Pensacola Rally in Support of Alleged Wikileaks Whistle-blower Pfc. Bradley Manning
Members of the Northwest Florida Chapter of Veterans for Peace and other residents of Pensacola will join activists across the country on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 4pm to rally for the release of Bradley Manning. February 23 marks his 1000th day of imprisonment without trial.
Bradley Manning, who is currently being held in Leavenworth Federal Prison in Kansas, accused of releasing to Wikileaks the famous Collateral Murder video, the Afghan War Diary, and the Iraq War Logs, which reveal war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the U.S. Diplomatic Cables, which helped spark the Tunisian revolution. Prior to Leavenworth he was held in inhumane conditions in the Marine Corps Brig in Quantico, Virginia.
To protest the charges against Bradley, for which he faces the possibility of the death penalty, an estimated 100 people will rally with colorful posters and signs in support of international democracy, government accountability, and the humane treatment of prisoners.
WHO: Don Adams, Northwest Florida Chapter of Veterans for Peace WHAT: Free Bradley Manning Rally at MLK Plaza WHEN: February 23, 2013 at 4pm WHERE: Martin Luther King Plaza across the street from the Federal Courthouse
Our goal is to raise awareness about the U.S. Military’s attempts to suppress a whistle-blower. For more information on the conditions surrounding Bradley Manning’s charges and imprisonment, please visit and
For more information, contact: Don Adams with Veterans for Peace; 850-510-2194 or
When: 02/23/2013, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLK Park
Downtown at Gregory St. and Palafox
United States