International Chapters
WISE UP ACTION (formerly Wise Up for Bradley Manning). The Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English support network. twitter @WISEUpAction email [email protected]
UK Friends of Bradley Manning. http://blog.
twitter: @UKFriendsofBM
Bradley Manning moet vrij.
Sydney Solidarity for Bradley Manning. http://syd4bradley.posterous.
Free Bradley Manning Germany. http://www.freebradleymanning.
twitter: @freebradde
Save Bradley Germany.
twitter: @SaveBradleyGer
Operation Manning. http://opmanning.wordpress.
Ciaron O’Reilly.
MultiKulti Aktivizmus Csoport (MaKACs) — Budapest Hungary —
This list is incomplete. Let us know if we can add your organization to this list!
The site you name as Danish is in fact German.
Thanks for letting us know. List updated!
There are also two websites in Germany: one in the Frankfurt/M. area: and one in Berlin I am responsible for maintaining the website in Frankfurt.
-> Berlin is planning a demonstration for Bradley tomorrow Thursday March 15th at 5pm at the Brandenburg Gate, Pariser Platz, just behind the US Embassy. See
Greetings from Frankfurt am Main
Boykin Reynolds
PS: Your contact form ( is not very user friendly (ours is non-existent). It is not clear to non-nerds how you’re supposed to install the “Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin”
Thanks for this, and we have since fixed the issue with the contact form.
The third group in this list is incorrect. The Dutch and Belgian support Committee is not: “UK Friends of Bradley Manning”, better is the name of our blog: “Bradley Manning moet vrij” (Freedom for BM)
Thanks for the adjustment.
Wise Up for Bradley Manning. The Welsh(!), Irish, Scottish, and English support network – now tweeting @WISEUPforBM.
The country is Wales, the nationality is Welsh. It’s spelled incorrectly on your International Chapters page.
the wiseupforbradleymanning address will still work, but the site is now renamed
on Twitter
@WISEUpAction and
Please add us to the list of groups organising around Bradley in the UK