrible precedent. Although we understand the US government is not seeking the death penalty for Bradley Manning, there would be nothing to stop this from happening in future cases. As it is, PFC Manning faces the possibility of life in prison without parole, recently rejected as “inhuman and degrading treatment” by the European Court of Human Rights.
On July 2nd , Army prosecutors closed their arguments in the case without having provided any real evidence that Bradley Manning aided the enemy, or that he intended to do so. In his defense against those charges to which he pleaded not guilty, PFC Manning was not permitted to bring any evidence of motivation. And in a statement calling on the court to allow a ‘public interest’ defense, Amnesty International said that this was ‘disturbing…as he has said he reasonably believed he was exposing human rights and humanitarian law violations. Moreover, the prosecution provided no evidence that PFC Manning caused harm to U.S. national security or to US and NATO troops.
We agree with Amnesty International that the U.S. government should immediately drop the most serious charges against PFC Bradley Manning, and that to charge Bradley Manning with ‘aiding the enemy’ is ‘ludicrous’ – a ‘travesty of justice’ which ‘makes a mockery of the US military court system’.
“We’ve now seen the evidence presented by both sides, and it’s abundantly clear that the charge of ‘aiding the enemy’ has no basis,” said Widney Brown, Senior Director for International Law and Policy at Amnesty International. “The prosecution should also take a long, hard look at its entire case and move to drop all other charges that aren’t supported by the evidence presented.”
Rather than causing harm, Bradley Manning’s release to WikiLeaks of the Iraq War Logs and the Afghan War Diaries shone much needed light on those occupations, revealing, amongst other abuses, the routine killing of civilians. The bleak picture painted by these war diaries contrasts greatly with the rosy progress reports being provided to the public by military and political leaders. PFC Manning has said he felt that if the American public had access to this information, this could ‘spark a domestic debate’ on American foreign policy ‘as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan’. Far from being a traitor, Bradley Manning had the best interests of his country in mind.
The Iraqi people continue to suffer the consequences of this war, even after the withdrawal of foreign troops, with millions of homeless refugees and the resumption of sectarian violence. Meanwhile, eleven and a half years after the U.S invaded Afghanistan, that nation has yet to form a functioning democracy or to free itself from the Taliban and fundamentalist warlords.
Bradley Manning: ‘I felt that we were risking so much for people that seemed unwilling to co-operate with us, leading to frustration and anger on both sides. I began to become depressed with the situation that we found ourselves increasingly mired in year after year.’
Bradley Manning was witness to the wrongdoing of the U.S. military. He says this ‘troubled’ and ‘disturbed’ him. But instead of ‘passing by on the other side’ like so many others, he acted in accordance with international law and with a strong commitment to truth, transparency and democracy. He wrote at the time that he hoped his actions would lead to “worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms.”
Bradley Manning also released information about the men who continue to be wrongly held in indefinite detention at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba. Over one hundred of these prisoners have been carrying out a long, indefinite hunger strike, and 45 of them are being force-fed by U.S. soldiers. This intolerable situation continues to undermine U.S. claims to promote freedom and democracy, compromising the standing of the US in the world and diminishing US moral authority.
Bradley Manning’s courageous action, for which he has three times been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was an inspiration to others, including Edward Snowden, who recently revealed massive U.S. government surveillance in the U.S. and also against European governments and citizens.
We are concerned that the U.S. administration’s war on whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning is a deterrent to the process of democracy in both the United States and Europe.
We hereby urge you to end the persecution of Bradley Manning, a young gay man who has been imprisoned for over three years, including ten months in solitary confinement, under conditions that the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez deemed “cruel and abusive.” Bradley Manning has already suffered too much, and he should be freed as soon as humanly possible.
Marisa Matias, Member of the European Parliament, Portugal
Christian Engström, Member of the European Parliament, Sweden
Ana Maria Gomes, Member of the European Parliament, Portugal
Gabi Zimmer, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
Paul Murphy, Member of the European Parliament, Ireland
Sabine Wils, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
Jacky Henin, Member of the European Parliament, France
Alda Sousa, Member of the European Parliament, Portugal
Martina Anderson, Member of the European Parliament, Ireland
Nikola Vuljanić, Member of the European Parliament, Kroatia
Sabine Lösing, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
Lothar Bisky, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
Helmut Scholz, Member of the European Parliament, Germany
Willy Meyer, Member of the European Parliament, Spain
Mikael Gustafsson, Member of the European Parliament, Sweden
Marie-Christine Vergiat, Member of the European Parliament, France
Patrick Le Hyaric, Member of the European Parliament, France
A fine letter, and I hope the US government will listen. I’m upset that none of my representatives from the UK have signed this letter, though.
I’ve just emailed [email protected]
asking why no British MEP’s have signed the letter, maybe if more people email them they might sign the letter,
The British (well English, mainly) have their heads far too far up the rectum of global zionist war machine kaputalism… maybe that provides your explanation?
I doubt that the message got around the MEPs openly and universally though, Bloggzz; I am pretty sure that Caroline Lucas (Green Party, UK) would have been happy to sign it, as would any number of other notable European dissenters who are not on that list.
Best wishes from England!
for anyone else who wants to send a letter, here is a copy of mine if it helps.
To whom it may concern
I am a British national, and I have been following the events regarding Bradley Manning’s incarceration and trial in America.
I was extremely glad to so that a number of members of the European parliament have signed a letter asking Barrack Obama to stop the persecution of PFC Bradley Manning, on the grounds that Bradleys actions have served to inform the people of America and the world of numerous abuses and civilian killings performed by the American military, acts which had previously been kept secret.
In a lawful and democratic society a government is answerable for its actions too its own people, something which cannot happen if it continues to hide crimes and abuses.
As an democratic country, I strongly feel that it is our duty to stand up for truth and justice (terms that have been associated with America) and help remind our friend and ally of the importance of openness in a democracy, and the need for their government to support this and not persecute it.
But the fact is, that there is no signatory on this letter from the united kingdom, and this makes me concerned that our representative does not place enough importance in the value of openness and truth.
I kindly wonder why the EU makes it a crime to be proud you come from a EU member nation?
I emailed about 10 British MEP’s to ask why none of them signed the letter to President Obama, so far I’ve had automatic replies as i believe they’re out of office at this time of the year but did get one reply from Jean Lambert’s (MEP) Office saying she hasn’t been asked to sign the petition but she is raising the issue with her colleagues.
I wonder how many have been asked to sign….
This letter makes me happy to know that people of those high positions care about this topic but I just am not hopeful.I think the u.s has an agenda and theu dont ley any one get in the way of that.they may string people along with empty promises for the future but in the end they are never divertet from doing whayever the hell they set out to do.
A member of the European Parliament is not a very high position, I’m afraid. And these particular members belong to minority parties(left-wing/green). Nice gesture anyway.
My admiration for these members of the European Parliament is boundless. It’s not easy standing up to a bully like the U.S. The fact that all of you are so courageous fill me with hope for our struggling world. Bless you all!
I rather bully those that think leaks are okay.
You are right, leaks are not OK, they are absolutely necessary!
If you knew that some secret information you had could save the lives of your own family, would you still keep it a secret, even if it ‘s release would halm no one, and would in fact save lives?
And they should now also grant Edward Snowdon humanitarian asylum until the American government sets Bradley free AND changes its policy towards whistleblowers and secrecy.
Such a shame that no politician from the Netherlands is in this list.
Sad that there is no Belgian parliamentarian signing this. They are obvious just a bunch of cowards!
Finally some people have woken up. I’m ashamed that there is no Dutch name on this list.
Same here. I really wished our government would speak out more on such issues.
But I’m glad to see some other politicians have spoken out.
Not a good idea. Remember when the EU decided to open its mouth at Russia and the heat got turned off.
So Gordon Jones you are suggesting that it would be a better alternative to not speak out for and on behalf of those who were once employed by a government that is engaging in unconstitutional activities and hiding it from the public? The Obama administration has declared a behind-the-scenes war on Snowden with it’s political power and weight. Bradley Manning is clearly being made an example of to prevent other servicemen from walking the same path. Disgusting when considering whats happening today.
I am an american and am deeply disturbed by what the current administration is doing in regards to manning and snowden. I am greatly moved that their are people in the EU willing to stand up and speak out in the best traditions of our founding fathers about corruption and abuse of authority.
Totally shocked – and ashamed – that there is no United Kingdom signature on this open letter. At the end of the day, Pfc. Bradley Manning could, if he wanted to, claim British citizenship through his mother, who I believe is Welsh.
Dear Members of EU Parliament, I am pleasantly surprised to read about your humane, democratic and truly political gesture. I am proud of all you! And I am sad that there is no signature from Slovenian MPE…
Bradley Manning should never have been put on trial. The war criminals he exposed should be put on trial.
Agree 100%.Something rotten in this injustice
The whole matter is atrocious.
If B M is not set free It surely demonstrates that there is real evil out there and that no true freedom or democracy exists any longer. Which leaves us with two choices…we continue to sit by quietly and watch or take action and deal with the leaders responsible for these crimes against humanity.US government army are the real criminals!I am meeting more people from the US..who detest their country now and are moving away who can blame them,it has become a mad place to be.
well said. this is so similar as trials in ww2 Germany. so sad.
Absolutely correct!
Wholeheartedly agree! What else can we do to help free Bradley Manning and people like him, while creating a better, more peaceful world?
Why is there no signature from a Dutch European Parliament member?
Go wake one up if need be, all European Union members need to show their support
For this worthy case of Bradley Manning as a person , as a ally of civilized society, in which one does not shoot one s journalists…and get away with it unnoticed!!
I feel greatly encouraged by these signatures and the people who have across the globe supported ‘Right against Might’ – Were Bradley Manning to be convicted of the serious crimes attributed to him by the American Military Tribunal which appears to represent many flaws on a legal and human rights basis, I for one, as many people around the globe, would have no shadow of a doubt as to US intentions as a power that does not represent JUSTICE…………….
Today I cross my fingers that President Obama will listen to the Honorable Member of the European Parliament.The life of a young and honest man is in danger.
I voted twice for Barrack Obama, and I hope that he will step in as Commander in Chief, to set this very honest and wrongly accused young man free, not only for Bradley Manning’s sake, but for the sake of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and TRUE democracy, which requires an informed public and a free press.
President Barrack Obama, please do the right thing, because you have the power to make a difference here.
Just keep dreaming. It will not happen.
I agree with what others have submitted. Let’s see if President Obama will step up to the plate and do the right thing, with calm courage. Bradley Manning behaved courageously. Let’s see if President Obama will.
Sorry our government is a bunch of dickless faggets, Europe.
If he was not in the war,how does he know the situations that lead to any of his so called war crimes. I am not saying that there are not such crimes but it seems that there are way to many people on the side of the enemies not our solders. You go and fight first then complain about these crimes. Was he there as a witness?
Bradley Manning is a great American hero in the eyes of many fellow Americans. We are puzzled as to why our transparency touting government would prosecute this man. He did not violate his agreement to not “aid the enemy”. FREE BRADLEY MANNING!!!!
Freedom for American Hero, Mr. Bradley Manning! Freedom!
Below are Mossad criminals who are must be in jail!
The Israeli Mossad agents of Verint and Narus have committed terrorist and other criminal actions in the USA. We found out that they have been involved in organizing 9/11 false flag terrorist attack, as well. For example, the founder and former chairman of Verint, a Mossad officer, Kobi Alexander, is wanted by the FBI on nearly three dozen charges of fraud, theft, lying, bribery, murders, money laundering and other crimes, including involvement in organizing a 9/11 false flag attack. Mossad Agent Alexander has closely connected to Odigo, the Israeli messaging system that was used to warn Israelis on 9/11, 2001 to stay away from the World Trade Center. Two other Mossad comrades of Mr. Kobi Alexander: Chief Financial Officer David Kreinberg and former General Counsel William F. Sorin are already in jail found guilty for many criminal actions committed in the USA. According to the video testimonies of honest NSA agents, two Israeli firms, Narus and Verint, are involved in wiretapping AT&T and Verizon for the NSA and these two companies have provided to NSA their criminal Mossad software UNIT 8200, by which the Israeli criminals are stealing all of the information from US citizens and companies.
Also, Los Gatos residents-Californians have helped me to find shocking information that a founder of Verint, Jacob (Kobi) Alexander has connections with Mr. Amit Yoran– the Israeli national “Cyber Czar,” having served as Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Security Division, being appointed by President George W. Bush in September 2003.
Mr. Yoran previously served as the Director of Vulnerability Programs for the Department of Defense’s Computer Emergency Response Team and in support of the Assistant Secretary of Defense’s Office. The shocking information that we have found is that Mr. Amit Yoran and his brother reportedly grew up in Pound Ridge, New York during the 1970s and 1980s. However, the heads of the Jewish community told AFP that they had never seen or heard of him or his family. One said that she had conducted a survey of the Jews living in the small village of Pound Ridge in the 1970s, and she would have remembered if a wealthy Israeli family named Yoran had been found. Ms. Elad, a university professor said, “Mr. Amit Yoran has a distinctive Israeli accent – not what you would expect for a guy who grew up in a posh Yankee village.”
Who is Mr. Amit Yoran, who having served as Director of the US Department of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Security Division, as the Director of Vulnerability Programs for the US Department of Defense’s Computer Emergency Response Team, and as a supporter of the Assistant Secretary of US Defense’s Office? What is a real name of Mr.Yoran? What kind of an intelligence agency Mr. Yoran has served?
For instance, according to the information our wonderful residents and I have found, in June 2005, Yoran joined the board of directors of Guardium, Inc., another Mossad-spawned “provider of database security solutions” based in Waltham, Massachusetts, which is linked with Ptech, an apparent Mossad “cut out” computer security company linked with the 9/11 attacks.” The Mossad start-up firms usually have short lives before they are acquired for exaggerated sums of money by a larger company, enriching their Israeli owners in the process and integrating the Israeli directors and their Mossad-produced software into the parent company. RSA, for example, an older security software company, acquired an Israeli-run security software company, named Cyota, at the end of 2005 for $145 million. In January 2005, Cyota, “the leading provider of online security and anti-fraud solutions for financial institutions” had announced that “security expert” Amit Yoran, had joined the company’s board of directors. Who is Mr. Yoran?
I would like to see the source for the original document… where can it be found ???
I would hope that world wide pressure on Barrack Obama would help him defend truth; however knowing the type of politician he is leaves me with a desperate feeling. Free Bradley Manning. Obama man up!
Thank God humanity has turned a corner and is willing to stand-up for the right to live in freedom from fear of persecution.
Will Barack Obama stand up for freedom, or will his mind stay inside the fear based box of authoritarian suppression of inconvenient truths?
He looks like change, he sounds like change, ?
Bradley Manning, whatever his personal flaws, did the right thing, and did a service to all Americans and the world.
please free this man whose only crime was attempting to end injustice and misery!
Cat’s out of the bag.
Now release the hero.
Tomorrow we once again we will hear “A sad day for –”
Obama`s retirement will no doubt be involved in doing a Blair/Carter “memoir” and in it describing his “innermost regret”.
However, the pressure from Congress/Lockheed Martin,media and similar ilk was otherwise too much for him and the job paid well anyway.
well said, hooray!!!
Not one UK Member…Quelle surprise….
Great people with integrity and honest. Can anyone justify why UK MP’s are missing in the list?
To see this happen in a “civalised” country and supported by Obama, a leader who I thought was a “saviour” for good, makes me want to cry for the future of the world. x
I still wonder how serious death thread Obama would get if he lets Manning go. I think the military commanders or other top CIA folks WILL organise that.
I really believe Obama is just a straw puppet with only very little powers. Sadly.
Agree with the above. Not necessary to mentioned his sexual orientation though, is it?
Yesterday I posted a message how proud I was of EU MPs (since I am an European supporting BM). But oddly, you did not approve it. Best regards, Urska
President Kennedy spoke about the ultimate damage that secrets and secret societies can do. A few months later, he was assassinated. Was this the last leader of the free world to openly speak his mind? Could the military or the corporate world have THAT much power? I don’t know; but for what I’m seeing here, it is quite obvious that “someone” is trying to make an example of Mr. Manning (and Mr. Snowden)so as to quell those unintended leaks by outside sources (such as journalists).
I and many people here in the US agree totally. But many are apathetic and do not understand the future implications of this misbehaviour by our government. We appreciate all the help waking them up we can get. Many thanks to these EU parliamentarians.
Could no-one from the UK be found to endorse this? That’s surprising. What about ?
There has never been a president in US history even fractionally as hostile to whistleblowers as Obama. Hoping that Obama will be moved by appeals from saner heads on this issue is like hoping a rapist can be gently persuaded to stop mid crime. He’s getting his jollies right now at his victims’ expense, can’t be bothered with nuance or moral probity.
Covering up governmental wrongdoing and protecting war criminals and criminal bankers in fact seems to be this administrations absolute highest priority.
It is lot of relief for people who empathize with Bradley Manning. He was just protecting a value that most of the religions teach – truth.
There is a big difference between a traitor in war and a humanitarian who risks his professional and even physical life for the defence of law and order, especially for human rights, and for democracy. We have had many examples in recent history of people blindly following orders, no matter how cruel, inhuman and outright criminal; and we have seen what that leads to. There were some isolated cases of Bradley Mannings then, and we celebrate them today as heros. If, as I believe, Bradley Manning’s motivations were humanitarian, he was and is a hero, not a criminal.
It will take no less than a Presidential Pardon (or a Revolution) to rescue Pfc. Bradley Manning from a lifetime in prison.
I believe We The People owe him that much.
PFC Manning should not be on trial, instead the world court should issue arrest warrants for the real perpetrators going all the way back to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield and inclusive up to today. Peace is no war and war is no peace.
Very good initative.
I am very pleased to see swedish Pirate Party MEP Christan E on the list.
Naurally a whistleblower should be immune to the charge of breaking secrecy as long as the thing exposed is criminal.
Apparently, exposing crimes is considered far worse than actually committing them.
It cannot go on like this. Hopefully more people will speak out. What a terrifying