National Call-in Week November 15th-18th!

Tell the Obama/Biden Campaign Office: WikiLeaks isn’t a threat to Americans, Bradley’s mistreatment is.

Bradley Manning

Please join us, and our partners, on this important action today.

Last December, Vice-President Joe Biden, known for his bold remarks, likened WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange to a “high-tech terrorist.” Interestingly, the previous day he had reportedly said about WikiLeaks: “I don’t think there’s any substantive damage.”

If the U.S. government considers whistle-blowers terrorists now, maybe that explains the illegal conditions of Bradley Manning’s pretrial confinement while at Quantico, VA, which some have likened to Guantanamo Bay.

The Obama Administration showed that it was passively willing to accept the military’s treatment of Bradley when President Obama responded to a question about Bradley’s treatment in March by saying he had been assured by the Pentagon that it was “appropriate.” A few months ago, POLITCO filed a Freedom of Information request for documents which showed that Bradley’s inhumane treatment was allowed to continue after an internal Marine investigation in February “determined that Manning’s jailers violated Navy policy by keeping him on suicide watch after psychiatrists concluded he was not a threat to himself, but the commander rejected that conclusion.”

We want to make it clear that it is unacceptable to treat WikiLeaks, a freedom-of-information organization, as a terrorist organization. It is similarly unacceptable for the Obama Administration to allow the military to determine policy regarding treatment of Bradley Manning, who is accused of revealing war crimes.

Friday, November 18th action

Please make a phone call for Bradley:

  • Call the Obama/Biden campaign office: 312-698-3670

When you call, please demand that Vice-President Biden apologize for his WikiLeaks terrorist comment. Additionally, please ask President Obama to acknowledge that the conclusion of the Marines’ internal investigation into Bradley’s Quantico treatment conditions was invalid based on interference from the commander.

After calling, you can also e-mail:

Then please spread the word! Ask your friends and family to call as well by sharing this action on Facebook and Twitter and by emailing them the link to this page.

Thank you for all your support this week with the call-in campaign. Every phone mailbox, and every email box, we have listed so far has been filled with messages of support for Bradley Manning. Thank you.

The next action item on our list is to begin planning protests against Bradley’s Pretrial Hearing in which the military will formalize charges against him. To pledge your participation in these upcoming events, check out our new Pretrial Hearing Action Pledge.

Background information:

Bradley Manning, a 23-year-old US Army intelligence analyst, is accused of sharing a video of the killing of unarmed civilians—including two Reuters journalists—by a US helicopter in Baghdad.  He is also charged with blowing the whistle on the Afghan War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and embarrassing US diplomatic cables (including the Guantanamo Files). The video and documents have illuminated details of civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, human rights abuses and atrocities, and the role that spying and bribes play in international diplomacy.

Prior to his transfer to Fort Leavenworth, PFC Manning had been held in solitary confinement in the military brig of Quantico, VA for ten months. While in prison in Quantico, Manning was not allowed to exercise, with the exception of being allowed to walk shackled for one hour each day.  He was denied exposure to sunlight. He was not allowed to sleep between 5am and 8pm, and he had to respond verbally to guards every five minutes.  Although the Quantico officials said these rules were necessary because of a “Prevention of Injury” order, the brig’s own psychiatrists confirmed that Bradley was not suicidal.  In March of 2011, Quantico officials began forcing Bradley to strip naked each night before bed, and to sleep in a “suicide smock.”

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez, opened an investigation into PFC Manning’s treatment conditions. Unfortunately, he was denied the ability to make an official visit to investigate the situation. Although PFC Manning has been transferred to a new prison, Mendez is still requesting to visit PFC Manning to complete his investigation as required by his position as chief UN officer on torture. His requests continue to be denied.

31 thoughts on “National Call-in Week November 15th-18th!

  1. Pingback: Bradley Manning Support Network » Update 7/28/11: UN Access Call-In Day Success, Bradley is nominated for another award…

  2. While I am anti-war and not a fan of the military, Bradley Manning is fighting a war against him from his cell. He is truly an “Army of One” – a soldier I can respect and say, this troop has my support!
    Truly Yours,

  3. My email to both Lt. Edgecomb and Lt. Col. Conway:

    I am a previous Army combat officer and the son of a career Army officer, and I am writing because your telephone has been unanswered and its voice mail box is full and will not take any new messages.

    Please urge Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff Raymond T. Odierno to respect the UN Convention Against Torture and to allow UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez to conduct an unmonitored visit with Bradley Manning.

    I am shocked that Bradley Manning has been held in solitary confinement under such severe conditions without his having been “convicted” of any crime. This is not the American tradition we should leave as our legacy.

    Thank you for your assistance in this very serious matter.

    “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him”.

    This principle could be paraphrased as follows: “It is not an acceptable excuse to say ‘I was just following my superior’s orders’”.


  5. I sent emails to both Lt. Edgecomb and Lt. Col. Conway but because of age and disabilities I’m afraid that is all I can do. Sample below and I Hope it helps Bradley.

    November 16, 2011

    Lt. Anne Edgecomb
    Secretary of the Army Public Affairs Officer

    Dear Lt. Edgecomb:

    I wish to urge Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff Raymond T. Odierno to respect the UN Convention Against Torture and to allow UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez to conduct an official visit with Bradley Manning.

    Thank you for your attention to this manner.

    Sibyl K.
    My full name and address
    Not for publication please.

  6. Is it now the job of the US army to defend the Constitution or defend the reputations of politicians? How is the treatment of Pte Manning different from what we came to expect from the USSR? If the US Army is composed of loyal citizens rather than complicit henchmen, this issue would never have gone so far. Time to Man Up and either try Mr. Manning or set him free! The remnants of your moral authority are on the line.

  7. [email protected]
    [email protected]
    I’m just writing to inform you that this situation with Bradley Manning…is the crossroads of your career.
    That one situation where everything you believe in you will compromise for your status and your job. You have arrived at that line in the sand.
    I want you to reply to me and inform me as to the schedule, locations, logistics and ‘planned treatment’ of Bradley Manning, an American Hero & Patriot while you assist in the prosecution of such a wonderful child.
    Mannings treatment is illegal, immoral, wrong and heartbreaking. Proof the US military industrial complex is out of control.
    Speak with yourself about what the correct thing to do is and respond to me.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Heidi M. Lucken

  8. Both numbers have told me I have the wrong number when I explained my reason for calling.

    I told them I’d see them in China or Iran, whatever country we wind up like first.

  9. J’ai envoyé le message suivant aux responsables indiqués dans votre message de ce jour :
    “Madame, monsieur,
    Il faut que vous sachiez que le sort de Bradley Manning mobilise bien au-delà des frontières des Etats-Unis, et qu’il est ici en France considéré comme un héros des Droits humains : il est clair que dans cette affaire le président Obama a cruellement déçu ses plus chauds partisans.
    Que ce soit l’armée, par le biais d’éventuels tribunaux militaires, qui décide de son sort, est parfaitement contradictoire avec les principes juridiques et démocratiques les plus élémentaires : nul ne peut être juge et partie.
    Nous exigeons que le représentant spécial de l’ONU puisse effectivement rencontrer Bradley Manning. D’ailleurs, le refus de cette visite est tout à fait grotesque ; en effet : si les autorités n’ont rien à se reprocher quant à l’accusation de torture, pourquoi refuser cette entrevue ? En réalité ce refus est un aveu de culpabilité : vous savez parfaitement, et tout le monde le sait, que le traitement infligé au jeune Bradley est inhumain.
    Il est encore temps de revenir au moins en partie sur les ignominies dont vous êtes jusqu’à aujourd’hui complices, en prenant enfin des mesures propres à ce que les droits de ce garçon soient enfin respectés.
    Veuillez agréer mes salutations,

    Bernard Defrance
    59 allée Bayard, F-93190 Livry-Gargan
    33 (0)1 43 01 93 65
    messages : 33 (0)6 11 22 59 32

    • Hi Stephen, you can also try contacting Dana Smith if you like, but it sounds to me like the e-mail went through to his inbox. Good job!

  10. The treatment of Bradley Manning is a shame for a country which calls itself a democracy.
    The Nobel peace price should be given to Bradley Manning!
    He deserves it even more than Barack Obama.
    I want to say to the U.S. Government:
    If You want to keep your friends in Europe give Bradley Manning his freedom back!
    Stop using torture!!!
    Jakob Engelstoft
    Masterpractitioner of Neuro-Lingvistic-Psychology,
    Danish citizen living in Stockholm

  11. My 2c
    Bradley is a hero – full stop (for the yanks that’s like a high5). My heart to you. If he told this – then he is the most brave, the most courageous, the most extraordinary American in the land. He should be lauded as such. If it wasn’t him then his heroism soars beyond our kin.
    Round up all those weasels at Wired etc and put them on the spit. See how they like their turn.
    Hold on Brad, we’re with you.

  12. I called in to the campaign office today (312…) the lady was nice and indicated the amount of calls today regarding each particular subject would be tallied and considered/viewed.
    I informed her the violations of Bradley Manning will be a major campaign issue and she should get used to people contacting the campaign group/locations regarding Manning…:)

  13. I called the Obama campaign office and told the lady that answered how distressed I am about Bradley’s mistreatment and de-facto 560-day punishment with no trial. I pointed out that Amnesty International, UN Rapporteur on Torture, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich had been denied unmonitored visits and that US Human Rights are looking very bad. I stated Bradley should be freed, as already having served a “sentence” and because his trial has been compromised by public statements by President Obama as to his “guilt”.
    She said she had written down my statements.

  14. Here’s another place to find contacts to call and email: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

    Main address:
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520
    Main Switchboard:
    TTY:1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service)

    Attorney General Eric Holder head of Department of Justice:

    Department of Justice Main Switchboard – 202-514-2000
    Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line-202-353-1555
    E-mails to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General, may be sent to [email protected]

  15. My email to the Obama/Biden Campaign
    Bradley Manning instigated a long overdue debate on ethical soldiering. Had he not the lasting image of Iraq war – as far as America is concerned – would have been the perverse footage which emerged from Abu Gharib. Manning’s stance on ethical soldiering even eclipsed the macabre ‘Collateral Murder’, footage he is responsible for releasing. He shifted the debate from the debased and the despicable to a new debate about ethical intervention and ethical soldiering. Had he not would the Arab Spring or the consensus surrounding intervention in Libya have been possible? Bradley Manning created common ground about the subject of ethical intervention which ideologues of the Left and British and US policy advisers are now all party to. And for this you imprison him in conditions designed to destroy his mental and physical health. Has any soldier in US history ever been punished so severely for achieving so much?

    Bradley Manning is not a Marxist, nor an anti-imperialist, he’s not even a pacifist. He is simply a young man who took a stance on ethical soldiering. It took one man to prove an empire wrong and set it on the right course. A course which is regarded as ethical in strategic military terms by many across the West restoring the moral high ground to America and its NATO allies. As a pacifist I will not be one of those people but I accredit this major paradigm shift in interventionist thinking to Bradley Manning. Instead of jailing him and pursuing Wikileaks chief executive, Julian Assange you really ought to have them on the payroll. Wikileaks achieved for the US in one decade what the CIA could not in over half a century, namely a global conversation and emerging consensus on the subject of ethical intervention. Detaining him only serves to muddy the public perception of this fragile developing global consensus.

    Bradley Manning is the hero of this moment and the root cause behind it. If you want to cast a spotlight on it an acknowledge the emergence of this consensus you must accept that he is ‘The Man’. Deny him and you deny the birth of this moment: Kill him and you likely kill the moment. Have you any policy advisers worth their salt or are they all Cold-War has-beens who simply saw the War-on-Terror as geopolitics as usual? Well it’s plainly not. The Arab Spring proves that someone got something right and it sure as hell wasn’t the CIA.

    Be brave release Bradley Manning and admit that he got it right and that the secrocrats got it wrong.

  16. As an American veteran expatriated since Nixon’s re-election, and as an admirer of our current president, I am surprised at Mr Obama’s apparent satisfaction with what the military tells him is appropriate treatment of Private Manning. Likewise, it would please me to see Mr Biden apologise to this courageous young man for such a hasty evaluation.

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