Update 1/14/13: Drop the charge of ‘aiding the enemy’ argues LA Times, Lady Gaga joins Twitter action

The motion to dismiss charges against Bradley Manning based on the lack of a speedy trial will be heard January 16th.
An LA Times editorial calls on the government to drop the charge of ‘aiding the enemy’, arguing that the remaining charges are ‘punishment enough’ especially when one considers that Bradley Manning’s treatment has thus far been cruel and degrading.
“Whatever one thinks of Manning, he was entitled to humane treatment once he was arrested. In fact, his imprisonment in a Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Va., in 2010 and 2011 was cruel and degrading. Officials acknowledged in court that Manning was kept in a windowless cell for 23 hours a day and sometimes stripped of his clothes, supposedly to prevent him from hurting himself or others.”
The article fails to mention however that Bradley Manning has been in prison over 950 days and that he has a right to a speedy trial. By the time the scheduled court martial begins, Manning will have been in prison – without trial- for three years. The charges against Bradley Manning should be dropped.
Supporters took action on Twitter last week, asking people to send out messages of support with the tag “#ISupportManning”.
This coordinated action was noticed by a number of high profile Twitter users, including Lady Gaga and WikiLeaks, who joined. The effect of this coordinated action was that Bradley Manning became a global trending topic on Twitter, and it revealed an incredible amount of support for Bradley Manning from all around the world.
And last week supporters took action in London at the US Embassy. For those in the UK, check out Wiseupaction.info for information on demonstrations. Wise Up Action will be holding a demonstration on January 16th in solidarity with Bradley Manning during his next pretrial hearing which will address his right to a speedy trial. Bradley Manning has been in prison over 950 days. By the time his court martial begins in June it will have been three years of pretrial imprisonment.
Please make and bring any placards, banners you can to demonstrate what a disgrace it is that Bradley will have spent more than three years in pretrial imprisonment by the time he gets to be tried in this court martial.
On this day Brad will have already been in pretrial detention for 963 days”