International Chapters

WISE UP ACTION (formerly Wise Up for Bradley Manning). The Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English support network.  twitter @WISEUpAction  email [email protected]

UK Friends of Bradley Manning.
twitter: @UKFriendsofBM

Bradley Manning moet vrij.

Sydney Solidarity for Bradley Manning.

Free Bradley Manning Germany.
twitter: @freebradde


Save Bradley Germany.
twitter: @SaveBradleyGer

Operation Manning.

Ciaron O’Reilly.

MultiKulti Aktivizmus Csoport (MaKACs) — Budapest Hungary —


This list is incomplete. Let us know if we can add your organization to this list!

11 thoughts on “International Chapters

  1. There are also two websites in Germany: one in the Frankfurt/M. area: and one in Berlin I am responsible for maintaining the website in Frankfurt.

    -> Berlin is planning a demonstration for Bradley tomorrow Thursday March 15th at 5pm at the Brandenburg Gate, Pariser Platz, just behind the US Embassy. See

    Greetings from Frankfurt am Main

    Boykin Reynolds

    PS: Your contact form ( is not very user friendly (ours is non-existent). It is not clear to non-nerds how you’re supposed to install the “Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin”

  2. The third group in this list is incorrect. The Dutch and Belgian support Committee is not: “UK Friends of Bradley Manning”, better is the name of our blog: “Bradley Manning moet vrij” (Freedom for BM)
    Thanks for the adjustment.

  3. Wise Up for Bradley Manning. The Welsh(!), Irish, Scottish, and English support network – now tweeting @WISEUPforBM.

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