Stand in Solidarity with Bradley Manning!!!

Stand in Solidarity with Bradley Manning!!!
Join us as we gather to Stand in Solidarity and Support for Bradley Manning on his 1000th day incarcerated in Military custody without trial. Local Activists, Artists, Poets, Performers, Supporters and Friends will gather on the 23rd to RAISE AWARENESS and Peacefully Protest the unjust and inhumane imprisonment of this courageous young man. Bradley Stands for TRUTH and FACTS, for PEACE and PROGRESS, Let Us STAND with him. Please INFORM yourselves and bring along your opinions and expressions to share. We will be EDUCATING the Public of Bradleys imprisonment as well as the FACTS he is accused of disclosing. Please SHOW YOUR SUPPORT for PEACE, UNITY and JUSTICE by getting active in the fight for Bradleys FREEDOM!!!
PLEASE Read about the Unjust Cruel and Inhuman Treatment of Bradley during his Imprisonment at the hands of the US Government.
“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?”
“God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms… I want people to see the truth… because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”
-Quotes from an online chat attributed to Bradley Manning
When: 02/23/2013, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Pike Place Market
85 Pike St
Pacific Northwest
United States
THANK YOU ALL for supporting Bradley in this fight against Tyranny and Opression… TRUTH will Prevail, but only if we work toward that reality… If ANYONE is willing to help with the organizing and promotion of this event PLEASE CONTACT me personally to build. Again, Thanks for your dedication and support… In Solidarity – Anthony Pardi (Ethos) ph.(206)504-6488
My name is Deanna Greek of Washington state in the USA. I applaud Bradley Manning. Brad deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize because he risked his freedom and even his very life so that the rest of us could know the truth. In case you read this, Bradley, I just want to say “Thank you, Sir!”
Bradley Manning is a hero! I have in the past and will be on February 23, proud to stand for him and for his release from unjustified incarceration. I live in Whatcom County, Washignton State. It is difficult to arrange for a rally here but I will try to get to Seattle on this date. If I cannot I will stand by myself here with a sign.
Thank you Bradley Manning!